2.2 Start Menu

2.2.1 Start Menu—New

Creates a new system data file, used to program the PBX in Batch mode. All settings are in their initial or default state.
This option is only available at Installer level.
To upload the file created here to the SD memory card installed in the PBX, see 2.6.2 Utility—File Transfer PC to PBX (SD Card).
Since selecting this option creates a blank system data file, uploading this file to the PBX will overwrite all previous settings. Use only when necessary.

To create a new system data file

1. From the start menu, select New.
2. Click the appropriate model number.
3. Click OK.

2.2.2 Start Menu—Open

Opens a system data file previously saved on the PC, and enters Batch mode.
When opening a file created with an older version of the Maintenance Console, you will be asked whether you want to convert the data for use with the current version or not. Using the data without converting may result in some data being loaded to an incorrect destination, and is not recommended.
If the file is not supported by the PBX (e.g. a system data file from an incompatible PBX), it will not be opened. The only files that can be opened are files that were created by the Maintenance Console for a supported PBX.
To upload a file opened here to the SD memory card installed in the PBX, see 2.6.2 Utility—File Transfer PC to PBX (SD Card).

To open a system data file

1. From the start menu, select Open.
The Open dialog box will be displayed.
2. Navigate to the folder containing the system data file you want to open.
3. Select the file.
4. Click Open.
If the file was created with an older version of the Maintenance Console, you will be asked if you want to convert the data.
Click Yes to convert the data for use with the current version of the Maintenance Console.
Enter a name for the new converted system file.
Click No to open the file as it is.

2.2.3 Start Menu—Connect—RS-232C

Connects to the PBX in Interactive mode through the serial RS-232C interface of the PBX.
This option allows direct entry of connection parameters, for cases where the PC is used to connect to one or just a few PBXs, and an individual profile for each PBX is not necessary. If you connect to multiple PBXs and would prefer to choose from among pre-saved profiles instead, see 2.2.7 Start Menu—Connect—Profile Setup for more details about creating profiles.

To connect to the PBX by RS-232C

1. From the start menu, select Connect.
The Login window will be displayed.
2. Select a connection option.
Select a Profile Name if you want to use a pre-saved profile. This option is only available when one or more profiles have been previously stored.
a. Select the profile to use from the drop-down list.
b. If the system password for the PBX has not been stored with the profile, enter it.
If the system password has been stored with the selected profile, it does not need to be entered.
To enter the parameters manually, select the PBX Model and confirm that the RS-232C radio button is selected.
a. Specify the settings as required. For more details, see the table below.
b. Enter the system password for the PBX.
3. Click Connect.
Connection Settings for RS-232C




Specify the number of the COM port assigned to the PC's RS-232C interface. Only available COM ports are displayed.
Baud Rate (bps)
2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Specify the speed of data transmission.

2.2.4 Start Menu—Connect—T7601 USB

Connects to the PBX in Interactive mode through a USB port (USB Module) attached to the KX-T7600 series DPT.

To connect to the PBX by USB

1. From the start menu, select Connect.
The Login window will be displayed.
2. Select a connection option.
Select a Profile Name if you want to use a pre-saved profile.
a. Select the profile to use from the drop-down list.
b. If the system password for the PBX has not been stored with the profile, enter it.
If the system password has been stored with the selected profile, it does not need to be entered.
To enter the parameters manually, select the PBX Model and confirm that the USB radio button is selected.
a. Enter the system password for the PBX.
3. Click Connect.

2.2.5 Start Menu—Connect—LAN

Connects to the PBX in Interactive mode through the Local Area Network interface of the PBX.
This option allows direct entry of connection parameters, for cases where the PC is used to connect to one or just a few PBXs, and an individual profile for each PBX is not necessary. If you connect to multiple PBXs and would prefer to choose from among pre-saved profiles instead, see 2.2.7 Start Menu—Connect—Profile Setup for more details about creating profiles.

To connect to the PBX by LAN

1. From the start menu, select Connect.
The Login window will be displayed.
2. Select a connection option.
Select a Profile Name if you want to use a pre-saved profile.
a. Select the profile to use from the drop-down list.
b. If the system password for the PBX has not been stored with the profile, enter it.
If the system password has been stored with the selected profile, it does not need to be entered.
To enter the parameters manually, select the PBX Model and confirm that the LAN radio button is selected.
a. Specify the connection parameters as required. For more details, see the table below.
b. Enter the system password for the PBX.
3. Click Connect.
Connection Settings for LAN




IP Address–
Specify the IP address of the PBX on the LAN. Enter the same IP address that was input in lozenge.gifIP Address for IPCMPR Card of 2.8.4 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - IPCMPR.
Port Number
Specify the port number used to access the PBX via LAN. Enter the same port number that was input in lozenge.gifMaintenance Port Number of 2.8.4 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - IPCMPR.

2.2.6 Start Menu—Connect—Modem

Connects to the PBX in Interactive mode through the modem.
To access the PBX remotely using this feature, an RMT card must be installed and the lozenge.gifRemote—Analog Remote (Modem) Floating Extension Number assigned in 2.18.1 [11-1] Main.
This option allows direct entry of connection parameters, for cases where the PC is used to connect to one or just a few PBXs, and an individual profile for each PBX is not necessary. If you connect to multiple PBXs and would prefer to choose from among pre-saved profiles instead, see 2.2.7 Start Menu—Connect—Profile Setup for more details about creating profiles.

To connect to the PBX by Modem

1. From the start menu, select Connect.
The Login window will be displayed.
2. Select a connection option.
Select a Profile Name if you want to use a pre-saved profile.
a. Select the profile to use from the drop-down list.
b. If the system password for the PBX has not been stored with the profile, enter it.
If the system password has been stored with the selected profile, it does not need to be entered.
To enter the parameters manually, select the PBX Model and confirm that the Modem radio button is selected.
a. Specify the settings as required. For more details, see the table below.
b. Enter the system password for the PBX.
3. Click Connect.
Connection Settings for Modem




Dial Number
1-9, 0, *, #, -, "," [comma], T, P, W
Enter the telephone number to be dialed to access the PBX.
T: Converts the Dial Type from Pulse to Tone.
"," [comma], P, W: Inserts a pause.
Dial Type
Auto(Tone), Auto(Pulse), Manual
Specify the outgoing dialing method.
If Manual is chosen, dialing must be done with a connected telephone.
Max. 40 characters
Enter a comment to identify the set of values.
Specify the number of the COM port assigned to the PC's modem interface.
Only available COM ports will be displayed.
Baud Rate (bps)
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Specify the speed of data transmission.
Modem Initialize
Enter the modem initialize command, and click Initialize to send the command to the modem.
For more details, refer to your modem's instruction manual.

2.2.7 Start Menu—Connect—Profile Setup

Profiles are useful when one PC is used to connect to multiple PBXs. Rather than manually adjusting the connection settings each time a different PBX is accessed, it is possible to store the connection settings for several PBXs. Then, when you wish to connect to a specific PBX, you can simply choose that PBX's profile from the list.
When reinstalling or upgrading the Maintenance Console, it is possible to create a backup of all profiles. This allows you to use the original connection settings with the new Maintenance Console.
The functions of the buttons on this screen are as follows:



Save current profile
Overwrites the previous settings with the current settings when a profile already exists. A confirmation message will be displayed.
Save as new profile
Saves the current settings as a new profile. A Profile Name is required.
Delete profile
When an existing profile is selected, deletes that profile. A confirmation message will be displayed.