1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Introduction

These programming instructions are designed to serve as an overall system programming reference for the Panasonic Pure IP-PBX. Each feature in the PBX has default settings that can be changed to customize the PBX to your requirements. These settings control the functions of the PBX, and changing them is referred to as "system programming".
Only one person can perform system programming at a time. Any other users trying to enter system programming mode will be denied access.

Ways to Program

There are two programming methods:
PC (Personal Computer) Programming
All features and settings of the PBX can be programmed through PC programming with KX-TDE Maintenance Console. Installing and starting Maintenance Console are explained in the Installation Manual.
PT (Proprietary Telephone) Programming
A subset of the features and settings of the PBX can be programmed using a PT. PT programming is described in Section 2.1 PT Programming. An extension user can perform system programming by entering three-digit programming numbers with a PT.

1.1.2 Password Security

To maintain system security, system passwords are required to access certain programming functions of the PBX. By giving different users access to different passwords, it is possible to control the amount of programming that each user is able to perform.
The following types of system passwords are available:




System Password (PT) for User
Used to access user-level PT programming. The specific PT programming items that may be programmed at user level can be selected through system programming.
4–10 digits
System Password (PT) for Administrator
Used to access administrator-level PT programming. All PT programming settings are available.
Warning to the Administrator or Installer regarding the system password
1. Please provide all system passwords to the customer.
2. To avoid unauthorized access and possible abuse of the PBX, keep the passwords secret, and inform the customer of the importance of the passwords, and the possible dangers if they become known to others.
3. The PBX has default passwords preset. For security, change these passwords the first time that you program the PBX.
4. Change the passwords periodically.
5. It is strongly recommended that passwords of 10 numbers or characters be used for maximum protection against unauthorized access. For a list of numbers and characters that can be used in system passwords, refer to Section 1.1.3 Entering Characters.
6. If a system password is forgotten, it can be found by loading a backup of the system data into a PC, and checking the password using the Maintenance Console software. If you do not have a backup of the system data, you must reset the PBX to its factory defaults and reprogram it. Therefore, we strongly recommend maintaining a backup of the system data. For more information on how to back up the system data, refer to the on-line help of the Maintenance Console.
However, as system passwords can be extracted from backup copies of the system data file, do not allow unauthorized access to these files.

1.1.3 Entering Characters

The following characters can be used when storing a name, message, or other text entry data using a PT. The tables below show you the characters available by pushing each button a specific number of times.

Table 1 (Standard mode)


Table 2 (Option mode)

[Example of Entering Characters]
To enter "Ann":
To erase the character on the cursor, press CLEAR.
To move the cursor to the left, press left.gif.
To move the cursor to the right, press right.gif. When entering two or more characters that use the same button consecutively (e.g. "G" and "I"), you must press this button or the FWD/DND button after entering the first character.
If SELECT is pressed, the characters for each button will be displayed in reverse order.
To toggle between Table 1 and Table 2 when using the KX-NT300 series or KX-T7600 series, press the leftmost soft button.