2.5 Tool

2.5.1 Tool—SD memory backup

Saves system data from the PBX to the SD memory card. Backup begins as soon as this option is chosen.

To back up system data

From the Tool menu, select SD memory backup.

2.5.2 Tool—NDSS Link Data Clear

Clears NDSS Link Data stored in the connected PBX. While this tool clears both monitor extension and monitored extension data, it only clears it at the connected PBX. To clear this data at other PBXs in the network, it is necessary to run this tool at those PBXs.

To clear the NDSS Link Data

From the Tool menu, select NDSS Link Data Clear.
A confirmation screen will be displayed.
Click OK to clear the data.
Click Cancel to keep the data, and close the screen.

2.5.3 Tool—DXDP All OUS

Sets the status of all DXDP/XDP extension ports to "OUS" simultaneously.

To set all DXDP/XDP ports to OUS.

1. From the Tool menu, select DXDP All OUS.
2. Click OK.

2.5.4 Tool—Simplified Voice Message—Delete All Recording

Deletes all voice messages recorded by the built-in SVM feature.

To delete voice messages

1. From the Tool menu, point to Simplified Voice Message and select Delete All Recording.
2. Select the card from which to delete messages.
3. Click OK.

2.5.5 Tool—Simplified Voice Message—Check Current Usage

Displays information on the voice messages stored by the built-in SVM feature. For each message, the type of message and the associated extension are displayed.

To view SVM message status

From the Tool menu, point to Simplified Voice Message and select Check Current Usage.

2.5.6 Tool—Extension List View

Displays a list of all programmed extension numbers and types.
The types that can be displayed are as follows:



Wired Extension
Voice Mail
Portable Station
Wireless Extension (Portable Station)
Incoming Call Distribution Group
PS Ring Group
VM (DPT) Group
VM (DTMF) Group
External Pager
Analog Modem
DSS Console
PT-interface CS
Built-in SVM Feature
IP Telephone

To view extension information

From the Tool menu, select Extension List View.

2.5.7 Tool—Import

Allows several types of system data files or tables to be imported.
Except for Speed Dial and Caller ID, this option is only available at Installer level.
The files from which data can be imported are files that were previously saved at this or another PBX using the Export tool (see 2.5.8 Tool—Export), or comma-separated value (CSV) files. Unsupported file types cannot be opened.
For all tables except ARS - Routing Plan, it is possible to edit the CSV file directly using an appropriate editor, before importing.
The types of data that can be imported using this tool, and the matching destination fields, are as follows:
Feature - Speed Dial and Caller ID

Data Type

Import Destination

System Speed Dialing Number
CO Line Access Number + Telephone Number
CLI Destination
CLI Destination
Related programming: 2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Dial
Incoming Call - DID Table

Data Type

Import Destination

DID Number
Dial In Number
DID Name
Dial In Name
DID Destination-Day
DID Destination-Lunch
DID Destination-Break
DID Destination-Night
Tenant Number
Tenant Number
VM Trunk Group No.
Group Number for VPS answer
CLI Ring for DID-Day
CLI Ring - Day
CLI Ring for DID-Lunch
CLI Ring - Lunch
CLI Ring for DID-Break
CLI Ring - Break
CLI Ring for DID-Night
CLI Ring - Night
Related programming: 2.17.3 [10-3] DID Table
ARS - Leading Digit

Data Type

Import Destination

Leading Number
Leading Digit
Additional Number of Digits
Additional Dial Digits
Routing Plan Number
Route Plan Number
Related programming: 2.15.2 [8-2] Leading Number
ARS - Except Code

Data Type

Import Destination

Leading Number Exception
Exception Code
Related programming: 2.15.7 [8-6] Leading Number Exception
ARS - Routing Plan

Data Type

Import Destination

(no fields to select)
(no fields to select)
Related programming: 2.15.3 [8-3] Routing Plan Time
Wired Extension

Data Type

Import Destination

Location (selected automatically)
Extension Number
Extension Number (selected automatically)
Extension Name
Extension Name (selected automatically)
Related programming: 2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings
PS Extension

Data Type

Import Destination

Location (selected automatically)
Extension Number
Extension Number (selected automatically)
Extension Name
Extension Name (selected automatically)
Related programming: 2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
Quick Dial (Basic)

Data Type

Import Destination

Phone Number
Phone Number
Related programming: 2.9.10 [2-6-2] Numbering Plan—Quick Dial
Quick Dial (Expansion)

Data Type

Import Destination

Phone Number
Phone Number
Related programming: 2.9.10 [2-6-2] Numbering Plan—Quick Dial
SIP Extension

Data Type

Import Destination

Extension Number
Extension Number
Related programming: 2.8.18 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Virtual SIP Extension Port
V-IPGW16 GW Settings

Data Type

Import Destination

GW Name
GW Name
GW IP Address
GW IP Address
GW Group
GW Group No.
Connection for IP-GW16
Connection for IP-GW16
Progress Tone Send Mode
Progress Tone Send Mode
IP Codec Priority 1st
IP Codec Priority 1st
IP Codec Priority 2nd
IP Codec Priority 2nd
IP Codec Priority 3rd
IP Codec Priority 3rd
Packet Sampling Time (G.711A)
Packet Sampling Time (G.711A)
Packet Sampling Time (G.711Mu)
Packet Sampling Time (G.711Mu)
Packet Sampling Time (G.729A)
Packet Sampling Time (G.729A)
Voice Activity Detection for G.711
Voice Activity Detection for G.711
FAX Detection Ability
FAX Detection Ability
Payload Type
Payload Type
Related programming: 2.8.11 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—GW Settings

Data Type

Import Destination

Leading Number
Leading Number
Remaining Number of Digits
Remaining Number of Digits
GW No./GW Group Selection
GW No./GW Group Selection
GW Group
GW Group
GW No.
GW No.
Related programming: 2.8.12 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—DN2IP

To import system data

1. From the Tool menu, point to Import, and then click the type of data to import.
2. Navigate to the folder containing the system data file you want to open.
3. Select the file.
4. Click Open to open the file.
If applicable, a list of field names found in the imported file will be displayed.
5. For the Feature - Speed Dial and Caller ID table, select the Speed Dial table to which to import the data (system or tenant) from the drop-down list.
6. If required, select import fields.
When import fields can be selected, the selection screen is displayed automatically. Matching origin and destination fields are entered by default.
To change the destination for an import field, select the preferred field from the drop-down list.
To not import a field, select the blank option from the drop-down list.
7. Click OK to perform the import operation.
Depending on the type of data imported, the relevant programming screen may be displayed.
Click OK or Apply to complete the import operation.
If data in a field being imported does not match the required format for the import destination, an error message will be displayed when the import operation is attempted, and the operation will be canceled.
This can occur when, for example, the destination field can only accept numeric data, but the data being imported contains alphabet characters, as the correct fields were not linked together.

2.5.8 Tool—Export

Allows several types of system data to be exported to files. These files can be used with the Import tool (see 2.5.7 Tool—Import) to update another PBX.
Except for ARS - Routing Plan, tables are exported as comma-separated value (CSV) files.
Except for Speed Dial and Caller ID, this option is only available at Installer level.
The separator used in CSV files created using the Export tool is decided by the unit specified in List Separator, in the Windows Regional Options Control Panel.

To export system data

1. From the Tool menu, point to Export, and then click the type of data to export.
2. Navigate to the folder in which you want to save the file.
3. Enter a file name.
4. Click Save.
When export fields are automatically selected, the file will be saved.
When export fields can be selected, the selection screen will be displayed automatically.
5. For the Feature - Speed Dial and Caller ID table, select the Speed Dial table from which to export the data (system or tenant) from the drop-down list.
A list of field names that can be exported will be displayed.
6. Click the check box beside the name of each field that you want to export.
7. Click OK.