2.11 [4] Extension

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

For each slot in which an extension card is installed, a certain number of extension ports are displayed. For each extension port, various extension settings can be assigned.
To assign a set of CLIP numbers automatically, click CLIP Generate. To assign names and tenants to extension user groups, click Extension User Group Table. See 2.10.6 [3-2] Extension Group for more details.



Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifPort Type

Indicates the extension port type (reference only).


Current port type

Value Range

DPT: DPT port (DLC)
S-Hybrid: Super Hybrid port (DHLC)
S-Hybrid(SLT): XDP port of Super Hybrid port (DHLC)
S-Hybrid(S-DPT): Digital XDP port of Super Hybrid port (DHLC)
DPT(S-DPT): Digital XDP port of DPT port (DLC)
OPX: T1-OPX port (T1)
IP-EXT: IP-Extension port (IP-EXT)
IP-EXT: Virtual IP-Extension port (V-IPEXT)
SIP: Virtual SIP Extension port (V-SIPEXT)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.7 Extension Port Configuration

lozenge.gifTelephone Type

Indicates the type of telephone connected to the extension port (reference only).


Current connected telephone type

Value Range

DPT (15V)/DPT (40V): DPT is connected.
APT (15V): APT is connected.
DSS: DSS Console is connected.
VM: VPS is connected.
SLT: SLT is connected (or no telephone is connected to the Super Hybrid or SLT port).
ISDN-Ext: ISDN telephone is connected.
No Connection: No telephone is connected.
CS: CS is connected.
CS-M: High-density CS is connected with its master port.
CS-S1–3: High-density CS is connected with its slave port.
IP-EXT: IP-PT belonging to the IP-EXT card is connected.
IP-PT: IP-PT belonging to the V-IPEXT card is connected.
SIP: SIP Extension is connected.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Group

Specifies the extension user group to which the extension belongs. Extension user groups are used to compose tenants, call pickup groups and paging groups.


For Extensions connected with V-IPEXT card:
For Extensions connected with other cards:

Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.17.3 Tenant Service


Specifies the COS of the extension.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)

lozenge.gifExtension PIN

Specifies the PIN of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 10 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.6 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number)
There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made if a third party discovers a personal identification number (PIN) (verification code PIN or extension PIN) of the PBX.
The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX.
To protect the PBX from this kind of fraudulent use, we strongly recommend:
a) Keeping PINs secret.
b) Selecting complex, random PINs that cannot be easily guessed.
c) Changing PINs frequently.

Intercept Destination


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifIntercept Destination—When called party does not answer—Day, Lunch, Break, Night

Specifies the Intercept Routing destination of calls in each time mode for Intercept Routing–No Answer and Intercept Routing–DND.
Note that Intercept Routing–Busy calls are routed using lozenge.gifIntercept Destination—When Called Party is Busy below.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsIntercept Destinationlozenge.gifIntercept Destination—When Called Party is Busy

Feature Manual References

1.9.11 Intercept Routing

lozenge.gifIntercept Destination—When Called Party is Busy

Specifies the Intercept Routing destination of calls when the extension is busy.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.9.11 Intercept Routing

Intercept No Answer Time


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifIntercept No Answer Time—Day, Lunch, Break, Night

Specifies the length of time until an unanswered call is redirected to the intercept routing destination in each time mode.
When this setting is set to "0", the system timer is used.



Value Range

0–240 s

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.9.5 [2-3] Timers & CountersDial / IRNA / Recall / Tonelozenge.gifIntercept Routing No Answer (IRNA)—Day, Lunch, Break, Night

Feature Manual References

1.9.11 Intercept Routing



Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCLIP ID

Specifies the CLIP number sent to the public network to show on the called party's telephone display when making a CO line call.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

lozenge.gifCLIP on Extension/CO

Selects the CLIP number to show on the called party's telephone.



Value Range

Extension: Show the CLIP number specified in lozenge.gifCLIP ID on the ISDN CLIP tab.
CO: Show the CLIP number specified in lozenge.gifSubscriber Number in 2.8.30 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI Port.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.30 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI PortCO Settinglozenge.gifSubscriber Number
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsISDN CLIPlozenge.gifCLIP ID

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)


Specifies whether to restrict the display of the CLIP number on the called party's telephone when making a public network CO line call.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)


Specifies whether to restrict the display of the CLIP number of the extension on the caller's telephone display when answering a call.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

Option 1


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifWireless XDP

Specifies the extension number of the PS with which Wireless XDP Parallel Mode is established. To enable Wireless XDP Parallel Mode, the PS must be turned off once and then turned on after assigning this setting.
This setting is not available when the software is in Batch mode. In addition, a PS with PDN or SDN buttons cannot be used for Wireless XDP Parallel Mode.
When changing the port type of an extension port in lozenge.gifDPT Type—Type on the 2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port screen, the lozenge.gifWireless XDP setting must be deleted first.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Portlozenge.gifDPT Type—Type

Feature Manual References

1.20.5 Wireless XDP Parallel Mode

lozenge.gifRing Pattern Table

Specifies the Ring Tone Pattern Table to be used by the extension.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.9.15 [2-8-1] Ring Tone Patterns—Call from CO
2.9.16 [2-8-2] Ring Tone Patterns—Call from Doorphone
2.9.17 [2-8-3] Ring Tone Patterns—Call from Others

Feature Manual References

1.15.2 Ring Tone Pattern Selection

lozenge.gifProgrammed Mailbox No.

Specifies the mailbox number of the extension's mailbox for Voice Processing Systems (VPS) with DTMF Integration.


Same number as the corresponding extension number.

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.5 Voice Mail DTMF Integration

lozenge.gifTransfer Recall Destination

Specifies the transfer recall destination when an extension user transfers a call with the Call Transfer without Announcement feature and the transferred call is not answered within a certain time period.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.9 Call Transfer

lozenge.gifARS Itemized Code

Specifies the itemized billing code used by the ARS feature for identifying calls made from the extension for accounting and billing purposes.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 10 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.15.6 [8-5] Carrier

Feature Manual References

1.1.3 ARS (Automatic Route Selection)
1.19.1 Verification Code Entry

Option 2


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifManual C. Waiting for Extension Call

Selects the method of receiving call waiting notification from other extensions.



Value Range

Off: No notification
BSS: Tone from the handset or built-in speaker
OHCA: Voice from the built-in speaker
W-OHCA: Voice from the handset

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifAutomatic C. Waiting

Specifies whether to receive call waiting notifications for calls from a CO line, doorphone calls, and calls via an incoming call distribution group.



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifPickup Dial Set

Sets or cancels the Hot Line feature. The number specified in lozenge.gifPickup Dial No. on this screen is dialed automatically after going off-hook when the Hot Line feature is active.



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.9.5 [2-3] Timers & CountersDial / IRNA / Recall / Tonelozenge.gifDial—Hot Line (Pickup Dial) Start

Feature Manual References

1.8.6 Hot Line

lozenge.gifPickup Dial No.

Specifies the number to be dialed automatically after going off-hook when the Hot Line feature is active.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.8.6 Hot Line

lozenge.gifData Mode

Sets or cancels the protection against tones or interruptions from other extensions during communication.



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.1 Data Line Security

Option 3


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCall Pickup Deny

Specifies whether calls can be picked up by other extensions.



Value Range

Disable: Allows other extension users to pick up calls to your extension
Enable: Prevents other extension users from picking up calls to your extension

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.7 Call Pickup

lozenge.gifExecutive Override Deny

Specifies whether calls can be interrupted by other extensions.



Value Range

Disable: Allows other extension users to interrupt an existing call
Enable: Prevents other extension users from interrupting an existing call

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.3 Executive Busy Override

lozenge.gifAbsent Message

Specifies the Personal Absent Message which, unlike the System Absent Message, can be customized for each extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.1.1 Absent Message

lozenge.gifIntercom Call by Voice

Selects the method of receiving intercom calls. When Deny Voice Call is selected, the extension will always ring when receiving calls, regardless of how the caller wants to make the call.


Tone Call

Value Range

Tone Call, Voice Call, Deny Voice Call

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.9.13 Intercom Call

Option 4


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifOutgoing Preferred Line

Selects the line to be seized after going off-hook to make a call.



Value Range

No Line: No line is seized.
Idle: An idle CO line is seized automatically from the programmed trunk groups.
ICM/PDN: An extension line is seized, or, for a PDN extension, an idle PDN button is selected.
F-1–F-84: A CO line programmed for a flexible button (F-1–F-84) is seized. A flexible button customized as a Single-CO, Group-CO, Loop-CO, or ICD Group button must be selected.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Feature Manual References

1.10.3 Line Preference—Outgoing

lozenge.gifIncoming Preferred Line

Selects the line on which an incoming call is answered after going off-hook.
Note that even if a specific PDN button is selected here, a call ringing at any PDN button on the extension will be answered when going off-hook.


Ringing Line

Value Range

No Line: No line is selected. Select a line by pressing the desired Line Access button to answer a call.
Ringing Line: The longest ringing call is selected.
PDN: The call arriving at any PDN button is selected.
F-1–F-84: The call arriving at a flexible button (F-1–F-84) is selected. A flexible button customized as a Single-CO, Group-CO, Loop-CO, or ICD Group button must be selected.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Feature Manual References

1.10.2 Line Preference—Incoming

lozenge.gifCall Waiting Tone Type

Selects the type of Call Waiting tone sent to the busy extension.


CW Tone 1

Value Range

CW Tone 1, CW Tone 2

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.11 Call Waiting Tone

lozenge.gifLCS Recording Mode

Specifies whether to continue or stop recording the message in the extension's mailbox when the extension user answers a call that was being monitored.


Stop Record

Value Range

Stop Record, Keep Record

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

lozenge.gifLCS Answer Mode

Specifies whether the extension's mailbox is monitored in Hands-free or Private mode.


Hands free

Value Range

Hands free: Monitor through the built-in speaker
Private: Monitor through the handset or the built-in speaker after hearing a warning tone

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.8.2 Hands-free Operation
1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

Option 5


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifDisplay Language

Selects the display language of the extension telephone.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.9 Display Information

lozenge.gifIncoming Call Display

Selects which caller information is shown on the first line of the extension's display.


Caller ID Name

Value Range

Caller ID Name, CO Line Name, DID Name

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.9 Display Information

lozenge.gifAutomatic LCD Switch when Start Talking

Enables the first line of the display to show the call duration automatically after answering a CO line call.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.9 Display Information

lozenge.gifKey Pad Tone

Specifies whether key pad tones are heard when dialing.



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifAutomatic Answer for CO Call

Enables the extension to answer an incoming CO line call automatically after a certain number of rings without going off-hook, when Hands-free Answerback has been set on the extension. This setting is only effective when lozenge.gifForced Automatic Answer on this screen has been set to Off.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.8.1 Hands-free Answerback

Option 6


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifForced Automatic Answer

Specifies whether the extension automatically answers all incoming calls (both intercom and CO line calls) without going off-hook, regardless of the Hands-free Answerback setting.



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifFlexible Button Programming Mode

Specifies whether the extension user can modify all flexible buttons without limitation, or only the One-touch Dialing buttons. When the mode is set to One-touch Dial, there is no need to enter "2" before the number when customizing a One-touch Dialing button.


No Limitation

Value Range

No Limitation, One-touch Dial

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifICM Tone

Selects the ring tone for incoming calls arriving at the INTERCOM button or PDN buttons.
Note that the ring tone specified here is applied to all PDN buttons on an extension.



Value Range

KX-T7600 series/IP-PT (except KX-NT265/KX-NT321): 1–30
KX-NT265/KX-NT321: 1–8 (Even if ring tone 9–30 is selected, ring tone 1 is heard.)
Other telephones: 1–8 (Even if ring tone 9–30 is selected, ring tone 2 is heard.)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifDisplay Lock / SVM Lock

Locks or unlocks the Incoming Call Log and Simplified Voice Message Log display (i.e., specifies whether other extension users can see the Incoming Call Log and SVM Log information at the extension).



Value Range

Unlock, Lock

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message

Feature Manual References

1.3.4 Call Log, Incoming
1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

lozenge.gifPaging Deny

Specifies whether paging of the extension from other extensions is enabled.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.13.1 Paging

Option 7


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCharacter Input Mode

Selects the character table to be used for entering characters.


Table 1

Value Range

Table 1: Standard mode
Table 2: Option mode

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifFlash Mode during CO Conversation

Selects the function of the FLASH/RECALL button during a CO line conversation.


Flash Recall

Value Range

EFA, Terminate, Flash Recall

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.1 EFA (External Feature Access)
1.6.2 Flash/Recall/Terminate

lozenge.gifIncoming Call Log Memory

Specifies the number of incoming CO line calls that are retained in the extension's Incoming Call Log memory.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.4 Call Log, Incoming

lozenge.gifOutgoing Call Log Memory

Specifies the number of telephone numbers dialed by the extension that are retained in the extension's Outgoing Call Log memory.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.15.1 Redial, Last Number

lozenge.gifISDN Bearer

Selects the ISDN bearer mode. When Automatic is selected, the bearer mode is set automatically depending on the extension's telephone type as follows:
PT: Speech
SLT: Audio



Value Range

Automatic, Speech, Audio

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


Option 8


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifGroup CW w/o Tone (Ring after Call)

Enables an incoming call to an incoming call distribution group to arrive at a previously busy extension at the moment that the extension goes on-hook for the previous call.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Caller ID Sending

Enables the extension to send Caller ID information to an SLT.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.2 Caller ID

lozenge.gifIncoming Call Wait Timer for Extension Caller ID

Specifies the length of time that the ringing for a call is delayed when the call follows immediately after the previous unanswered call. When receiving two calls in quick succession (e.g., when a call waiting in a queue is directed to an extension immediately after the previous unanswered call stops ringing), some SLTs require a pause, after the first call stops ringing, to receive the second call's Caller ID information.



Value Range

0–15 s

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.2 Caller ID

lozenge.gifSLT MW Mode

Enables the use of the Message Waiting Lamp on an SLT extension connected to the extension port.



Value Range

Disable, MW-Lamp

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.11.3 Message Waiting

lozenge.gifWrap-up Timer

Specifies the length of time that must pass after completing a call before an extension will accept another call when logged in as a member of an Incoming Call Distribution Group.
This timer is used when "lozenge.gifOptions—Wrap-up Timer based on" is set to "Extension" in 2.10.15 [3-5-3] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Miscellaneous.


0 s

Value Range

0–3000 s

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.10.13 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Member Listlozenge.gifWrap-up Timer
2.10.15 [3-5-3] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Miscellaneouslozenge.gifOptions—Wrap-up Timer based on

Feature Manual References

1.9.3 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out

Option 9


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifPDN Delayed Ringing

Specifies the delayed ringing setting for calls to a PDN extension (an extension with one or more PDN buttons).



Value Range

Immediate, 1 Ring, 2 Rings, 3 Rings, 4 Rings, 5 Rings, 6 Rings

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension


Call Forwarding (FWD) and Do Not Disturb (DND) settings for each extension can be referred. FWD and DND settings can be programmed separately for each extension in 2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND.


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position of each extension card (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Specifies the extension number of the extension.
To change the extension number of a wired extension, follow the steps below:
1. Type the new extension number, then click Apply.
2. Set the status of the extension port to "OUS", then "INS".
When changing the extension number, make sure that the extension port is not in use. If the extension number is changed while the port is in use, the new extension number will not come into effect.


Starting at 101

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.22 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—Connection Command

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the extension.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifFWD Set for Call from CO

Indicates the current FWD status for incoming CO line calls (reference only).



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifDND Set for Call from CO

Indicates the current DND status for incoming CO line calls (reference only).



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Feature Manual References

1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb)

lozenge.gifFWD Mode for Call from CO

Indicates the forwarding type of incoming CO line calls (reference only).



Value Range

None, FWD All, FWD Busy, FWD N/A, FWD Busy N/A

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifFWD Destination for Call from CO

Indicates the forwarding destination of incoming CO line calls (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifFWD Set for Call from Extension

Indicates the current FWD status for incoming intercom calls (reference only).



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifDND Set for Call from Extension

Indicates the current DND status for incoming intercom calls (reference only).



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Feature Manual References

1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb)

lozenge.gifFWD Mode for Call from Extension

Indicates the forwarding type of incoming intercom calls (reference only).



Value Range

None, FWD All, FWD Busy, FWD N/A, FWD Busy N/A

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifFWD Destination for Call from Extension

Indicates the forwarding destination of incoming intercom calls (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifFWD No Answer Time

Indicates the length of time that an incoming call rings at the extension before the call is forwarded (reference only).


15 s

Value Range

0–120 s

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

2.11.2 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

CLIP Generate allows the CLIP numbers for a set of locations in series to be programmed together. Pre-assigned CLIP numbers for those locations will be overwritten.
If a number generated here is longer than 16 digits, the additional digits will be discarded.

lozenge.gifLocation Entry—Beginning Entry Location (Ext. Number)

Specifies the extension number of the first location to be programmed.


Extension number of port 01 of the first extension card that is installed.

Value Range

Wired extension number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.2 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

Programming Manual References

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

lozenge.gifLocation Entry—Number to Generate

Specifies the number of locations to be programmed.
A CLIP number will only be assigned to connected wired extensions, even if the number entered here is larger than the total number of wired extensions.


Depends on installed cards

Value Range

1–total number of connected wired extensions

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.2 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

Programming Manual References

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

lozenge.gifParameter—Deleting Digits

Specifies the number of digits to be deleted from the start of an extension number when using it as part of the CLIP number.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.2 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

Programming Manual References

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

lozenge.gifParameter—Head of ID

Specifies a prefix number to be applied to all generated CLIP numbers.


Not stored

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.2 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

Programming Manual References

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

lozenge.gifParameter—Tail of ID

Specifies a suffix number to be applied to all generated CLIP numbers.


Not stored

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.2 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

Programming Manual References

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

For each extension, separate Call Forwarding (FWD) and Do Not Disturb (DND) settings can be programmed for incoming intercom and CO line calls. Select the desired extension from the Extension Number / Name list.

lozenge.gifCall from CO—Present Button Status

Specifies the status of the FWD/DND—External button.


Current status

Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.7 FWD/DND Button, Group FWD Button

lozenge.gifCall from CO—FWD Status Availability

Enables or disables the FWD feature for incoming CO line calls.



Value Range

OFF: Enables extensions to switch to FWD mode by pressing the FWD/DND button, if forward settings have been programmed.
ON: Prevents extensions from switching to FWD mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifCall from CO—DND Status Availability

Enables or disables the DND feature for incoming CO line calls.



Value Range

OFF: Enables extensions to switch to DND mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.
ON: Prevents extensions from switching to DND mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb)

lozenge.gifCall from CO—FWD Mode

Specifies the circumstances when incoming CO line calls are forwarded.



Value Range

None, FWD All, FWD Busy, FWD N/A, FWD Busy N/A

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifCall from CO—FWD Destination

Specifies the forwarding destination of incoming CO line calls.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifCall from Extension—Present Button Status

Specifies the status of the FWD/DND—Internal button.


Current status

Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.7 FWD/DND Button, Group FWD Button

lozenge.gifCall from Extension—FWD Status Availability

Enables or disables the FWD feature for incoming intercom calls.



Value Range

OFF: Enables extensions to switch to FWD mode by pressing the FWD/DND button, if forward settings have been programmed.
ON: Prevents extensions from switching to FWD mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifCall from Extension—DND Status Availability

Enables or disables the DND feature for incoming intercom calls.



Value Range

OFF: Enables extensions to switch to DND mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.
ON: Prevents extensions from switching to DND mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb)

lozenge.gifCall from Extension—FWD Mode

Specifies the circumstances when incoming intercom calls are forwarded.



Value Range

None, FWD All, FWD Busy, FWD N/A, FWD Busy N/A

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifCall from Extension—FWD Destination

Specifies the forwarding destination of incoming intercom calls.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifFWD No Answer Timer

Specifies the length of time that an incoming call rings at the extension before the call is forwarded.


15 s

Value Range

0–120 s

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

2.11.4 [4-1-3] Wired Extension—Speed Dial

Personal Speed Dialing allows extension users to dial frequently dialed numbers using two-digit speed dialing numbers (00–99). A maximum of 100 Personal Speed Dialing numbers can be programmed for each extension. Select the desired extension from the Extension Number / Name list.
The available speed dialing numbers are shown in sets of 20. Select the desired set from the Personal Speed Dialing No. list.

lozenge.gifSpeed Dialing Name

Specifies the name of the Personal Speed Dialing number to call using the Personal Speed Dialing Directory shown on the extension's display.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.4 [4-1-3] Wired Extension—Speed Dial

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.6 Speed Dialing, Personal

lozenge.gifDialing Number

Specifies the number to be dialed by the Personal Speed Dialing number.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.4 [4-1-3] Wired Extension—Speed Dial

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.6 Speed Dialing, Personal

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Each flexible button can be customized to allow one-touch access to a certain feature. A maximum of 84 flexible buttons can be customized for each extension. Select the desired extension from the Extension Number / Name list.
To copy the flexible button settings of an extension to another extension, click Copy To.
For more information on flexible buttons, see "1.6.3 Flexible Buttons" in the Feature Manual.


Specifies the feature to be assigned to the flexible button.


Single CO

Value Range

Not Stored, Loop CO, Single CO, Group CO, DSS, One-touch, G-DN, Message Waiting, FWD/DND (Both), FWD/DND (External), FWD/DND (Internal), Group Fwd (Both), Group Fwd (External), Group Fwd (Internal), Account, Conference, Terminate, EFA, Call Park, Call Log, Log-in/Log-out, Hurry-up, Wrap-up, System Alarm, Time Service, Answer, Release, TRS Level Change, CLIR, COLR, Headset, Time Service - Automatic/Manual, Check In, Check Out, Two-way Record, Two-way Transfer, LCS, Voice Mail Transfer, NDSS, CTI, PDN, SDN

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.11.6 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button—Flexible button data copy

Feature Manual References

1.6.3 Flexible Buttons

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Single CO)

Specifies the CO line to be accessed.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.15 CO Line Access

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Group CO)

Specifies the trunk group to be accessed.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.15 CO Line Access

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Call Park)

Specifies whether a call is parked in an idle parking zone automatically or in a specific parking zone.



Value Range

Automatic, Specific

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.6 Call Park

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Log-in/Log-out)

Specifies which incoming call distribution groups that the extension belongs to are logged in to or logged out from.



Value Range

None: The incoming call distribution group is selected manually.
All: All incoming call distribution groups that the extension belongs to.
Incoming Group: A pre-specified incoming call distribution group

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.9.3 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Time Service)

Selects which time modes are switched manually.



Value Range

All (Day/Night/Lunch/Break), Day/Night/Break, Day/Night/Lunch, Day/Night

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.17.5 Time Service

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for TRS Level Change)

Specifies the TRS level to be used temporarily on a certain extension.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsTRS
2.14 [7] TRS

Feature Manual References

1.4.5 Dial Tone Transfer
1.17.6 TRS (Toll Restriction)

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Time Service - Automatic/Manual)

Specifies the Time Table to be used when the Time Service Switching Mode is set to automatic.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.17.5 Time Service

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for SDN)

Specifies the delayed ringing setting for calls arriving at an SDN button.



Value Range

Immediate, 1 Ring, 2 Rings, 3 Rings, 4 Rings, 5 Rings, 6 Rings, No Ring

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for DSS)

Specifies the number of an extension to be accessed.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for G-DN)

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group to be accessed.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Message Waiting)

Specifies the number of an extension or floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which messages are checked. If this cell is left empty, the extension will check its own messages only.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.11.3 Message Waiting

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Group Fwd (Both))

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which both intercom and CO line calls are forwarded.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsGroup Log / Group FWD

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Group Fwd (External))

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which CO line calls are forwarded.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsGroup Log / Group FWD

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Group Fwd (Internal))

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which intercom calls are forwarded.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsGroup Log / Group FWD

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Call Log)

Specifies the extension's own number or the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which call log information is displayed. If the cell is left empty, the extension will display its own call log information.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.4 Call Log, Incoming

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Log-in/Log-out)

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group to log-in to or log-out from.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings

Feature Manual References

1.9.3 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Hurry-up)

Specifies the floating extension number of the incoming call distribution group whose longest waiting call will be redirected (Manual Queue Redirection).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsOverflow No Answer

Feature Manual References

1.9.6 ICD Group Features—Queuing

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Two-way Record)

Specifies the floating extension number of the VM (DPT) group containing the extension's mailbox.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.19 [3-7-2] VM(DPT) Group—Unit Settings

Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Two-way Transfer)

Specifies the floating extension number of the VM (DPT) group containing the desired mailbox.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.19 [3-7-2] VM(DPT) Group—Unit Settings

Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Voice Mail Transfer)

Specifies the floating extension number of the VM (DTMF/DPT) group containing the desired mailbox.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.19 [3-7-2] VM(DPT) Group—Unit Settings
2.10.22 [3-8-2] VM(DTMF) Group—Group Settings

Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration
1.19.5 Voice Mail DTMF Integration

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for SDN)

Specifies the floating extension number of the PDN extension corresponding to this SDN button.
Note that the extension specified here must have a PDN button registered for the SDN button to function.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension

lozenge.gifDial (for One-touch)

Specifies the number to be dialed. The PBX can have a maximum of 2000 One-touch Dialing buttons for extensions and DSS Consoles.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.12.4 One-touch Dialing

lozenge.gifDial (for NDSS)

Specifies the network extension number of the extension to be accessed using Network Direct Station Selection.
Note that only extension numbers that have been previously registered in 2.16.4 [9-4] NDSS Key Table can be specified here.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.16.4 [9-4] NDSS Key Table

Feature Manual References

1.13.17 Private Network Features—NDSS (Network Direct Station Selection)

lozenge.gifLabel Name

Specifies the name of each flexible button on the KX-NT366 IP-PT. The name specified here is displayed on the LCD next to each button. A maximum of 48 flexible buttons can be customized for this extension.


Key Location 1–48: 01–48
Key Location 49–84: Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 12 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.1 Self Labeling (KX-NT366 only)

lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Time Service)

Specifies the Time Table to be used for changing time modes in the Automatic Switching mode.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.17.5 Time Service

lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Loop CO, Single CO, Group CO, G-DN, SDN)

Specifies the ring tone type.



Value Range

KX-T7600 series/IP-PT (except KX-NT265/KX-NT321): 1–30
KX-NT265/KX-NT321: 1–8 (Even if ring tone 9–30 is selected, ring tone 1 is heard.)
Other telephones: 1–8 (Even if ring tone 9–30 is selected, ring tone 2 is heard.)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.15.2 Ring Tone Pattern Selection

lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Call Park)

Specifies the number of the parking zone a call is to be parked in when a Call Park button with lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Call Park) on this screen set to Specific is pressed.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.6 Call Park

lozenge.gifExtension No. of Mailbox (for Two-way Transfer)

Specifies the number of the extension whose mailbox will be used to record conversations using One-touch Two-way Transfer. (For example, a secretary can record a conversation into the mailbox of a boss.) If the cell is left empty, the extension user must specify the number of an extension each time.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

2.11.6 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button—Flexible button data copy

The flexible button settings of an extension can be copied to different extensions.

lozenge.gifDestination Extension Line

Select the number and name of the extension that will receive the copied settings. Multiple extensions can be selected. To select all extensions at once, click Select All.
When selecting multiple extensions, note that if the source extension has an SDN button, the copy operation cannot be performed.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.6 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button—Flexible button data copy

Programming Manual References

2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button

Feature Manual References


2.11.7 [4-1-5] Wired Extension—PF Button

Each Programmable Feature (PF) button can be customized to access a certain feature with one touch. A maximum of 12 PF buttons can be customized for each extension. Select the desired extension from the Extension Number / Name list.


Specifies whether to store a dialing number for the one-touch access.


Not stored.

Value Range

Not Stored, One Touch

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.7 [4-1-5] Wired Extension—PF Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.3 Flexible Buttons


Specifies the number to be dialed.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.7 [4-1-5] Wired Extension—PF Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.3 Flexible Buttons

2.11.8 [4-1-6] Wired Extension—NDSS Link Data - Send

It is possible to cancel the transmission of an extension's status data over the network. Select the desired extension from the Extension Number / Name list.

lozenge.gifNetwork BLF Data to NDSS Key of Other PBX - Other PBX (Network PBX ID=1)

Selects whether extension status data is transmitted over the network for the selected extension. This setting is automatically set to ON when the feature is used, and can only be manually changed from ON to OFF, to cancel data transmission.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.8 [4-1-6] Wired Extension—NDSS Link Data - Send

Programming Manual References

2.16.1 [9-1] TIE Table

Feature Manual References

1.13.17 Private Network Features—NDSS (Network Direct Station Selection)

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message

The Simplified Voice Message feature can be provided for each extension.
This screen allows you to specify which extension uses this feature, and the maximum number of messages that can be stored for each extension.
For more information on Simplified Voice Message, see "1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)" in the Feature Manual.


Indicates the shelf type (reference only).


Current shelf type

Value Range

Physical, Virtual

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the slot position (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References



Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsMainlozenge.gifExtension Number

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Indicates the name of the extension (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References

2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsMainlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifSimplified Voice Message

Selects which card (IPCMPR or ESVM) to use to store and play back greetings and messages for the extension.
Each extension must be assigned to a specific card and block within the card, and can only use the assigned card/block. If two cards are used in the PBX, you should assign a number of extensions to each card, to ensure that the necessary resources, such as message recording space, are available for each extension.


Card 1(A)

Value Range

None, Card 1(A), Card 1(B), Card 2(A), Card 2(B)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifMaximum SVM Log

Specifies the maximum number of voice messages (not including greeting messages) that can be stored for the extension.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

For each Portable Station (PS), various extension settings can be assigned. A maximum of 128 PSs can be programmed.
To assign names and tenants to extension user groups, click Extension User Group Table. See 2.10.6 [3-2] Extension Group for more details.


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension No.

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References



Indicates the property (reference only).


Portable Station

Value Range

Portable Station

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Group

Specifies the extension user group to which the PS belongs. The extension user group is used to compose tenants, call pickup groups and paging groups.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.17.3 Tenant Service


Specifies the COS of the PS.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)

lozenge.gifExtension PIN

Specifies the PIN of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 10 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.6 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number)
There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made if a third party discovers a personal identification number (PIN) (verification code PIN or extension PIN) of the PBX.
The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX.
To protect the PBX from this kind of fraudulent use, we strongly recommend:
a) Keeping PINs secret.
b) Selecting complex, random PINs that cannot be easily guessed.
c) Changing PINs frequently.

Intercept Destination

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension No.

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifIntercept Destination—When called party does not answer—Day, Lunch, Break, Night

Specifies the Intercept Routing destination of calls in each time mode for Intercept Routing–No Answer and Intercept Routing–DND.
Note that Intercept Routing–Busy calls are routed using lozenge.gifIntercept Destination—When Called Party is Busy below.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension SettingsIntercept Destinationlozenge.gifIntercept Destination—When Called Party is Busy

Feature Manual References

1.9.11 Intercept Routing

lozenge.gifIntercept Destination—When Called Party is Busy

Specifies the Intercept Routing destination of calls when the extension is busy.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.9.11 Intercept Routing

Intercept No Answer Time

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension No.

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifIntercept No Answer Time—Day, Lunch, Break, Night

Specifies the length of time until an unanswered call is redirected to the intercept routing destination in each time mode.
When this setting is set to "0", the system timer is used.



Value Range

0–240 s

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.9.5 [2-3] Timers & CountersDial / IRNA / Recall / Tonelozenge.gifIntercept Routing No Answer (IRNA)—Day, Lunch, Break, Night

Feature Manual References

1.9.11 Intercept Routing


lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension No.

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCLIP ID

Specifies the CLIP number sent to the public network to show on the called party's telephone display when making a CO line call.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

lozenge.gifCLIP on Extension/CO

Selects the CLIP number to show on the called party's telephone.



Value Range

Extension: Show the CLIP number specified in lozenge.gifCLIP ID on the Option 1 tab.
CO: Show the CLIP number specified in lozenge.gifSubscriber Number in 2.8.30 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI Port.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.30 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI PortCO Settinglozenge.gifSubscriber Number
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension SettingsOption 1lozenge.gifCLIP ID

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)


Specifies whether to restrict the display of the CLIP number on the called party's telephone when making a public network CO line call.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)


Specifies whether to restrict the display of the CLIP number of the PS on the caller's telephone display when answering a call.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

Option 1

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifRing Pattern Table

Specifies the Ring Tone Pattern Table to be used by the PS.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.9.15 [2-8-1] Ring Tone Patterns—Call from CO
2.9.16 [2-8-2] Ring Tone Patterns—Call from Doorphone
2.9.17 [2-8-3] Ring Tone Patterns—Call from Others

Feature Manual References

1.15.2 Ring Tone Pattern Selection

lozenge.gifProgrammed Mailbox No.

Specifies the mailbox number of the PS's mailbox for Voice Processing Systems (VPS) with DTMF Integration.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.5 Voice Mail DTMF Integration

lozenge.gifTransfer Recall Destination

Specifies the transfer recall destination when an extension user transfers a call with the Call Transfer without Announcement feature and the transferred call is not answered within a certain time period.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.9 Call Transfer

lozenge.gifARS Itemized Code

Specifies the itemized billing code used by the ARS feature for identifying the calls made from the PS for accounting and billing purposes.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 10 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.15.6 [8-5] Carrier

Feature Manual References

1.1.3 ARS (Automatic Route Selection)
1.19.1 Verification Code Entry

Option 2

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifManual C. Waiting for Extension Call

Selects the method of receiving call waiting notification from other extensions.



Value Range

Off: No notification
BSS: Tone from the handset or built-in speaker

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifAutomatic C. Waiting

Specifies whether to receive call waiting notification for a call from CO line, a doorphone call or a call via an incoming call distribution group.



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifPickup Dial Set

Sets or cancels the Hot Line feature. The number specified in lozenge.gifPickup Dial No. on this screen is dialed automatically after going off-hook when the Hot Line feature is active.



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.9.5 [2-3] Timers & CountersDial / IRNA / Recall / Tonelozenge.gifDial—Hot Line (Pickup Dial) Start

Feature Manual References

1.8.6 Hot Line

lozenge.gifPickup Dial No.

Specifies the number to be dialed automatically after going off-hook when the Hot Line feature is active.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.8.6 Hot Line

Option 3

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCall Pickup Deny

Specifies whether calls can be picked up by other extensions.



Value Range

Disable: Allows other extension users to pick up calls to your PS
Enable: Prevents other extension users from picking up calls to your PS

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.7 Call Pickup

lozenge.gifExecutive Override Deny

Specifies whether calls can be interrupted by other extensions.



Value Range

Disable: Allows other extension users to interrupt an existing call
Enable: Prevents other extension users from interrupting an existing call

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.3 Executive Busy Override

lozenge.gifAbsent Message

Specifies the Personal Absent Message which, unlike the System Absent Message, can be customized for each PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.1.1 Absent Message

Option 4

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifOutgoing Preferred Line

Selects the line to be seized after going off-hook to make a call.



Value Range

No Line: No line is seized.
Idle: An idle CO line is seized automatically from the programmed trunk groups.
ICM/PDN: An extension line is seized, or, for a PDN extension, an idle PDN button is selected.
F-1–F-12: A CO line programmed for a flexible button (F-1–F-12) is seized. A flexible button customized as a Single-CO, Group-CO, Loop-CO, or ICD Group button must be selected.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Feature Manual References

1.10.3 Line Preference—Outgoing

lozenge.gifIncoming Preferred Line

Selects the line on which an incoming call is answered after going off-hook.
Note that even if a specific PDN button is selected here, a call ringing at any PDN button on the extension will be answered when going off-hook.


Ringing Line

Value Range

No Line: No line is selected. Select a line by pressing the desired Line Access button to answer a call.
Ringing Line: The longest ringing call is selected.
PDN: The call arriving at any PDN button is selected.
F-1–F-12: The call arriving at a flexible button (F-1–F-12) is selected. A flexible button customized as a Single-CO, Group-CO, Loop-CO, or ICD Group button must be selected.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Feature Manual References

1.10.2 Line Preference—Incoming

lozenge.gifCall Waiting Tone Type

Selects the type of Call Waiting tone sent to the busy extension.


CW Tone 1

Value Range

CW Tone 1, CW Tone 2

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.11 Call Waiting Tone

lozenge.gifLCS Recording Mode

Specifies whether to continue or stop recording the message in the PS's mailbox when the PS user answers a call that was being monitored.


Stop Record

Value Range

Stop Record, Keep Record

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

Option 5

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifDisplay Language

Selects the display language of the PS.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.9 Display Information

lozenge.gifIncoming Call Display

Selects which caller information is shown on the first line of the PS's display.


Caller ID Name

Value Range

Caller ID Name, CO Line Name, DID Name

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.9 Display Information

lozenge.gifAutomatic LCD Switch when Start Talking

Enables the first line of the display to show the call duration automatically after answering a CO line call.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.9 Display Information

Option 6

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifFlexible Button Programming Mode

Specifies whether the PS user can modify all flexible buttons without limitation, or only the One-touch Dialing buttons. When the mode is set to One-touch Dial, there is no need to enter "2" before the number when customizing a One-touch Dialing button.


No Limitation

Value Range

No Limitation, One-touch Dial

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.12.4 One-touch Dialing

lozenge.gifSVM Lock

Selects whether Simplified Voice Message Log information can be displayed at the extension or other extensions.



Value Range

Lock, Unlock

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.16 [4-2-5] Portable Station—Simplified Voice Message

Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

Option 7

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCharacter Input Mode

Selects the character table to be used for entering characters.


Table 1

Value Range

Table 1: Standard mode
Table 2: Option mode

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifFlash Mode during CO Conversation

Selects the function of the FLASH/RECALL button during a CO line conversation.


Flash Recall

Value Range

EFA, Terminate, Flash Recall

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.1 EFA (External Feature Access)
1.6.2 Flash/Recall/Terminate

lozenge.gifIncoming Call Log Memory

Specifies the number of incoming CO line calls that are retained in the PS's Incoming Call Log memory.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.4 Call Log, Incoming

lozenge.gifOutgoing Call Log Memory

Specifies the number of telephone numbers dialed by the PS that are retained in the PS's Outgoing Call Log memory.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.15.1 Redial, Last Number

lozenge.gifISDN Bearer

Selects the ISDN bearer mode. When Automatic is selected, the bearer mode is set automatically depending on the type of the PS.



Value Range

Automatic, Speech, Audio

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


Option 8

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifGroup CW w/o Tone (Ring after Call)

Enables an incoming call to an incoming call distribution group to arrive at a previously busy extension at the moment that the extension goes on-hook for the previous call.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifWrap-up Timer

Specifies the length of time that must pass after completing a call before a PS will accept another call when logged in as a member of an Incoming Call Distribution Group.
This timer is used when "lozenge.gifOptions—Wrap-up Timer based on" is set to "Extension" in 2.10.15 [3-5-3] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Miscellaneous.


0 s

Value Range

0–3000 s

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.10.13 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Member Listlozenge.gifWrap-up Timer
2.10.15 [3-5-3] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Miscellaneouslozenge.gifOptions—Wrap-up Timer based on

Feature Manual References

1.9.3 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out

Option 9

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifPDN Delayed Ringing

Specifies the delayed ringing setting for calls to a PDN extension (an extension with one or more PDN buttons).



Value Range

Immediate, 1 Ring, 2 Rings, 3 Rings, 4 Rings, 5 Rings, 6 Rings

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension

FWD / DND Reference

Call Forwarding (FWD) and Do Not Disturb (DND) settings for each PS can be referred. FWD and DND settings can be programmed separately for each PS in 2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND.

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number of the PS (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Specifies the name of the PS.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifFWD Set for Call from CO

Indicates the current FWD status for incoming CO line calls (reference only).



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifDND Set for Call from CO

Indicates the current DND status for incoming CO line calls (reference only).



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Feature Manual References

1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb)

lozenge.gifFWD Mode for Call from CO

Indicates the forwarding type of incoming CO line calls (reference only).



Value Range

None, FWD All, FWD Busy, FWD N/A, FWD Busy N/A

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifFWD Destination for Call from CO

Indicates the forwarding destination of incoming CO line calls (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifFWD Set for Call from Extension

Indicates the current FWD status for incoming intercom calls (reference only).



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifDND Set for Call from Extension

Indicates the current DND status for incoming intercom calls (reference only).



Value Range

Off, On

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Feature Manual References

1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb)

lozenge.gifFWD Mode for Call from Extension

Indicates the forwarding type of incoming intercom calls (reference only).



Value Range

None, FWD All, FWD Busy, FWD N/A, FWD Busy N/A

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifFWD Destination for Call from Extension

Indicates the forwarding destination of incoming intercom calls (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifFWD No Answer Time

Indicates the length of time that an incoming call rings at the PS before the call is forwarded (reference only).


15 s

Value Range

0–120 s

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Programming Manual References

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

2.11.11 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

CLIP Generate allows the CLIP numbers for a set of locations in series to be programmed together. Pre-assigned CLIP numbers for those locations will be overwritten.
If a number generated here is longer than 16 digits, the additional digits will be discarded.

lozenge.gifLocation Entry—Beginning Entry Location (Ext. Number)

Specifies the extension number of the first location to be programmed.


Not stored.

Value Range

PS extension number

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.11 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

Programming Manual References

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

lozenge.gifLocation Entry—Number to Generate

Specifies the number of locations to be programmed.
A CLIP number will only be assigned to registered PS extensions, even if the number entered here is larger than the total number of PS extensions.



Value Range

1–total number of connected wired extensions

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.11 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

Programming Manual References

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

lozenge.gifParameter—Deleting Digits

Specifies the number of digits to be deleted from the start of an extension number when using it as part of the CLIP number.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.11 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

Programming Manual References

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

lozenge.gifParameter—Head of ID

Specifies a prefix number to be applied to all generated CLIP numbers.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.11 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

Programming Manual References

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

lozenge.gifParameter—Tail of ID

Specifies a suffix number to be applied to all generated CLIP numbers.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.11 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings—CLIP Generate

Programming Manual References

2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

For each PS, separate Call Forwarding (FWD) and Do Not Disturb (DND) settings can be programmed for incoming intercom and CO line calls. Select the desired PS from the Extension Number / Name list.

lozenge.gifCall from CO—Present Button Status

Specifies the status of the FWD/DND—External button.


Current status

Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.7 FWD/DND Button, Group FWD Button

lozenge.gifCall from CO—FWD Status Availability

Enables or disables the FWD feature for incoming CO line calls.



Value Range

OFF: Enables extensions to switch to FWD mode by pressing the FWD/DND button, if forward settings have been programmed.
ON: Prevents extensions from switching to FWD mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifCall from CO—DND Status Availability

Enables or disables the DND feature for incoming CO line calls.



Value Range

OFF: Enables extensions to switch to DND mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.
ON: Prevents extensions from switching to DND mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb)

lozenge.gifCall from CO—FWD Mode

Specifies the circumstances when incoming CO line calls are forwarded.



Value Range

None, FWD All, FWD Busy, FWD N/A, FWD Busy N/A

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifCall from CO—FWD Destination

Specifies the forwarding destination of incoming CO line calls.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifCall from Extension—Present Button Status

Specifies the status of the FWD/DND—Internal button.


Current status

Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.7 FWD/DND Button, Group FWD Button

lozenge.gifCall from Extension—FWD Status Availability

Enables or disables the FWD feature for incoming intercom calls.



Value Range

OFF: Enables extensions to switch to FWD mode by pressing the FWD/DND button, if forward settings have been programmed.
ON: Prevents extensions from switching to FWD mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifCall from Extension—DND Status Availability

Enables or disables the DND feature for incoming intercom calls.



Value Range

OFF: Enables extensions to switch to DND mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.
ON: Prevents extensions from switching to DND mode by pressing the FWD/DND button.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb)

lozenge.gifCall from Extension—FWD Mode

Specifies the circumstances when incoming intercom calls are forwarded.



Value Range

None, FWD All, FWD Busy, FWD N/A, FWD Busy N/A

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifCall from Extension—FWD Destination

Specifies the forwarding destination of incoming intercom calls.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifFWD No Answer Timer

Specifies the length of time that an incoming call rings at the PS before the call is forwarded.


15 s

Value Range

0–120 s

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Each flexible button can be customized to allow one-touch access to a certain feature. A maximum of 12 flexible buttons can be customized for each PS. Select the desired PS from the Extension Number / Name list.
To copy values from one location to another, click the Copy To button.
For more information on flexible buttons, see "1.6.3 Flexible Buttons" in the Feature Manual.


Specifies the feature to be assigned to the flexible button.


Single CO

Value Range

Not Stored, Loop CO, Single CO, Group CO, DSS, One-touch, G-DN, Message Waiting, FWD/DND (Both), FWD/DND (External), FWD/DND (Internal), Group Fwd (Both), Group Fwd (External), Group Fwd (Internal), Account, Conference, Terminate, EFA, Call Park, Log-in/Log-out, Hurry-up, Wrap-up, Time Service, TRS Level Change, CLIR, COLR, Time Service - Automatic/Manual, Two-way Record, Two-way Transfer, LCS, Voice Mail Transfer, NDSS, CTI, PDN, SDN

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.11.14 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button—Flexible button data copy

Feature Manual References

1.6.3 Flexible Buttons

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Single CO)

Specifies the CO line to be accessed.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.15 CO Line Access

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Group CO)

Specifies the trunk group to be accessed.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.15 CO Line Access

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Call Park)

Specifies whether a call is parked in an idle parking zone automatically, or in a specific parking zone.



Value Range

Automatic, Specific

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.6 Call Park

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Log-in/Log-out)

Specifies which incoming call distribution groups that the PS belongs to are logged in to or logged out from.



Value Range

None: The incoming call distribution group is selected manually.
All: All incoming call distribution groups that the PS belongs to.
Incoming Group: A pre-specified incoming call distribution group

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.9.3 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Time Service)

Selects which time modes are switched manually.



Value Range

All (Day/Night/Lunch/Break), Day/Night/Break, Day/Night/Lunch, Day/Night

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.17.5 Time Service

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for TRS Level Change)

Specifies the TRS level to be used temporarily on a certain PS.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsTRS
2.14 [7] TRS

Feature Manual References

1.4.5 Dial Tone Transfer
1.17.6 TRS (Toll Restriction)

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Time Service - Automatic / Manual)

Specifies the Time Table to be used when the Time Service Switching Mode is set to automatic.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.17.5 Time Service

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for SDN)

Specifies the delayed ringing setting for calls arriving at an SDN button.
The value specified here is only used when lozenge.gifSystem Wireless—SDN Delayed Ringing with LCD on 2.9.18 [2-9] System Options is set to "Enable".



Value Range

Immediate, 1 Ring, 2 Rings, 3 Rings, 4 Rings, 5 Rings, 6 Rings, No Ring

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.9.18 [2-9] System OptionsOption 4lozenge.gifSystem Wireless—SDN Delayed Ringing with LCD

Feature Manual References

1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for DSS)

Specifies the number of an extension to be accessed.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for G-DN)

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group to be accessed.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Message Waiting)

Specifies the number of an extension or floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which messages are checked. If this cell is left empty, the PS will check its own messages only.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.11.3 Message Waiting

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Group Fwd (Both))

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which both intercom and CO line calls are forwarded.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsGroup Log / Group FWD

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Group Fwd (External))

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which CO line calls are forwarded.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsGroup Log / Group FWD

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Group Fwd (Internal))

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which intercom calls are forwarded.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsGroup Log / Group FWD

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Log-in/Log-out)

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group to log-in to or log-out from.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings

Feature Manual References

1.9.3 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Hurry-up)

Specifies the floating extension number of the incoming call distribution group whose longest waiting call will be redirected (Manual Queue Redirection).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsOverflow No Answer

Feature Manual References

1.9.6 ICD Group Features—Queuing

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Two-way Record)

Specifies the floating extension number of the VM (DPT) group containing the PS's mailbox.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.19 [3-7-2] VM(DPT) Group—Unit Settings

Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Two-way Transfer)

Specifies the floating extension number of the VM (DPT) group containing the desired mailbox.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.19 [3-7-2] VM(DPT) Group—Unit Settings

Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Voice Mail Transfer)

Specifies the floating extension number of the VM (DTMF/DPT) group containing the desired mailbox.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.10.19 [3-7-2] VM(DPT) Group—Unit Settings
2.10.22 [3-8-2] VM(DTMF) Group—Group Settings

Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration
1.19.5 Voice Mail DTMF Integration

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for SDN)

Specifies the floating extension number of the corresponding (owner) extension for the SDN button.
Note that the extension specified here must have a PDN button registered for the SDN button to function.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension

lozenge.gifDial (for One-touch)

Specifies the number to be dialed. The PBX can have a maximum of 500 One-touch Dialing buttons for PSs.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.12.4 One-touch Dialing

lozenge.gifDial (for NDSS)

Specifies the network extension number of the extension to be accessed using Network Direct Station Selection.
Note that only extension numbers that have been previously registered in 2.16.4 [9-4] NDSS Key Table can be specified here.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.16.4 [9-4] NDSS Key Table

Feature Manual References

1.13.17 Private Network Features—NDSS (Network Direct Station Selection)

lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (or Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Time Service)

Specifies the Time Table to be used for changing time modes in the Automatic Switching mode.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.17.5 Time Service

lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (or Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Call Park)

Specifies the number of the parking zone a call is to be parked in when a Call Park button with lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Call Park) on this screen set to Specific is pressed.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.6 Call Park

lozenge.gifExt No. of Mailbox (for Two-way Transfer)

Specifies the number of the extension whose mailbox will be used to record conversations using One-touch Two-way Transfer. (For example, a secretary can record a conversation into the mailbox of a boss.) If the cell is left empty, the extension user must specify the number of an extension each time.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

2.11.14 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button—Flexible button data copy

The flexible button settings of a PS can be copied to different PSs.

lozenge.gifDestination Extension Line

Select the number and name of the PS that will receive the copied settings. Multiple PSs can be selected. To select all PSs at once, click Select All.
When selecting multiple extensions, note that if the source extension has an SDN button, the copy operation cannot be performed.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.14 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button—Flexible button data copy

Programming Manual References

2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button

Feature Manual References


2.11.15 [4-2-4] Portable Station—NDSS Link Data - Send

It is possible to cancel the transmission of an extension's status data over the network. Select the desired extension from the Extension Number / Name list.

lozenge.gifNetwork BLF Data to NDSS Key of Other PBX - Other PBX (Network PBX ID=1)

Selects whether extension status data is transmitted over the network for the selected extension. This setting is automatically set to ON when the feature is used, and can only be manually changed from ON to OFF, to cancel data transmission.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.15 [4-2-4] Portable Station—NDSS Link Data - Send

Programming Manual References

2.16.4 [9-4] NDSS Key Table

Feature Manual References

1.13.17 Private Network Features—NDSS (Network Direct Station Selection)

2.11.16 [4-2-5] Portable Station—Simplified Voice Message

The Simplified Voice Message feature can be provided for each PS.
This screen allows you to specify which extension uses this feature, and the maximum number of messages that can be stored for each extension.
For more information on Simplified Voice Message, see "1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)" in the Feature Manual.

lozenge.gifExtension Number

Indicates the extension number (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.16 [4-2-5] Portable Station—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension No.

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExtension Name

Indicates the name of the extension (reference only).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.16 [4-2-5] Portable Station—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References

2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Stationlozenge.gifExtension Name
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settingslozenge.gifExtension Name

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifSimplified Voice Message

Selects which card (IPCMPR or ESVM) to use to store and play back greetings and messages for the extension.
Each extension must be assigned to a specific card and block within the card, and can only use the assigned card/block. If two cards are used in the PBX, you should assign a number of extensions to each card, to ensure that the necessary resources, such as message recording space, are available for each extension.


Card 1(A)

Value Range

None, Card 1(A), Card 1(B), Card 2(A), Card 2(B)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.16 [4-2-5] Portable Station—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

lozenge.gifMaximum of SVM Log

Specifies the maximum number of voice messages (not including greeting messages) that can be stored for the extension.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.16 [4-2-5] Portable Station—Simplified Voice Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

A DSS Console can be used in conjunction with a PT. A maximum of 8 DSS Consoles can be programmed. The lozenge.gifDPT Type—Type of the extension port that DSS Console is connected must be set to DSS in 2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port.
Each flexible DSS button can be customized to access a certain feature. A maximum of 66 flexible DSS buttons can be customized for each DSS Console. Select the desired DSS Console from the DSS Console No. list.
To copy DSS Console setting values from one location to another, click the Copy to button.
For more information on flexible buttons, see "1.6.3 Flexible Buttons" in the Feature Manual.

lozenge.gifPair Extension

Specifies the extension number of the PT to be used in pair with the DSS Console.
Note that if one or more SDN buttons have been set at the DSS Console, they must be deleted before this setting can be changed.



Value Range

None, Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.7 Extension Port Configuration


Specifies the feature to be assigned to the flexible DSS button.


Not Stored

Value Range

Not Stored, Loop CO, Single CO, Group CO, DSS, One-touch, G-DN, Message Waiting, FWD/DND (Both), FWD/DND (External), FWD/DND (Internal), Group Fwd (Both), Group Fwd (External), Group Fwd (Internal), Account, Conference, Terminate, EFA, Call Park, Call Log, Log-in/Log-out, Hurry-up, Wrap-up, System Alarm, Time Service, Answer, Release, TRS Level Change, CLIR, COLR, Headset, Time Service - Automatic/Manual, Check In, Check Out, Two-way Record, Two-way Transfer, LCS, Voice Mail Transfer, NDSS, CTI, SDN

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.11.18 [4-3] DSS Console—DSS key data copy

Feature Manual References

1.6.3 Flexible Buttons

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Single CO)

Specifies the CO line to be accessed.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.11.18 [4-3] DSS Console—DSS key data copy

Feature Manual References

1.3.15 CO Line Access

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Group CO)

Specifies the trunk group to be accessed.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.10.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.15 CO Line Access

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Call Park)

Specifies whether a call is parked in an idle parking zone automatically or in a specific parking zone.



Value Range

Automatic, Specific

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.6 Call Park

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Log-in/Log-out)

Specifies which incoming call distribution groups that the paired extension belongs to are logged in to or logged out from.



Value Range

None: The incoming call distribution group is selected manually.
All: All incoming call distribution groups that the paired extension belongs to.
Incoming Group: A pre-specified incoming call distribution group

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.9.3 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Time Service)

Selects which time modes are switched manually.



Value Range

All (Day/Night/Lunch/Break), Day/Night/Break, Day/Night/Lunch, Day/Night

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.17.5 Time Service

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for TRS Level Change)

Specifies the TRS level to be used temporarily on a certain extension.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsTRS
2.14 [7] TRS

Feature Manual References

1.4.5 Dial Tone Transfer
1.17.6 TRS (Toll Restriction)

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Time Service - Automatic/Manual)

Specifies the Time Table to be used when the Time Service Switching Mode is set to automatic.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.17.5 Time Service

lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for SDN)

Specifies the delayed ringing setting for calls arriving at an SDN button.



Value Range

Immediate, 1 Ring, 2 Rings, 3 Rings, 4 Rings, 5 Rings, 6 Rings, No Ring

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for DSS)

Specifies the number of an extension to be accessed.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for G-DN)

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group to be accessed.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Message Waiting)

Specifies the number of an extension or floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which messages are checked. If this cell is left empty, the paired extension will check its own messages only.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.11.3 Message Waiting

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Group Fwd (Both))

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which both intercom and CO line calls are forwarded.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsGroup Log / Group FWD

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Group Fwd (External))

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which CO line calls are forwarded.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsGroup Log / Group FWD

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Group Fwd (Internal))

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which intercom calls are forwarded.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsGroup Log / Group FWD

Feature Manual References

1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Call Log)

Specifies the paired extension's number or the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group for which call log information is displayed. If the cell is left empty, the paired extension will display its own call log information.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.4 Call Log, Incoming

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Log-in/Log-out)

Specifies the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group to log-in to or log-out from.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings

Feature Manual References

1.9.3 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Hurry-up)

Specifies the floating extension number of the incoming call distribution group whose longest waiting call will be redirected (Manual Queue Redirection).


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsOverflow No Answer

Feature Manual References

1.9.6 ICD Group Features—Queuing

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Two-way Record)

Specifies the floating extension number of the VM (DPT) group containing the paired extension's mailbox.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.10.19 [3-7-2] VM(DPT) Group—Unit Settings

Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Two-way Transfer)

Specifies the floating extension number of the VM (DPT) group containing the desired mailbox.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.10.19 [3-7-2] VM(DPT) Group—Unit Settings

Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Voice Mail Transfer)

Specifies the floating extension number of the VM (DTMF/DPT) group containing the desired mailbox.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.10.19 [3-7-2] VM(DPT) Group—Unit Settings
2.10.22 [3-8-2] VM(DTMF) Group—Group Settings

Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration
1.19.5 Voice Mail DTMF Integration

lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for SDN)

Specifies the floating extension number of the PDN extension corresponding to the SDN button.
Note that the extension specified here must have a PDN button registered for the SDN button to function.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.7 DIL (Direct In Line)

lozenge.gifDial (for One-touch)

Specifies the number to be dialed. The PBX can have a maximum of 2000 One-touch Dialing buttons for extensions and DSS Consoles.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.12.4 One-touch Dialing

lozenge.gifDial (for NDSS)

Specifies the network extension number of the extension to be accessed using Network Direct Station Selection.
Note that only extension numbers that have been previously registered in 2.16.4 [9-4] NDSS Key Table can be specified here.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.16.4 [9-4] NDSS Key Table

Feature Manual References

1.13.17 Private Network Features—NDSS (Network Direct Station Selection)

lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Time Service)

Specifies the Time Table to be used for changing time modes in the Automatic Switching mode.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.17.5 Time Service

lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Loop CO, Single CO, Group CO, G-DN, SDN)

Specifies the ring tone type.



Value Range

KX-T7600 series/IP-PT (except KX-NT265/KX-NT321): 1–30
KX-NT265/KX-NT321: 1–8 (Even if ring tone 9–30 is selected, ring tone 1 is heard.)
Other telephones: 1–8 (Even if ring tone 9–30 is selected, ring tone 2 is heard.)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.15.2 Ring Tone Pattern Selection

lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Call Park)

Specifies the number of the parking zone a call is to be parked in when a Call Park button with lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Call Park) on this screen set to Specific is pressed.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.3.6 Call Park

lozenge.gifExt No. of Mailbox (for Two-way Transfer)

Specifies the number of the extension whose mailbox will be used to record conversations using One-touch Two-way Transfer. (For example, a secretary can record a conversation into the mailbox of a boss.) If the cell is left empty, the extension user must specify the number of an extension each time.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

2.11.18 [4-3] DSS Console—DSS key data copy

The flexible DSS button settings of a DSS Console can be copied to different DSS Consoles. Select the DSS Console that has the setting to copy to other DSS Consoles from the DSS Console No./ Pair Extension list, then click Copy To.

lozenge.gifDestination DSS Console

Select the number of the DSS Console and paired extension. Multiple DSS Consoles can be selected. To select all DSS Consoles at once, click Select All.
When selecting multiple extensions, note that if the source extension has an SDN button, the copy operation cannot be performed.

Maintenance Console Location

2.11.18 [4-3] DSS Console—DSS key data copy

Programming Manual References

2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console

Feature Manual References
