1.3 C

1.3.1 Call Distribution Port Group


When using the Virtual 16-Channel VoIP Gateway Card (V-IPGW16) to receive calls, it is possible to set which virtual port receives each call depending on the telephone number of the called party.
By assigning each port to a Call Distribution Port Group (CDPG), it is possible to select which group receives each call. CDPG settings cover all V-IPGW cards in the PBX, which allows for ports on different cards to be assigned to the same CDPG. In other words, two 8-port cards can be used as one 16-port card.

Programming Example:
To enable this feature, it is necessary to program the following 2 tables through system programming:
CDPG Table
- in order to assign ports to Call Distribution Port Groups.
Hunt Pattern Table
- in order to program a priority list of CDPG destinations for each leading number.

[Programming Example of the CDPG Table]

V-IPGW Card Number

Port Number

Call Distribution Port Group*1

2.8.7 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Virtual IP Gateway Portlozenge.gifCall Distribution Port Group
[Programming Example of the Hunt Pattern Table]


Leading Number*1

Call Distribution Port Group (1st)*2

Call Distribution Port Group (2nd)*2


Call Distribution Port Group (16th)*2

2.8.13 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—Hunt PatternHunt Pattern 1–16lozenge.gifLeading Number
2.8.13 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—Hunt PatternHunt Pattern 1–16lozenge.gifCall Distribution Port Group—1st–16th
The same CDPG can be set for several leading numbers.

As shown in the CDPG table above, CDPG 1 consists of Port 1 of the first card and Port 1 of the second card. When "1023-456-7890" (leading number: 10) is dialed:
If all the ports belonging to CDPG 1 are busy, the call is rerouted to the lowest-numbered available port belonging to CDPG 4, which is set as the second priority for this leading number.

Installation Manual References

3.4.1 Virtual Cards

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.8.7 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Virtual IP Gateway Port
2.8.13 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—Hunt Pattern
PT Programming Manual

Feature Manual References

1.13.25 Private Network Features—VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

1.3.2 Caller ID


The PBX can receive Caller ID information (a caller's name and telephone number) from calls received on CO lines. This information can be shown on a proprietary telephone (PT) display when receiving a call and can be used to direct calls from specific callers to specific destinations automatically. Additionally, Caller ID information is logged in the Incoming Call Log of the extension which received the call, allowing the caller to view a record of incoming calls or make a call to a person in the call log later.
The PBX can be programmed to modify a caller's telephone number when it is received and, for example, add a CO Line Access number or add/delete certain digits of incoming telephone numbers automatically. This allows an extension user to be able to make a call later to a telephone number logged in his or her call log without worrying about CO Line Access numbers, area codes, etc.
The term "Caller ID" used in this Feature Manual refers to features that can receive caller information sent from the telephone company and received on analog, ISDN, and T1 lines. Your network provider may use a different name for this type of service.
To receive Caller ID information, you must subscribe to the telephone company's Caller ID service and enable Caller ID for the appropriate CO line through system programming.
Caller ID to SLT Port:
Caller ID information can also be shown on a single line telephone (SLT) display. This feature is available only for SLTs compatible with FSK-type Caller ID.
1. Caller ID Features
There are three features which can receive Caller ID information. The available feature depends on the type of CO line receiving the call.



Details in

Caller ID
Receives caller information sent from the telephone company over analog CO lines.
  Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP)
Receives caller information sent from the telephone company over ISDN lines.
 Automatic Number Identification (ANI)
Receives caller information sent from the telephone company over T1 lines.
1.17.1 T1 Line Service
2. Caller ID-Related Features



Details in

Calling Line Identification (CLI) Distribution
Caller ID information received by the PBX is used to direct calls from specific callers to specific destinations. The caller's telephone number and a destination must be assigned in the System Speed Dialing Table.
1.3.13 CLI (Calling Line Identification) Distribution
Incoming Call Log
Caller information is automatically recorded in the call log of the extension which received the call. This information can be used to view a record of incoming calls or make calls to any number in the call log.
1.3.4 Call Log, Incoming
3. Automatic Caller ID Number Modification
When a call is received, the PBX can automatically modify the caller's telephone number according to a preprogrammed set of rules (Caller ID Modification Table). This modified number will be automatically stored in the extension's Incoming Call Log, allowing the extension user to make a call to this number later without worrying about CO Line Access numbers, area codes, etc.
Each trunk group can be assigned a modification table. Each table has ten formulas for modifying local/international numbers, and one formula for modifying long distance numbers. When a call is received, the PBX compares the received telephone number to the area codes programmed under "Local/International Call Data" first. If a match is not found, the telephone number will be modified according to the method programmed under "Long Distance Code".

[Programming Example: Caller ID Modification]

When Caller ID information is received from a call on an ISDN line and the call type is International, National, or Subscriber, the following modification table is used instead of the above table:
Data entered under "Removed No. of Digits" and "Added No." for International, National, and Subscriber call data will be applied respectively to international, long distance, and local calls.

<Modification Flowchart>

4. System Speed Dialing Table
The System Speed Dialing Table can store telephone numbers, names, and CLI destinations for hundreds of callers.
a) Telephone Number: Contains a CO Line Access number and the caller's telephone number. If Automatic Caller ID Number Modification is used, telephone numbers should be stored in the System Speed Dialing Table in their modified format in order for CLI distribution to function.
b) Caller's Name: Shown on the display and logged (Incoming Call Log, Station Message Detail Recording [SMDR]) when a call from this telephone number is received.
c) CLI Destination: The destination to which an incoming call from the stored telephone number is directed via the CLI distribution feature.

[Programming Example: System Speed Dialing Table]

2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Diallozenge.gifCO Line Access Number + Telephone Number
[001] System Speed Dialing Number
2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Diallozenge.gifName
[002] System Speed Dialing Name
2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Diallozenge.gifCLI Destination
5. Displaying the Caller's Name
In addition to the System Speed Dialing Table, each extension can store names and numbers in Personal Speed Dialing. Therefore, it is entirely possible for the same telephone number to be stored under a different name in different locations within the PBX.
When a call containing Caller ID information is received, the PBX will search for the caller's name in the following order, then show that name on the display and log it via SMDR.
1) Personal Speed Dialing data of the extension which received the call
2) System Speed Dialing Table
3) The Caller ID information received from the telephone company
If a caller's name is not stored in the PBX or sent from the telephone company, it will not be displayed or logged.



Caller ID signaling type can be selected through system programming.

[Caller ID to SLT Port]

Hardware Requirement:
An SLC8 card with an EXT-CID card installed, or a CSLC16 card
When the caller's number is sent to an SLT, a CO Line Access number can be automatically added to the telephone number through system programming for calling back.
When the caller's number exceeds 16 digits, the SLT receives only the first 16 digits, not counting the preceding CO Line Access number (if it is programmed to be added).
If a call is transferred to an SLT, the transferring extension's information will be shown on the SLT. If the transferring extension goes on-hook before the call is answered, the original caller's information will be shown.
When Caller ID information such as "Private", "Out of Area", or "Long Distance" is received, this information will be shown instead of the caller's number and name.
Even if the caller's name is sent, the name may not be shown depending on the type of SLT.
Incoming Call Log information is not shown on the SLT.
Caller ID shows whether the call is an intercom or CO line call by default. This setting can be disabled through system programming.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.5 [2-3] Timers & CountersMiscellaneous
    → lozenge.gifCaller ID—Waiting to receive
    → lozenge.gifCaller ID—Visual Caller ID Display
2.9.18 [2-9] System OptionsOption 4lozenge.gifPrivate Network—Public Call through Private Network—Minimum Public Caller ID Digits
2.9.19 [2-10] Extension CID Settings
2.10.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG SettingsMainlozenge.gifCaller ID Modification Table
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsOption 8
    → lozenge.gifExtension Caller ID Sending
    → lozenge.gifIncoming Call Wait Timer for Extension Caller ID
2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Dial
2.10.3 [3-1-3] Caller ID Modification
PT Programming Manual
[001] System Speed Dialing Number
[002] System Speed Dialing Name
[490] Caller ID Signal Type

Feature Manual References

1.16.3 SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording)
1.16.6 Speed Dialing, Personal
1.16.7 Speed Dialing, System

1.3.3 Call Hold


An extension user can put a call on hold. The following Hold features are available:



Regular Hold
Any extension can retrieve a held call.
Exclusive Call Hold  
Only the extension user who held the call can retrieve it.
The result of the holding operation can be determined through system programming. Pressing the HOLD button again just after the first time alternates the mode between Regular and Exclusive Call Hold.


Call Hold Limitation
A proprietary telephone (PT) user can hold one intercom call and/or multiple CO line calls at a time. A single line telephone (SLT) user can hold either one intercom call or one CO line call at a time. By using the Call Park feature, PT and SLT users can hold multiple CO line calls and intercom calls simultaneously. (→ 1.3.6 Call Park)
Music on Hold
Music, if available, is sent to the held party. (→ 1.11.4 Music on Hold)
Hold Recall
If a call on hold is not retrieved within a preprogrammed time period, the Hold Recall tone is heard at the extension which put the call on hold. If the extension is engaged in a call, the Hold Alarm will be heard.
If an outside party is placed on hold and the call is not retrieved within a preprogrammed time period after the Hold Recall time expires, the call is automatically disconnected.
Automatic Call Hold
A PT can be configured through system programming to place the current call on hold when the PT user presses a CO, ICD Group, INTERCOM or PDN button to make or answer another call. If this feature is not enabled, the current call will be disconnected.
[Example of Automatic Call Hold]
It is possible to receive an incoming CO line call by pressing the flashing ICD Group button. The current intercom call (on the INTERCOM button) is placed on hold. To return to the held call, press the INTERCOM button.
Call Hold Retrieve Deny
Internal Call Block (→ 1.9.14 Internal Call Block) also determines which extensions' calls an extension user can retrieve, i.e., if extension 101 cannot call extension 201, then it cannot retrieve extension 201's held calls either.
SLT Hold Mode
It is possible to choose how to hold and transfer a call with an SLT through system programming. The following methods are available:


(to be Retrieved from Another Extension)*

Transfer to CO Line

Transfer to Extension

Mode 1
Flashing the hookswitch
Going on-hook
Flashing the hookswitch
Hold Feature No.
Going on-hook
Flashing the hookswitch
CO Line Access No.
Flashing the hookswitch
Extension No.
Mode 2
Flashing the hookswitch
Hold Feature No.
Going on-hook
Flashing the hookswitch
Hold Feature No.
Going on-hook
Flashing the hookswitch
CO Line Access No.
Flashing the hookswitch
Extension No.
Mode 3
Flashing the hookswitch
Hold Feature No.
Going on-hook
Flashing the hookswitch
Hold Feature No.
Hold Feature No.
Going on-hook
Flashing the hookswitch
Hold Feature No.
CO Line Access No.
Flashing the hookswitch
Extension No.
Mode 4
Flashing the hookswitch
Hold Feature No.
Going on-hook
Flashing the hookswitch
Hold Feature No.
Hold Feature No.
Going on-hook
Flashing the hookswitch
Hold Feature No.
CO Line Access No.
Flashing the hookswitch
Hold Feature No.
Extension No.
These operations must be performed when the held call is intended to be retrieved from another extension using the holding extension number.
If one of the following occurs frequently with an SLT, choose "Mode 2", "Mode 3", or "Mode 4":
a) When an SLT user answers a call, a reorder tone is heard or no one is heard on the other end.
b) When an SLT user goes off-hook, a reorder tone is heard instead of a dial tone.
If a call is not terminated after going on-hook, the above cases occur. To avoid these problems, choose "Mode 2", "Mode 3", or "Mode 4". Every call will be terminated unless the Hold feature number is entered after flashing the hookswitch in Mode 2, Mode 3, and Mode 4.
Hold Alarm tone pattern has a default. (→ 2.2 Tones/Ring Tones)

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.5 [2-3] Timers & CountersDial / IRNA / Recall / Tone
    → lozenge.gifRecall—Hold Recall
    → lozenge.gifRecall—Disconnect after Recall
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatures
    → lozenge.gifCall Hold / Call Hold Retrieve
    → lozenge.gifCall Hold Retrieve : Specified with a Holding Extension Number
    → lozenge.gifHold Retrieve : Specified with a Held CO Line Number
2.9.18 [2-9] System Options
    → Option 1lozenge.gifPT Operation—Automatic Hold by ICM / CO / ICD Group key
    → Option 1lozenge.gifPT Operation—Hold Key Mode
    → Option 5lozenge.gifSLT—SLT Hold Mode
PT Programming Manual
[200] Hold Recall Time

Operating Manual References

1.3.6 Call Hold

1.3.4 Call Log, Incoming


When a call containing Caller ID information is received by an extension, the information is shown on the telephone display, notifying the extension user of the caller's identity. This information is also automatically logged in the Incoming Call Log of the extension, and can be viewed later or used to call that caller back.
Each extension and incoming call distribution (ICD) group has its own Incoming Call Log.
Call Log button
The Call Log button will alert an extension user to any missed (unanswered) calls. A flexible button can be customized as the Call Log button, and will indicate the status of the Incoming Call Log for the extension or corresponding ICD group, as shown below.

Light pattern

Status of the corresponding call log

Red on
There are call records in the log which have not been viewed.
There are no new call records in the log.


The following information is logged.
If the caller's name is not logged, the caller's phone number is displayed.
If the caller's name is logged, the caller's phone number is not displayed.
If the answering destination is not the original extension (e.g., Call Pickup or FWD—No Answer), the call is logged in the Incoming Call Logs of both the original and the answering destination. If a call is forwarded to multiple extensions before being answered, the call is logged in the call logs of all the extensions it was forwarded to. If a call is forwarded to an ICD group and is not answered, the call is not logged in the call log for the ICD group.
Incoming Call Log for Calls to a PS
Each portable station (PS) also has an Incoming Call Log. When a call is directed to a PS, the call will be logged in the call log of the PS even when:
a) The PS is out of range.
b) The PS is turned off.
c) The Cell Station (CS) is busy.
Display Lock
The Incoming Call Log of an extension can be locked through personal programming (Directory and Call Log Lock) to prevent other users from viewing its contents. In this case, the Outgoing Call Log display, the Personal Speed Dialing number display and the SVM Log display are also locked, and the voice messages in the user's message box cannot be played back.
An extension personal identification number (PIN) is required to use this feature. (→ 1.5.6 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number))
Incoming Call Log Memory
The total number of incoming calls that can be logged by the PBX is limited. The maximum number of calls that can be logged in the Incoming Call Log of each extension and ICD group can be specified through system programming. When a call log is full, the oldest call will be replaced each time a call is received.
Automatic Caller ID Number Modification
If the PBX is programmed to automatically modify incoming telephone numbers, the modified numbers will be logged in the Incoming Call Log.
Incoming Call Log for Calls to an ICD Group
If a call directed to an ICD group is not answered, the call is logged in the Incoming Call Log of the ICD group. If the call is answered, it is logged in the call log of the answering extension only.
Through system programming, it is possible to select which Incoming Call Logs record call information when a member of an ICD group answers a call to the group:
Only the Incoming Call Log of the extension that answered the call.
Both the Incoming Call Log of the extension that answered the call and that of the ICD Group.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsGroup Log / Group FWDlozenge.gifIncoming Call Log Memory
2.10.15 [3-5-3] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Miscellaneouslozenge.gifOptions—Call Log to ICD Group for Answered Call
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings
   → Option 5lozenge.gifIncoming Call Display
   → Option 6lozenge.gifDisplay Lock / SVM Lock
   → Option 7lozenge.gifIncoming Call Log Memory
2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button
   → lozenge.gifType
   → lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Call Log)
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
   → Option 5lozenge.gifIncoming Call Display
   → Option 7lozenge.gifIncoming Call Log Memory
2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console
   → lozenge.gifType
   → lozenge.gifExt. No. / Floating Ext. No. (for Call Log)
PT Programming Manual

Feature Manual References

1.3.2 Caller ID
1.6.3 Flexible Buttons
1.16.6 Speed Dialing, Personal
2.1 Capacity of System Resources

Operating Manual References

1.4.1 Call Log, Incoming
3.1.2 Personal Programming

1.3.5 Call Monitor


Allows an extension user to listen to a busy extension user's existing conversation. The user can hear the conversation but will not be heard. If desired, the monitoring user can interrupt the call to establish a three-party conference call.


Class of Service (COS) programming determines extension users who can use this feature.
This feature is available only when the busy extension is in a conversation with another extension or outside party.
This feature will not function when the busy extension:
a) Has set Executive Busy Override Deny (→ 1.5.3 Executive Busy Override) or Data Line Security (→ 1.4.1 Data Line Security).
b) Is receiving an Off-hook Call Announcement (OHCA) (→ 1.12.3 OHCA (Off-hook Call Announcement)) or Whisper OHCA (→ 1.20.4 Whisper OHCA).
c) Is on a conference call (→ 1.3.17 Conference, → 1.5.3 Executive Busy Override, → 1.13.14 Privacy Release).
d) Is on a doorphone call (→ 1.4.12 Doorphone Call).
e) Is using Live Call Screening (LCS) or Two-way Record (→ 1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration).
f) Has a call on consultation hold (→ 1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)).
This feature stops when the busy extension user presses the following buttons during a conversation (→ 1.6.1 Fixed Buttons, → 1.6.3 Flexible Buttons):
HOLD button
CONF (Conference) button
DSS button
EFA button
Two-way Record button
Two-way Transfer button
One-touch Two-way Transfer button
Voice Mail (VM) Transfer button

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.11 [2-6-3] Numbering Plan—B/NA DND Call Featurelozenge.gifCall Monitor
2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsExtension Featurelozenge.gifCall Monitor
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings
    → Option 2lozenge.gifData Mode
    → Option 3lozenge.gifExecutive Override Deny
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension SettingsOption 3lozenge.gifExecutive Override Deny
PT Programming Manual

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)

Operating Manual References

1.3.7 Call Monitor

1.3.6 Call Park


An extension user can place a call into a common parking zone of the PBX. The Call Park feature can be used as a transferring feature; this releases the user from the parked call to perform other operations. A parked call can be retrieved by any extension user.


Automatic Call Park
It is possible to select an idle parking zone automatically.
If the specified parking zone is occupied or there is no vacant zone for Automatic Call Park, the originator will hear a busy tone. Retrying is possible while hearing a busy tone by selecting another parking zone or a vacant zone.
Call Park Recall
If a parked call is not retrieved within a preprogrammed time period, the Call Park Recall tone will be heard at the Transfer Recall destination assigned to the extension which parked the call. If the destination is engaged in a call, the Hold Alarm will be heard.
If a parked CO line call is not retrieved within a preprogrammed time period (Default: 30 minutes), it is automatically disconnected.
Call Park Button
Pressing the Call Park button parks or retrieves a call in a preset parking zone.
Any flexible button can be customized as the Call Park button. It shows the current status of the preset parking zone as follows:

Light pattern


Slow red flashing
A call is parked in the preset parking zone
There are no parked calls
Call Park (Automatic Park Zone) Button
Pressing the Call Park (Automatic Park Zone) button parks a call in an idle parking zone automatically. Any flexible button can be customized as the Call Park (Automatic Park Zone) button.
Call Park Retrieve Deny
Internal Call Block (→ 1.9.14 Internal Call Block) also determines which extensions' calls an extension user can retrieve from a parking zone, i.e., if extension 101 cannot call extension 201, then it cannot retrieve extension 201's parked calls either.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.5 [2-3] Timers & Counters
    → lozenge.gifRecall—Call Park Recall
    → lozenge.gifRecall—Disconnect after Recall
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatureslozenge.gifCall Park / Call Park Retrieve
2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button
    → lozenge.gifType
    → lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Call Park)
    → lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Call Park)
2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button
    → lozenge.gifType
    → lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Call Park)
    → lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (or Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Call Park)
2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console
    → lozenge.gifType
    → lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Call Park)
    → lozenge.gifOptional Parameter (Ringing Tone Type Number) (for Call Park)
PT Programming Manual

Feature Manual References

1.6.3 Flexible Buttons
2.1 Capacity of System Resources

Operating Manual References

1.3.6 Call Hold

1.3.7 Call Pickup


An extension user can answer a call ringing at any other extension.
The following types of Call Pickup are available:



A specified extension's call is answered.
A call within a specified call pickup group is answered.

Call Pickup Deny
An extension user can prevent other extensions from picking up calls ringing at his or her own extension.


Call Pickup applies to:
Intercom, CO line, and doorphone calls
Internal Call Block
An extension which cannot call certain extensions based on Class of Service (COS) programming (→ 1.9.14 Internal Call Block) also cannot pick up calls ringing at those extensions.

[Directed Call Pickup]

A user can also pick up a call to a specified extension by pressing the corresponding DSS button. This feature is only available when (1) the user's extension is allowed to use this feature through COS programming, (2) DSS buttons for extensions or incoming call distribution (ICD) groups have this feature enabled through system programming, and (3) the light pattern of DSS buttons for incoming calls to extensions or ICD groups is set to "On or Flash" through system programming.
The light pattern of a DSS button for an incoming call to an extension or Incoming Call Distribution (ICD) group can be programmed through system programming. Call Pickup is available only when the DSS button is red flashing.

[Group Call Pickup]

A specified number of call pickup groups can be created, each of which consists of extension user groups. One extension user group can belong to several call pickup groups. (→ 1.7.1 GROUP FEATURES)



Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatures
    → lozenge.gifGroup Call Pickup
    → lozenge.gifDirected Call Pickup
    → lozenge.gifCall Pickup Deny Set / Cancel
2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsExtension Featurelozenge.gifCall Pickup by DSS
2.9.18 [2-9] System OptionsOption 4
    → lozenge.gifDSS Key—DSS key mode for Incoming Call
    → lozenge.gifDSS Key—Call Pick-up by DSS key for Direct Incoming Call
    → lozenge.gifDSS Key—Call Pick-up by DSS key for ICD Group Call
2.10.7 [3-3] Call Pickup Group
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsOption 3lozenge.gifCall Pickup Deny
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension SettingsOption 3lozenge.gifCall Pickup Deny
PT Programming Manual
[650] Extension User Groups of a Pickup Group

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)
2.1 Capacity of System Resources

Operating Manual References

1.3.9 Call Pickup

1.3.8 Call Splitting


During a conversation, an extension user can call another extension while putting the original party on Consultation Hold. The extension user can then alternate between the two parties and/or connect the original party with the third party.


When the extension user is having a conversation with one party, the other party is in consultation hold. (→ 1.3.19 Consultation Hold)

Operating Manual References

1.3.10 Call Splitting

1.3.9 Call Transfer


An extension user can transfer a call to another extension or an outside party. The following features are available:


Transferring method

  With Announcement
Transfer is completed after announcing the transfer to the destination party.
  Without Announcement
Transfer is completed without an announcement.
After dialing the transfer destination, the originator can replace the handset once a ringback tone is heard.
Call Transfer with Announcement is also known as Call Transfer—Screened.
Call Transfer without Announcement is also known as Call Transfer—Unscreened.


When an extension is transferring a party to another destination, the party will be in consultation hold until they reach the transfer destination. (→ 1.3.19 Consultation Hold)
If Music on Hold is enabled, music can be sent to the held party while the call is being transferred. (→ 1.11.4 Music on Hold) It is programmable whether a ringback tone or music is sent to the caller.
If the transfer destination extension has set FWD to an outside party, the call will be transferred to the outside party. (→ 1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding))
Class of Service (COS) programming determines the extensions that are able to transfer a call to an outside party. COS can also prohibit transferring to an extension of another PBX via the TIE line service using the PBX code method (Access with PBX Code). (→ 1.13.15 PRIVATE NETWORK FEATURES)
Transfer Recall for Call Transfer without Announcement
If the transfer destination does not answer within the preprogrammed Transfer Recall time, the call will be redirected to the Transfer Recall destination assigned to the extension which transferred the call. If a Transfer Recall destination is not assigned, the call will return to the extension.
[Available destination for Transfer Recall]



Wired Extension (PT/SLT/SIP Extension/T1-OPX)
ICD Group
PS Ring Group
Floating Extension no. for SVM
External Pager (TAFAS)
Analog/ISDN Remote Maintenance
Idle Line Access no. + Phone no.
Trunk Group Access no. + Trunk Group no. + Phone no.
Extension of Another PBX (via TIE Line, Access with PBX Code)
Extension of Another PBX (via TIE Line, Access without PBX Code)
One-touch Transfer
One-touch Transfer can be performed by pressing a One-touch Dialing button that has been assigned the TRANSFER command and the telephone number of the transfer destination. This is useful for transferring calls to an outside destination. (→ 1.11.2 MEMORY DIALING FEATURES
Automatic Transfer by SDN Button or DSS Button
Pressing an SDN button or DSS button during a conversation with an extension or outside party can automatically transfer the call to the specified destination (→ 1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension). It is possible through system programming to prevent this feature from operating for extension to extension calls.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.4 [2-2] Operator & BGMlozenge.gifBGM and Music on Hold—Sound on Transfer
2.9.5 [2-3] Timers & CountersDial / IRNA / Recall / Tonelozenge.gifRecall—Transfer Recall
2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsCO & SMDRlozenge.gifTransfer to CO
2.9.18 [2-9] System OptionsOption 4
   → lozenge.gifDSS Key—Automatic Transfer for Extension Call
   → lozenge.gifTransfer—Transfer to busy Extension without BSS Operation
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsOption 1lozenge.gifTransfer Recall Destination
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension SettingsOption 1lozenge.gifTransfer Recall Destination
PT Programming Manual
[201] Transfer Recall Time
[503] Call Transfer to CO Line
[712] Music for Transfer

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)

Operating Manual References

1.3.11 Call Transfer
1.3.49 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension



Used to inform a busy extension that another incoming call is waiting. The busy extension user can answer the second call by disconnecting the current call or placing it on hold.
The following notification method can be assigned for each extension depending on the call waiting and the telephone type:
a) Call Waiting Tone: Tone from the handset or built-in speaker
b) OHCA: Voice from the built-in speaker
c) Whisper OHCA: Voice from the handset
d) Off: No notification.

Call Type

Notification Method



Other Telephone

Intercom Call
Call Waiting tone/OHCA/Whisper OHCA/Off
Call Waiting tone/Whisper OHCA/Off
Call Waiting tone/Off
CO Line Call*
Call Waiting tone/Off
Including a doorphone call, call via an incoming call distribution group, and a CO line call transferred from another extension.
Call Waiting is also known as Busy Station Signaling (BSS).


Automatic Call Waiting
Through system programming, it is possible to select whether a call waiting tone is automatically sent to the extension when receiving CO line calls, doorphone calls, external sensor calls and hold-recall calls. Through system programming, it is also possible to select whether extensions will receive Automatic Call Waiting from intercom calls.
Call Waiting call for an extension in a VM group (DPT/DTMF) is not available.
Data Line Security
Setting Data Line Security cancels the Call Waiting setting. (→ 1.4.1 Data Line Security)
Caller Information
With the Call Waiting tone, the caller's information flashes on the display for five seconds, followed by a 10-second pause, then flashes again for five seconds.
Call Waiting from the Telephone Company
Besides the Call Waiting service within the PBX, the Call Waiting tone offered by an analog line from the telephone company informs the extension user of another incoming CO line call that is waiting. He can answer the second call by disconnecting the current call or placing it on hold using EFA. For details, consult your telephone company.
Call Waiting Caller ID (Visual Caller ID):
When using the call waiting tone supplied by the telephone company over analog lines, the caller's telephone number and name can be received. Either the name or the number will flash on the display for five seconds, followed by a 10-second pause, then flash again for five seconds.
Note that the received caller information will not be displayed on telephones or wireless phones connected to SLT ports.
OHCA and Whisper OHCA are enabled or disabled by the Class of Service (COS) of the calling extension.
OHCA and Whisper OHCA are not compatible with some telephone types. In such cases, a Call Waiting tone will be sent to the called extension.

OHCA Mode of Calling Extension's COS

Called Extension's Call Waiting Mode



Call Waiting Tone


Whisper OHCA

Call Waiting disabled
Call waiting tone
Call waiting tone
Call waiting tone
Call Waiting disabled
Call waiting tone
(or Call waiting tone)
Whisper OHCA
(or Call waiting tone)
The notification receiving methods (call waiting tone, OHCA, and Whisper OHCA) are available when the called extension is having a conversation with another party. If the extension is not having a conversation but is unavailable to receive the notification (dialing a number, for example), the calling extension will be kept waiting until the called extension becomes available. Even while waiting, the calling extension will hear a ringback tone.
If none of these methods of receiving notification (call waiting tone, OHCA, or Whisper OHCA) are set at the called party, the caller will hear a reorder tone after trying to send a call waiting notification.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.8.26 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - LCO typelozenge.gifCaller ID—Caller ID Signaling
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatures
    → lozenge.gifManual Call Waiting for Extension Call
    → lozenge.gifAutomatic Call Waiting
2.9.11 [2-6-3] Numbering Plan—B/NA DND Call Feature
    → lozenge.gifBSS / OHCA / Whisper OHCA / DND Override
    → lozenge.gifBSS / OHCA / Whisper OHCA / DND Override-2
2.9.18 [2-9] System OptionsOption 5lozenge.gifCall Waiting—Automatic Call Waiting for Extension Call
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings
    → Option 2lozenge.gifManual C. Waiting for Extension Call
    → Option 2lozenge.gifAutomatic C. Waiting
    → Option 4lozenge.gifCall Waiting Tone Type
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
    → Option 2lozenge.gifManual C. Waiting for Extension Call
    → Option 2lozenge.gifAutomatic C. Waiting
    → Option 4lozenge.gifCall Waiting Tone Type
PT Programming Manual

Feature Manual References

1.3.4 Call Log, Incoming
1.3.11 Call Waiting Tone
1.12.3 OHCA (Off-hook Call Announcement)
1.16.3 SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording)
1.20.4 Whisper OHCA

Operating Manual References

1.3.13 Call Waiting Tone
3.1.2 Personal Programming

1.3.11 Call Waiting Tone


When an extension user attempts to call a busy extension (i.e., an extension that is ringing or having a conversation), a call waiting tone can be sent to the called extension to indicate another call is waiting.


This feature functions only if the called extension has activated call waiting. If it is activated, the calling extension will hear a ringback tone.
One of two call waiting tones can be selected (Tone 1 or Tone 2) through personal programming (Call Waiting Tone Type Selection).
A PT user can hear different Call Waiting tones for CO line calls and intercom calls if "Tone 2" has been selected through personal programming (Call Waiting Tone Type Selection). If "Tone 1" has been selected, the same Call Waiting tone will be heard for both CO line calls and intercom calls.
All Call Waiting tone patterns have a default (→ 2.2 Tones/Ring Tones).

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.5 [2-3] Timers & CountersMiscellaneouslozenge.gifCaller ID—Visual Caller ID Display
2.9.11 [2-6-3] Numbering Plan—B/NA DND Call Feature
   →lozenge.gifBSS / OHCA / Whisper OHCA / DND Override
   →lozenge.gifBSS / OHCA / Whisper OHCA / DND Override-2
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings
   →Option 2lozenge.gifManual C. Waiting for Extension Call
   →Option 2lozenge.gifAutomatic C. Waiting
   →Option 4lozenge.gifCall Waiting Tone Type
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
   →Option 2lozenge.gifManual C. Waiting for Extension Call
   →Option 2lozenge.gifAutomatic C. Waiting
   →Option 4lozenge.gifCall Waiting Tone Type
PT Programming Manual

Operating Manual References

1.3.13 Call Waiting Tone
3.1.2 Personal Programming



This PBX provides features to support the use of cellular phones and other outside destinations with the PBX. Calls can be forwarded from virtual PSs to outside destinations such as cellular phones, and then answered as if the user was at an extension within the PBX.
The following features can be used with cellular phones and other outside extensions:


Description & Reference

Outside Destinations in Incoming Call Distribution Group
Up to 4 cellular phones can be assigned as members of an Incoming Call Distribution (ICD) Group, and receive calls to the group.
1.9.4 ICD Group Features—Outside Destinations
Cellular Phone XDP Parallel Mode
A PT user can set up to 4 cellular phones to ring in parallel for incoming calls.
1.9.4 ICD Group Features—Outside Destinations
DISA Automatic Walking COS
Registered cellular phones are automatically recognized as PBX extensions when calling through DISA.
1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)
DISA Call Transfer From Outside Destination
A cellular phone user who answers a CO line call forwarded from the PBX using DISA can transfer that call to an extension within the PBX.
1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)


The KX-NCS4910 (Activation Key for Software Upgrade to Enhanced Version) is required to use this feature.

Feature Manual References

1.19.2 Virtual PS

1.3.13 CLI (Calling Line Identification) Distribution


Directs an incoming CO line call to a specific destination when the caller's telephone number matches a number in the System Speed Dialing Table. Each telephone number in this table can be assigned its own Calling Line Identification (CLI) destination.
CLI distribution allows you to direct calls from specific people to specific destinations, and has many applications. For example, you can program the PBX to automatically connect calls from priority clients to their sales representatives, or automatically connect mobile phone calls from an executive to his or her assistant.
In order for CLI distribution to function, the PBX must receive Caller ID information from the telephone company.
CLI distribution works in conjunction with both Direct In Line (DIL) and Direct Inward Dialing (DID) distribution; it can be enabled or disabled for each CO line (for DIL) and for each DID number, for each time mode.
When a call has Caller ID information and CLI distribution is enabled for the current time mode, CLI distribution will direct the call to its destination, ignoring preprogrammed DIL or DID destinations.

[Programming Example: System Speed Dialing Table]

2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Diallozenge.gifName
[001] System Speed Dialing Number
2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Diallozenge.gifCO Line Access Number + Telephone Number
[002] System Speed Dialing Name
2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Diallozenge.gifCLI Destination
In this example:
If the caller's telephone number is "1-212-555-1234":
1) The PBX looks for the number in the System Speed Dialing Table. (The CO Line Access number, "9", is disregarded.) The number is found in location 000.
2) If CLI distribution is enabled in the current time mode for the DID number or for the CO line carrying the call (for DIL distribution), the call is routed to its CLI destination, extension 200.


If Automatic Caller ID Modification is used:
Store the modified number in the System Speed Dialing Table.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Dial
    → lozenge.gifName
    → lozenge.gifCO Line Access Number + Telephone Number
    → lozenge.gifCLI Destination
2.17.2 [10-2] DIL Table & Port SettingsDILlozenge.gifCLI Ring for DIL—Day, Lunch, Break, Night
2.17.3 [10-3] DID Table lozenge.gifCLI Ring for DID—Day, Lunch, Break, Night
PT Programming Manual
[001] System Speed Dialing Number
[002] System Speed Dialing Name

Feature Manual References

1.3.2 Caller ID
1.4.6 DID (Direct Inward Dialing)
1.4.7 DIL (Direct In Line)
1.16.7 Speed Dialing, System

1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)


Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP):
The PBX can send a preprogrammed telephone number to the network when an extension user makes a call. The called party can see the number on his telephone display before answering the call.
Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP):
The PBX sends a preprogrammed telephone number to the network when the extension user answers an incoming call. The caller can see the number of the answering party on his telephone display when the call is answered.

[CLIP Example]


[COLP Example]

The telephone numbers sent to the network for CLIP/COLP can be assigned as follows:
CLIP/COLP number for each ISDN port (subscriber's number).
CLIP/COLP number for each extension.
CLIP/COLP number for each incoming call distribution group.
Each extension can select either the CLIP/COLP number for the ISDN port or the extension to be used. The CLIP/COLP number for the ICD group is used when making a call by pressing the ICD Group button or receiving a call which arrives at the ICD Group button.
Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) and Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR)
It is possible for each extension to prevent the sending of its telephone number to the network by pressing the CLIR button, COLR button or entering the feature number.


The availability of this feature is dependent on the contract with the telephone company.
The CLIP/COLP number for the connected ISDN port can be used for the ISDN terminal devices which cannot be assigned their own CLIP/COLP number, such as a doorphone.
COLP/CLIR/COLR Assignment for Each Port
Each service can be enabled or disabled on each ISDN port of the PBX.
CLIR Button and COLR Button
It is possible to switch between CLIP and CLIR by pressing the CLIR button, and COLP and COLR by pressing the COLR button. A flexible button can be customized as the CLIR or COLR button.
The CLIP/COLP number must match the telephone number provided by the telephone company. Otherwise it will be ignored or replaced by another number.
When using a private network, the extension number assigned for each extension through system programming is sent for CLIP/COLP. (→ 1.13.23 Private Network Features—QSIG—CLIP/COLP (Calling/Connected Line Identification Presentation) and CNIP/CONP (Calling/Connected Name Identification Presentation))

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.8.30 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI Port
    → CO Settinglozenge.gifSubscriber Number
    → Supplementary Servicelozenge.gifCOLP, CLIR, COLR, CNIP, CONP, CNIR, CONR, CF (Rerouting), CT, CCBS, E911
2.8.33 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - T1 Portlozenge.gifSubscriber Number
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatures
    → lozenge.gifCOLR Set / Cancel
    → lozenge.gifCLIR Set / Cancel
    → lozenge.gifSwitch CLIP of CO Line / Extension
2.9.18 [2-9] System OptionsOption 4lozenge.gifSend CLIP of CO Caller to ISDN—when Transfer (CLIP of Held Party)
2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group SettingsMainlozenge.gifCLIP on G-DN Button
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings
    → Mainlozenge.gifExtension Number
    → ISDN CLIPlozenge.gifCLIP ID
    → ISDN CLIPlozenge.gifCLIP on Extension/CO
    → ISDN CLIPlozenge.gifCLIR
    → ISDN CLIPlozenge.gifCOLR
2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Buttonlozenge.gifType
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
    → ISDN CLIPlozenge.gifCLIP ID
    → ISDN CLIPlozenge.gifCLIP on Extension/CO
    → ISDN CLIPlozenge.gifCLIR
    → ISDN CLIPlozenge.gifCOLR
2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Buttonlozenge.gifType
2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Consolelozenge.gifType
PT Programming Manual
[003] Extension Number
[606] CLIP Number

Feature Manual References

1.6.3 Flexible Buttons

Operating Manual References

1.3.52 Private Network Features—CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)
1.3.53 Private Network Features—CLIR (Calling Line Identification Restriction)
1.3.55 Private Network Features—COLR (Connected Line Identification Restriction)

1.3.15 CO Line Access


There are three methods of accessing a CO line.




 Idle Line Access (Local Access)
Selects an idle CO line automatically from the assigned trunk groups.
Dial the Idle Line Access number or press a L-CO button.
 Trunk Group Access
Selects an idle CO line from the corresponding trunk group.
Dial the Trunk Group Access number and a trunk group number, or press a G-CO button.
 S-CO Line Access
Selects the desired CO line directly.
Dial the S-CO Line Access number and the CO line number, or press the S-CO button.


Class of Service (COS) programming determines the trunk groups available for making calls.
CO Line numbers can be referred on a CO line port basis.
Button Assignment
A flexible button can be customized as a G-CO, L-CO, or S-CO button as follows:


Assignable parameter

Loop-CO (L-CO)
Any trunk group that is made available for Idle Line Access through system programming is applied.
Group-CO (G-CO)
A trunk group is assigned.
Single-CO (S-CO)
A specified CO line is assigned.
It is possible to assign:
the same CO line to the S-CO button and to a G-CO button.
the same trunk group to more than one G-CO button.
more than one L-CO button.
Dialing the CO Line Access number selects a CO button according to the following priority: S-CO → G-CO → L-CO
Direct CO Line Access
If an extension user is on-hook when pressing an idle CO button, the proprietary telephone (PT) automatically enables hands-free operation mode. The user can dial without lifting the handset or pressing the SP-PHONE button or MONITOR button.
Group Hunting Order for Idle Line Access
An idle CO line is selected from the trunk groups assigned for Idle Line Access. If multiple trunk groups are available, the trunk group hunting sequence can be determined through system programming.
CO Line Hunting Order for Idle Line Access and Trunk Group Access
The CO line hunting sequence in a trunk group (from lowest numbered CO line, from highest numbered CO line or rotation) can be determined through system programming.
A company name or customer name can be assigned on a CO line port basis so that the operator or extension user who is answering the call can view the destination which the caller is trying to reach before answering. This is useful, for example, when multiple companies share the same operator.
It is possible to identify the CO line port that has a CO line connected to it. This prevents extension users from originating a call to a CO line which is not connected.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Portlozenge.gifConnection
2.8.27 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - LCO Portlozenge.gifConnection
2.8.30 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI Portlozenge.gifConnection
2.8.33 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - T1 Portlozenge.gifConnection
2.8.36 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - IP-GW Portlozenge.gifConnection
2.8.40 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - IP-Extension Portlozenge.gifConnection
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatures
    → lozenge.gifIdle Line Access (Local Access)
    → lozenge.gifTrunk Group Access
    → lozenge.gifSingle CO Line Access
2.9.13 [2-7-2] Class of Service—External Call Block
2.10.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG SettingsMainlozenge.gifLine Hunting Order
2.10.2 [3-1-2] Trunk Group—Local Access Priority
2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button
    → lozenge.gifType
    → lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Single CO)
    → lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Group CO)
2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button
    → lozenge.gifType
    → lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Single CO)
    → lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Group CO)
2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Console
    → lozenge.gifType
    → lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Single CO)
    → lozenge.gifParameter Selection (for Group CO)
2.15.1 [8-1] System Settinglozenge.gifARS Mode
2.17.1 [10-1] CO Line Settingslozenge.gifCO Name
PT Programming Manual
[400] LCOT CO Line Connection
[401] LCOT CO Line Name
[409] LCOT CO Line Number Reference
[500] Trunk Group Number

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)
1.6.3 Flexible Buttons

Operating Manual References

1.2.1 Making Calls

1.3.16 CO Line Call Limitation


CO line calls are limited by the following features:



 Extension-to-CO Line Call Duration
If a call between an extension user and an outside party is established, the call duration can be restricted by the system timer selected for each trunk group. Both parties will hear warning tones at five-second intervals starting 15 seconds before the time limit. When the time limit expires, the line will be disconnected. COS programming determines whether this feature is enabled or disabled. Whether this feature applies to outgoing calls only, or to both outgoing and incoming calls is determined through system programming.
 CO-to-CO Line Call (except Unattended Conference Call) Duration
If a call between two outside parties is established, the call duration can be restricted by the system timer selected for each trunk group. Both parties will hear warning tones at five-second intervals starting 15 seconds before the time limit. When the time limit expires, the line will be disconnected.
If both parties involved in the CO-to-CO line call were established by an extension (e.g., an extension makes a CO line call, then transfers the call to an outside party), the time limit applied to the CO line call that was made first will be used.
 Dialing Digit Restriction during Conversation
While engaged in an incoming CO line call, the dialing of digits can be restricted. If the number of dialed digits exceeds the limitation, the line will be disconnected.


During an Unattended Conference Call, the Unattended Conference Recall time is applied. (→ 1.3.17 Conference)
When using LCO lines that do not support Calling Party Control (CPC) signal detection (→ 1.3.21 CPC (Calling Party Control) Signal Detection), the CO-to-CO Line Call Duration timer should not be disabled, as automatic end of call detection cannot be performed.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsCO & SMDRlozenge.gifExtension-CO Line Call Duration Limit
2.9.18 [2-9] System OptionsOption 2lozenge.gifExtension - CO Call Limitation—For Incoming Call
2.10.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG SettingsMain
    → lozenge.gifCO-CO Duration Time
    → lozenge.gifExtension-CO Duration Time
2.14.5 [7-5] Miscellaneouslozenge.gifDial Digits Limitation After Answering—Dial Digits
PT Programming Manual
[472] Extension-to-CO Line Call Duration
[473] CO-to-CO Line Call Duration
[502] CO Line Call Duration Limitation

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)

1.3.17 Conference


An extension user can establish a conference call by adding additional parties to an already existing two-party conversation. This PBX supports three-party through eight-party conference calls. Conferences with more than four parties are only possible when a PT or PS user originates the conference.

Unattended Conference:
The conference originator can leave the conference and allow other parties to continue. Establishing an Unattended Conference allows the originator to return to the conference. Unattended Conferences can only be established by PT and PS users.


When an extension is establishing a conference call the original party is put on hold.
CONF (Conference) Button
For a PT/PS which does not have the CONF button, a flexible button can be customized as the Conference button.
Unattended Conference Call Duration
The length of time that a conference call can remain unattended is restricted by the following timers:
Callback Start Timer
Warning Tone Start Timer
Disconnect Timer
These timers behave and operate according to the following chain of events:
1) When the unattended conference is established, the Callback Start Timer will begin.
2) When the Callback Start timer expires, the Unattended Conference originator’s extension will start to receive a callback ringing from the PBX and the Warning Tone Start Timer begins.
3) When the Warning Tone Start Timer expires, the remaining parties of the conference will start to hear a warning tone, the callback ringing will continue to be heard at the Unattended Conference originator’s extension, and the Disconnect Timer begins.
4) When the disconnect Timer expires, the conference is disconnected.
If the Unattended Conference originator returns to the conference before the line is disconnected, all timers are cleared.
For a Conference With Six or More Parties
The ECHO card is required. Also the echo canceling function should be enabled through system programming.

Installation Manual References

3.7.4 ECHO16 Card (KX-TDA0166)

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.5 [2-3] Timers & CountersDISA / Door / Reminder / U. Conf
    → lozenge.gifUnattended Conference—Recall Start Timer
    → lozenge.gifUnattended Conference—Warning Tone Start Timer
    → lozenge.gifUnattended Conference—Disconnect Timer
2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsCO & SMDRlozenge.gifTransfer to CO
2.9.18 [2-9] System OptionsOption 3
    → lozenge.gifConfirmation Tone—Tone 4-1 : Start Conference
    → lozenge.gifConfirmation Tone—Tone 4-2 : Finish Conference
    → lozenge.gifEcho Cancel—Conference
2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Buttonlozenge.gifType
2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Buttonlozenge.gifType
2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Consolelozenge.gifType
PT Programming Manual

Feature Manual References

1.6.3 Flexible Buttons
2.1 Capacity of System Resources

Operating Manual References

1.3.15 Conference

1.3.18 Confirmation Tone


At the end of feature operations, the PBX confirms the success of the operation by sending a confirmation tone to extension users.



Tone 1
a) Sent when the setting is accepted.
b) Sent when a call is received in voice-calling mode (Alternate Receiving—Ring/Voice). The caller's voice will be heard after the tone.
Tone 2
a) Sent from an external paging device or an extension before being paged.
b) Sent when a call is received while an extension is in Hands-free Answerback mode.
Tone 3-1
a) Sent before a conversation is established using the Paging feature.
b) Sent to the caller when a conversation is established with an extension in one of the following modes:
Hands-free Answerback mode
Voice-calling mode (Alternate Receiving—Ring/Voice)
c) Sent when making a call to or from a doorphone.
Tone 3-2
Sent before a conversation is established when accessing the following features by their feature numbers:
Call Park Retrieve
Call Pickup
Hold Retrieve
Paging Answer
Trunk Answer From Any Station (TAFAS)
Tone 4-1
Sent when a call changes from a two-party call to a three-party call (e.g., Executive Busy Override, Conference, Privacy Release, Two-way Record).
Tone 4-2
Sent when a call changes from a three-party call to a two-party call (e.g., Executive Busy Override, Conference, Privacy Release, Two-way Record).
Tone 5
Sent when a call is placed on hold (including a consultation hold).


Confirmation Tone Patterns
All confirmation tone patterns have a default (→ 2.2 Tones/Ring Tones).
It is possible to eliminate each tone.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.18 [2-9] System OptionsOption 3
    → lozenge.gifConfirmation Tone—Tone 1 : Called by Voice
    → lozenge.gifConfirmation Tone—Tone 2 : Paged / Automatic Answer
    → lozenge.gifConfirmation Tone—Tone 3-1 : Start Talking after Making Call / Call from Doorphone
    → lozenge.gifConfirmation Tone—Tone 3-2 : Start Talking after Answering Call
    → lozenge.gifConfirmation Tone—Tone 4-1 : Start Conference
    → lozenge.gifConfirmation Tone—Tone 4-2 : Finish Conference
    → lozenge.gifConfirmation Tone—Tone 5 : Hold
PT Programming Manual

1.3.19 Consultation Hold


Consultation Hold is a condition that a party is in, when an extension is calling other parties in order to perform Call Transfer, Conference, or Call Splitting. When the operation is completed or canceled, the consultation hold is released.
In Consultation Hold, the original call is treated as if it is on hold, allowing the extension to call a third party all on one line. In Call Hold, the party on hold and the third party are connected to the extension using separate lines.

Feature Manual References

1.3.8 Call Splitting
1.3.9 Call Transfer
1.3.17 Conference

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)


Each extension must belong to a Class of Service (COS). By assigning certain extensions to a COS, it is possible to control the behavior and privileges of extension users (allowing or denying certain extensions access to various features, extensions, and CO lines) depending on the duties appointed to them.
Many extensions can belong to the same COS by assigning each extension the same COS number, allowing the same restrictions and privileges to apply to a group of extensions.
The following features are controlled on a COS basis:
a) 1.9.14 Internal Call Block
b) 1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding)
c) 1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb)—DND Override
d) 1.3.7 Call Pickup
e) 1.1.2 Account Code Entry
f) 1.3.15 CO Line Access
g) 1.5.3 Executive Busy Override
h) 1.3.5 Call Monitor
i) 1.12.3 OHCA (Off-hook Call Announcement)
j) 1.20.4 Whisper OHCA
k) 1.17.6 TRS (Toll Restriction)
l) 1.5.4 Extension Dial Lock
m) 1.20.1 Walking COS
n) 1.3.16 CO Line Call Limitation
o) 1.3.9 Call Transfer
p) 1.4.11 Door Open
q) 1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)
r) 1.20.5 Wireless XDP Parallel Mode
s) 1.16.3 SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording)—SMDR for Outgoing CO Line Calls
t) 1.17.5 Time Service—Time Service Switching
u) 1.11.1 Manager Features
v) 1.13.30 PT Programming
w) 1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension—SDN Key mode, SDN Walking COS, and assigning SDN buttons through PT programming


Walking COS
Extension users can make a call from extensions of a less-privileged COS by using their own COS temporarily. (→ 1.20.1 Walking COS)

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS Settings
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsMainlozenge.gifCOS
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension SettingsMainlozenge.gifCOS
PT Programming Manual
2.1.8 COS Programming
[602] Class of Service

Feature Manual References

2.1 Capacity of System Resources

1.3.21 CPC (Calling Party Control) Signal Detection


The Calling Party Control (CPC) signal is an on-hook indication (disconnect signal) sent from an analog CO line when the other party hangs up. To maintain efficient utilization of CO lines, the PBX monitors each line's status and when CPC signal is detected on a line, the PBX disconnects the line and alerts the extension with a reorder tone.


CPC signal detection is programmable for incoming CO line calls, and for outgoing CO line calls.
If your telephone company sends signals similar to CPC, it is recommended not to enable CPC signal detection on outgoing CO line calls.
If CPC signal is detected during a conference call (→ 1.3.17 Conference), the line is disconnected. The remaining parties stay connected.
If CPC signal is detected during a call between a caller using the Direct Inward System Access (DISA) feature (→ 1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)) and an extension or an outside party, the line is disconnected.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.8.27 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - LCO Portlozenge.gifCPC Signal Detection Time—Outgoing, Incoming
2.8.33 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - T1 Port
    → lozenge.gifCPC Signal Detection (DID)—Outgoing, Incoming
    → lozenge.gifCPC Signal Detection (LCO/GCO)—Outgoing, Incoming
PT Programming Manual
[413] LCOT CPC Signal Detection Time—Outgoing
[414] LCOT CPC Signal Detection Time—Incoming

1.3.22 CTI (Computer Telephony Integration)


Computers can be connected to the PBX to provide extension users with access to advanced features such as pop-up display of caller information, computer-based speed dialing, etc. These features are made available by running customized Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) software, available from Panasonic (PC Console, PC Phone, etc.) as well as third-party software vendors.
CTI can be achieved in two ways:
1) First Party Call Control
2) Third Party Call Control
1. First Party Call Control
A PC is connected to a digital proprietary telephone (DPT) which supports an optional USB Module. Each PC acts independently; it is not necessarily connected to a server.
The PBX directs a call to the extension as normal, then depending on the CTI software being used the PC can control the DPT (answer calls, transfer calls, etc.) or monitor the status of the extension (display the billing information or customer profile of the caller when a call is received, etc.).
2. Third Party Call Control
Each extension's PC and a CTI Server form a LAN, and the server only—not each PC—is connected directly to the LAN port of the IPCMPR card.
When using Third Party Call Control, the server controls the "client" PCs. Depending on the CTI software being used, the CTI Server can determine how calls are distributed to the extensions of the PBX and can also control what information is sent to the PCs when their extensions receive calls.



Capable telephone:
DPT: KX-T7600 series PT, USB module
CTI application software must be installed on the connected PC. In addition, some features may require a KX-NCS4910 (Activation Key for Software Upgrade to Enhanced Version).
Application Programming Interface (API)/Protocol
Software used for CTI must support the following protocol(s):



First Party Call Control
TAPI 2.1
Third Party Call Control
TAPI 2.1
Operating system requirements for PCs or CTI Servers vary by the CTI software being used. Refer to your CTI software documentation for more information.
Third Party Call Control cannot be performed when two or more CTI servers are connected to the PBX.

[IP-PT Call Control]

A PC connected directly to an IP-PT cannot be used for First Party Call Control.
IP-PTs do not support the use of PC Phone or PC Console software on a connected PC.

Installation Manual References

3.3.1 IPCMPR Card
3.8.4 First Party Call Control CTI Connection
3.12.1 Connection of Peripherals

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatureslozenge.gifDial Information (CTI)
2.9.18 [2-9] System OptionsOption 6 (CTI)
PT Programming Manual