1.3 Telephone Features and Operation

1.3.1 Absent Message

You can show the reason you do not answer, if the caller uses a Panasonic display proprietary telephone. There are eight preprogrammed messages and one for your personal message (16 characters). The selected message is shown on the display of your telephone.

Message no.

Message (Example)

Will Return Soon
Gone Home
At Ext %%%% (Extension number)
Back at %%:%% (Hour:Minute)
Out until %%/%% (Month/Day)
In a Meeting
A message assigned for each extension.
(Personal Absent Message  )

To set


To cancel

Enter the desired value in the "%" positions. You must enter the correct number of characters as represented by the "%" using 0 to 9 or asterisk.gif.
The preprogrammed messages can be changed through system programming.
To create your personal message (Message no. 9), refer to "3.1.2 Personal Programming".

1.3.2 Account Code Entry

You may give a specified account code to extension users and check their telephone usage. You can specify an account code for each client and check the call duration.
A Panasonic proprietary telephone extension user can enter an account code during a conversation and when hearing reorder tone after the other party hangs up.
Account codes may use the digits "0" through "9".
Depending on the settings of your PBX, you may be required to enter an account code to make an outside call.
If you enter the wrong code, press the "asterisk.gif" key and re-enter the account code.
For your convenience, you can store the code with the phone number in the memory (e.g., Speed Dialing).
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit an Account button.

1.3.3 Alternate Calling—Ring/Voice

The caller can alternate the alerting method, either ring or voice, when making an intercom call.
On the other hand, any extension can set the alerting method, either ring or voice, when receiving an intercom call.
Ringing (Default): You can call the other party with a ring tone.
Voice-calling: You can talk to the other party immediately after confirmation tone.

To change the method

Voice-calling from a SIP Extension is not available.
If the called party uses a SIP Extension, single line telephone (SLT) or portable station (PS), Voice-calling is not available.
This feature is not available when the called party's telephone is in the Voice Call Deny mode.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.2 Personal ProgrammingAlternate Receiving—Ring/Voice
Select the alerting method, either ring or the other party's voice.

1.3.4 Automatic Callback Busy (Camp-on)

If a dialed extension or a desired CO line is busy, you can set the telephone to receive callback ringing:
when a dialed extension becomes idle.
when your desired CO line that is in use by another extension becomes idle.
You cannot set Automatic Callback Busy for a busy party outside of the PBX.
When you answer the callback ringing:
For an outside call: The line is seized.
For an intercom call: The called extension starts ringing automatically.

To set (for both extension and CO line)


To answer the callback ringing from an idle extension


To answer the callback ringing from an idle CO line

If you do not answer the callback ringing within 10 seconds, this feature will be canceled.

Automatic Callback Busy Cancel


1.3.5 BGM (Background Music)

You can listen to the background music through your telephone speaker while on-hook. An external music source, such as a radio, must be connected.
If your extension becomes busy (off-hook, making or receiving a call etc.), the music stops temporarily. When you go back on-hook, the music starts again.

To select and set/cancel

System programming may be required for some IP-PT users to listen to background music.

1.3.6 Call Hold

There are two types of hold. The difference between them is whether other people can retrieve your held call (Regular Hold) or not (Exclusive Call Hold). As they can be alternated, ask your manager what the current mode is.
For users of SIP Extensions:
The holding operation for SIP Extension users may differ from the steps in this section, and may vary depending on the type of telephone being used.

Call Hold


Call Hold Retrieve

The CO or INTERCOM button light shows the current status as follows:
Regular Hold mode
Flashing green slowly: Your held call
Flashing red: Another extension's held call
Exclusive Call Hold mode
Flashing green moderately: Your held call
Red on: Another extension's held call
If a call is not retrieved within a specified time, you will hear an alarm as a reminder (Hold Recall).
If an outside call is not answered within a specified time, it is automatically disconnected.
Hold Mode Change (PT only)
After pressing the HOLD button, if you press the HOLD button again, the status switches from the Regular Hold mode to the Exclusive Call Hold mode or from the Exclusive Call Hold mode to the Regular Hold mode.
If Automatic Call Hold has been preprogrammed, you can put the current call on hold automatically by pressing another CO, ICD Group or INTERCOM button to make or answer another call.
For the Call Hold Retrieve operation using a PDN/SDN button, refer to "1.3.49 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension".

1.3.7 Call Monitor

A preprogrammed extension user can listen to the ongoing conversation of a busy extension user.

To monitor


1.3.8 Call Park

You can put a call on hold in a common parking zone of the PBX so that any extension can retrieve the parked call. You can use this feature as a transferring feature.
A call can be put into either a specified parking zone (Specified) or any idle parking zone (Auto). If a Call Park button and Call Park (Automatic Park Zone) button have been established, you can select either way to park by simply pressing the corresponding button.
When a call is parked automatically, or more than one call has been parked at the same time, you need to specify the parking zone number to retrieve the required call.

To set


Call Park Retrieve

If a call is parked automatically, confirm the parking zone number on the display.
If a call is not retrieved within a specified time, you will hear an alarm as a reminder (Call Park Recall).
If an outside call is not answered within a specified time, it is automatically disconnected.
If you hear a reorder tone when retrieving a parked call, there is no held call. Confirm the stored parking zone number.
After you park a call, you can perform other operations.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Call Park button or Call Park (Automatic Park Zone) button.

1.3.9 Call Pickup

title2.gif Call Pickup
title2.gif Call Pickup Deny

title2.gif Call Pickup

You can answer an incoming call that is ringing at another extension or group from your phone without leaving your desk.
The following types of pickup are available:
Group Call Pickup: Picks up a call within your group.
Directed Call Pickup: Picks up a specified extension's call.
If you receive a call waiting tone, you can ask a third party to pick up your second call with Directed Call Pickup.

title2.gif Call Pickup Deny

You can deny or allow other people to pick up your calls.

1.3.10 Call Splitting

When talking to one party while the other party is on hold, you can swap the calls back and forth (alternately).

To alternate between the parties leaving one party on hold temporarily


To leave the conversation and then let the two parties talk


1.3.11 Call Transfer

title2.gif Transferring to an Extension in the PBX
title2.gif Transferring to an Outside Party Using the PBX Service
You can transfer a held call without talking, and go on-hook even if the transferred party does not answer the call. (Not available for SIP Extensions.)
If a transferred call is not answered within a specified time, it will ring at a preprogrammed extension, if set, or at your extension again. If you are off-hook at that time, you will hear an alarm tone. If an outside call is not answered within a specified time, it is automatically disconnected.
For users of SIP Extensions:
Even if your telephone has a TRANSFER button, you cannot use it to transfer calls. Please make sure to use the HOLD button.
The transfer operation for SIP Extension users may differ from the steps in this section, and may vary depending on the type of telephone being used.

title2.gif Transferring to an Extension in the PBX

To transfer

* Instead of going on-hook, if you press the HOLD button once or twice (depending on the telephone being used), you can return to the held call, and the call with the transferred party will be disconnected.
When you are not at your desk or not in the office and receive a forwarded outside call, for example on your cellular phone, it is possible to transfer the call to an extension in the PBX by pressing # + desired extension number (if enabled through system programming).
For the transfer operation using an SDN button, refer to "1.3.49 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension".

To transfer with one touch (One-touch Transfer)

System programming is required to use the One-touch Transfer feature during a conversation with an extension.

title2.gif Transferring to an Outside Party Using the PBX Service

Some extensions may be restricted from performing this feature.
* Instead of going on-hook, if you press the HOLD button once or twice (depending on the telephone being used), you can return to the held call, and the call with the transferred party will be disconnected.
Time limit
Both the caller and the transferred party will hear an alarm tone fifteen seconds before a specified time period, and the call will be disconnected.
To return to the held call before the destination answers, press the TRANSFER button, corresponding CO, ICD Group, or INTERCOM button, or the hookswitch.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Direct Station Selection (DSS) button.


title2.gif Call Waiting (BSS [Busy Station Signaling])
title2.gif Answering Call Waiting in the PBX
title2.gif Answering Call Waiting from the Telephone Company

title2.gif Call Waiting (BSS [Busy Station Signaling])

TITLE4.gif For a caller
You can inform a busy extension user that your call is waiting.

To send a call waiting

Depending on the type of the other party's telephone, you may be able to talk to the other party using the speaker and the microphone (Off-hook Call Announcement [OHCA]), or you can send a call announcement through the handset (Whisper OHCA), if they are having another conversation using the handset. For more details on each feature, refer to "1.3.13 Call Waiting Tone", "1.3.45 OHCA (Off-hook Call Announcement)", or "1.3.76 Whisper OHCA".
Depending on system programming and the called extension's setting, a call waiting tone may be sent automatically without performing the operation above. For details, refer to "Automatic Call Waiting" in "3.1.2 Personal Programming".
TITLE4.gif For a called extension
A call waiting notification is sent to the busy extension user to notify him or her that a new incoming call is waiting. The extension can then answer the second call by either disconnecting the current call or placing it on hold.
One of the following notification methods can be assigned for each extension, depending on the type of telephone being used. (Default: Call Waiting Tone)
Call Waiting Tone: A call waiting tone is heard through the built-in speaker of PT or handset of SLT (→ 1.3.13 Call Waiting Tone).
Off-hook Call Announcement (OHCA): The caller's voice is heard through the built-in speaker (→ 1.3.45 OHCA (Off-hook Call Announcement)).
Whisper OHCA: The caller's voice is heard through the handset (→ 1.3.76 Whisper OHCA).

title2.gif Answering Call Waiting in the PBX

During a conversation, a call waiting tone or voice announcement through the speaker or the handset occurs when an outside call has been received or another extension is letting you know a call is waiting. You must activate this feature to use it. (Default: Call Waiting Tone)
You can answer the second call by disconnecting (1) or holding (2) the current call.

1. To disconnect the current call and then talk to the new party


2. To hold the current call and then talk to the new party

After talking to the new party (second call), you can disconnect (2.1) or hold (2.2) it and then retrieve the first call.

2.1 To disconnect the second call and then talk to the original party


2.2 To hold the second call and then talk to the original party

After holding it, you can talk to the original party. Then, you can disconnect it and then talk to the new party again.
Depending on the type of your telephone, you may be able to talk to the other party using the speaker and the microphone (Off-hook Call Announcement [OHCA]), or you can receive an announcement through the handset (Whisper OHCA), if you are having a conversation using the handset. For more details on each feature, refer to "1.3.13 Call Waiting Tone", "1.3.45 OHCA (Off-hook Call Announcement)", or "1.3.76 Whisper OHCA".
The caller's name or number is displayed for five seconds in fifteen second intervals while waiting to be answered.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.2 Personal ProgrammingCall Waiting Tone Type Selection
If you select "Tone 1", you will hear the same tone for Call Waiting from an outside party and an extension. If you select "Tone 2", you will hear different tones for Call Waiting from an outside party and an extension.

title2.gif Answering Call Waiting from the Telephone Company

This is an optional telephone company service. You can receive a call waiting tone with the caller's name or telephone number information. For details, consult your telephone company.
To return to the original party, repeat the operation.
In this case, the FLASH/RECALL button on proprietary telephones must be set to External Feature Access (EFA) mode through system programming.
The caller's telephone number will not be displayed on telephones or wireless phones connected to SLT ports.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit an External Feature Access (EFA) button.

1.3.13 Call Waiting Tone

During a conversation, you can be informed of a waiting call with a call waiting tone through the built-in speaker of your PT or the handset of your SLT.

To set/cancel for intercom calls (Manual Call Waiting)


To set/cancel for outside calls (Automatic Call Waiting)

To change the tone from a PT, refer to "3.1.2 Personal Programming".
For information about answering a waiting call, refer to "1.3.12 CALL WAITING FEATURES".

1.3.14 Character Entry

You can enter the following characters. The tables show you the characters available for each button. Table 1 or Table 2 can be programmed.
Table 1 (Standard mode)
Table 2 (Option mode)
<Example> To enter "Ann"
To erase the character on the cursor, press CLEAR.
To move the cursor to the left, press left.gif.
To move the cursor to the right, press right.gif. When entering two or more characters that use the same button consecutively (e.g. "G" and "I"), you must press this button or the FWD/DND button after entering the first character.
If the SELECT button is pressed, the characters for each button will be displayed in reverse order.
To toggle between Table 1 and Table 2 when using a KX-T7600 series DPT, press the leftmost soft button.

1.3.15 Conference

title2.gif Conference
title2.gif Leaving Three-party Conference

title2.gif Conference

You can add one or more parties to your conversation.

To establish a conference call


To establish a conference call when receiving a call from an outside party during a two-party conversation


To add four or more parties to a conference


To add another party on hold to a conference


To talk to two parties alternately in a three-party conversation


To disconnect one party and then talk to the other in a three-party conversation

* In this case, the FLASH/RECALL button on a proprietary telephone must be set to Flash/Recall mode through system programming.
During a three-party conversation, pressing the TRANSFER button or Recall/hookswitch alternates between the two other parties in the conversation.
You can have a conference with a maximum of eight parties (comprising intercom or CO lines) simultaneously.
During a conversation involving four or more parties, you cannot disconnect one party and maintain the conversation with the other parties.
SIP Extensions cannot originate a conference call, but can be added as a member.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Conference button.

title2.gif Leaving Three-party Conference

The person who originated a conference with two other parties can leave the conference, and allow the other parties to continue the conversation.

To leave a conference involving at least one other extension


To leave a conference involving two outside parties

To leave a conference call involving two outside parties and have the conversation continue, your extension must be enabled to transfer calls to CO lines through COS programming.

1.3.16 Conference, Unattended

The person who originated a conference can leave the conference, and allow the other parties to continue the conversation.

To leave a conference


To return while others are talking


To complete a conversation

Time limit
Both parties will hear an alarm tone before a specified timeout. The originating extension user will hear an alarm tone before timeout. The call is disconnected when the timer runs out unless the originating extension returns to the conference.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Conference button.

1.3.17 Data Line Security

You can protect the line against audible notification tones, such as a call waiting tone during a conversation. Set this feature if your extension has a data communication device, such as a computer or fax machine connected to ensure secure data transmission.

To set/cancel


1.3.18 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)

title2.gif Calling through DISA

title2.gif Calling through DISA

When outside callers access extensions in the PBX, a prerecorded message greets the caller and gives information about how to access an extension. You do not need the operator's assistance.
You may be able to access system features or call an outside party with your password depending on the security mode.

To call an extension


To call an outside party

* Callers from preprogrammed outside numbers can access the PBX through DISA without a password (extension PIN/verification code PIN) (DISA Automatic Walking COS).

To retry

There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made using the CO-to-CO Line Call feature of DISA.
The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX.
To protect the PBX from this kind of fraudulent use, we strongly recommend:
a) Enabling DISA security (CO Line Security or All Security).
b) Keeping your passwords (verification code PIN/extension PIN) secret.
c) Selecting complex, random PINs that cannot be easily guessed.
d) Changing PINs regularly.
Time limit
Both parties will hear an alarm tone fifteen seconds before the specified time limit. To extend, press any dial button except asterisk.gif.
If Built-in Automated Attendant service is set, you can access the desired extension simply by pressing a single digit (0–9) from the options given the prerecorded message.

1.3.19 DND (Do Not Disturb)

title2.gif DND (Do Not Disturb)
title2.gif DND Override
title2.gif Switching FWD/DND Status Using Fixed FWD/DND Button

title2.gif DND (Do Not Disturb)

You can set this feature to prevent incoming calls from ringing at your extension. This can be useful, for example, when you are in a meeting or busy.

To set/cancel

When using a proprietary telephone, you can set or cancel DND by pressing the FWD/DND button (fixed button) instead of "asterisk.gif710".
The FWD/DND button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: Both features are not set.
Flashing red slowly: FWD mode
Red on: DND mode
The system has two modes: (1) FWD/DND Cycle Switch Mode and (2) FWD/DND Setting Mode. Ask your manager what mode your system is in if you are not sure.
(1) When in FWD/DND Cycle Switch Mode:
Pressing the FWD/DND button (fixed button) while in idle status will cycle the setting as shown below:
(2) When in FWD/DND Setting Mode:
Pressing the FWD/DND button (fixed button) while in idle status allows you to switch the FWD/DND status and set the FWD destination (refer to "title2.gif Switching FWD/DND Status Using Fixed FWD/DND Button").
A FWD/DND button (customized button) is always in FWD/DND Cycle Switch Mode: the mode cannot be changed.
If your extension has set this feature, a calling extension will hear DND tone.
If this feature is set, the Call Forwarding (FWD) feature does not work.
Specified extensions can override this feature and call DND extensions (DND Override).
When using a SIP Extension, you cannot set/cancel the DND feature at your extension. However, this feature is available if set through system programming.
When making a call using an SDN button to a PDN extension with DND set, this feature will temporarily be deactivated.
When intercom calls are set to be handled differently from outside calls (DND set/cancel), we recommend establishing buttons for both FWD/DND—Outside calls and FWD/DND—Intercom calls, because:
a) the light patterns of the FWD/DND—Both calls button (including FWD/DND button [fixed button]) will indicate the setting for either outside calls or intercoms calls, but not both.
The DND icon on PS display reflects the setting for outside calls only.
b) pressing the FWD/DND—Both calls button (including FWD/DND button [fixed button]) will not change the FWD or DND mode for intercom calls and outside calls separately.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit FWD/DND (Both calls, Outside calls, Intercom calls) buttons.

title2.gif DND Override

The preprogrammed extension can call someone who has set the DND feature.

To call


title2.gif Switching FWD/DND Status Using Fixed FWD/DND Button

Using a proprietary telephone (PT), you can easily switch the FWD/DND status for outside/intercom calls without clearing any FWD destination that was set previously.

To switch the FWD/DND status for outside calls


To switch the FWD/DND status for intercom calls


To set and clear FWD/DND for outside/intercom calls

* This step can be omitted.

1.3.20 Door Open

A preprogrammed extension can open a door from the extension.

From a preprogrammed extension


From any extension while talking to the doorphone

The door open will be triggered for a specified time period.

1.3.21 Doorphone Call

Preprogrammed extensions or an outside party can receive a call from a doorphone, and talk to the person through the doorphone.

To call from the doorphone


To answer a call from the doorphone


To call the doorphone

If no one answers a doorphone call within a specified time period, the call is canceled.

1.3.22 EFA (External Feature Access)

You can access special features (e.g., Call Waiting) offered by a host PBX or telephone company. This feature is only effective for an outside call.

<Example> To hold the current call and then talk to the new party

In this case, the FLASH/RECALL button on a proprietary telephone must be set to External Feature Access (EFA) mode through system programming.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit an External Feature Access (EFA) button.

1.3.23 Executive Busy Override

title2.gif Executive Busy Override
title2.gif Executive Busy Override Deny

title2.gif Executive Busy Override

A preprogrammed extension can call someone who is busy on the telephone and establish a three-party conversation.

To join an intercom call


To join an outside call

To join another conversation, you must have Executive Busy Override enabled at your extension through COS programming.
It is possible for an originating extension to leave a three-party conversation with an outside party and let the two other parties talk by simply going on-hook.
Executive Busy Override is not available when making a call to a SIP Extension.

title3.gif For the originating extension

To talk to each party alternately


title2.gif Executive Busy Override Deny

A preprogrammed extension user can prevent his calls from being interrupted by another extension user (Default: Allow other users to interrupt calls).

To set


1.3.24 Extension Dial Lock

You can lock your extension so that other users cannot make unauthorized outside calls.
This feature is also known as Electronic Station Lockout.

To lock


To unlock

If you forget the extension PIN or cannot unlock your extension, consult your manager. The manager can clear your extension PIN, or unlock your extension. Then, you can set the new PIN and unlock your extension by entering it.
If your extension is locked by this feature, it cannot perform the following operations:
Making outside calls
Changing the call forwarding destination
If you do not set extension PIN, you cannot lock and unlock your extension.

To make an outside call while your extension is locked

After you make an outside call, Extension Dial Lock is automatically activated again.

1.3.25 Extension Feature Clear

You can reset the settings of the following features on your extension to the default settings with one operation.
This feature is also known as Station Program Clear.


Default Setting

Hot Line*
Message Waiting—(All the messages that have been left by other extension users)
Call Pickup Deny
Call Forwarding (FWD)*
Absent Message
Paging Deny
Timed Reminder
Do Not Disturb (DND)*
Call Waiting*
Executive Busy Override Deny
Data Line Security
Paralleled Telephone
The telephone in parallel rings.
* These features may not be reset, depending on system programming.

To reset

After performing Extension Feature Clear, the setting of Call Waiting becomes "Enable—Tone". In this case, dial tone 2 will be heard when you go off-hook.

1.3.26 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number)

You can assign a password to each extension.
The following features require an extension PIN.
1. Screening calls (1.3.69 Voice Mail Features—LCS (Live Call Screening)])
2. Prohibiting other people from seeing your personal speed dialing directory, call log, and SVM log (Display Lock)
3. Using the same settings as your extension at other extensions (1.3.74 Walking Extension)
4. Remote Control Operation (1.3.73 Walking COS)
5. Extension Dial Lock Clear

To set


To cancel

There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made if a third party discovers your password (extension PIN).
The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX.
To protect the PBX from this kind of fraudulent use, we strongly recommend:
a) Keeping your PIN secret.
b) Selecting a complex, random PIN that cannot be easily guessed.
c) Changing your PIN regularly.
Valid numbers for an extension PIN are "0" through "9".
If the wrong extension PIN is entered for a preprogrammed number of times, the PIN is locked.
If you forget your extension PIN or your extension PIN is locked, your manager can clear the extension PIN and extension PIN lock.

1.3.27 External Relay

Preprogrammed extensions can switch on a relay (e.g., alarm) connected to the PBX.

To switch on the relay

The relay will be switched off after a specified time period.

1.3.28 External Sensor

Preprogrammed extensions can receive an alert call from an external sensor (e.g., security alarm) connected to the PBX.

To answer a sensor call

If you do not answer a sensor call within a specified time period, the sensor call will stop.

1.3.29 FWD (Call Forwarding)

title2.gif FWD (Call Forwarding)
title2.gif FWD/DND Settings Using Fixed FWD/DND Button

title2.gif FWD (Call Forwarding)

You can have your incoming calls forwarded to a specified destination.
All Calls:
All calls are forwarded. Preset extensions may also forward from their own receiving group.
All calls are forwarded when your extension is busy.
No Answer:
All calls are forwarded when you do not answer the call within a specified time period.
Busy/No Answer (BSY/NA):
All calls are forwarded when you do not answer within a specified time period or when your extension is busy.
Follow Me (From):
If you fail to set the above-mentioned "All Calls" to forward before you leave your desk, you can set the same feature from the destination extension.
Incoming calls can be forwarded up to four times.
When using a SIP Extension, you cannot set/cancel the FWD feature at your extension. However, this feature is available if a forward destination is set through system programming.
You can set the floating extension number of a voice mail group or the SVM card as a forward destination.
You can set your cellular phone as the forward destination.
Boss & Secretary feature
The extension which has been set as the destination can call the forwarding extension.


To set/cancel


To set Follow Me from another extension

It is not possible to set Follow Me from a SIP Extension. However, it is possible to set it on a SIP Extension from another extension that is not a SIP Extension.
When using a proprietary telephone, you can set or cancel Call Forwarding by pressing the FWD/DND button (fixed button) instead of "asterisk.gif710".

To set the timer for "No Answer" and "Busy/No Answer"


Call Forwarding (FWD) for your Incoming Call Distribution Group

The FWD/DND button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: Both features are not set.
Flashing red slowly: FWD mode
Red on: DND mode
The Group FWD button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: No set
Flashing red slowly: FWD mode
The system has two modes: (1) FWD/DND Cycle Switch Mode and (2) FWD/DND Setting Mode. Ask your manager what mode your system is in if you are not sure.
(1) When in FWD/DND Cycle Switch Mode:
Pressing the FWD/DND button (fixed button) while in idle status will cycle the setting as shown below:
(2) When in FWD/DND Setting Mode:
Pressing the FWD/DND button (fixed button) while in idle status allows you to switch the FWD/DND status and set the FWD destination (refer to "title2.gif FWD/DND Settings Using Fixed FWD/DND Button").
A FWD/DND button (customized button) is always in FWD/DND Cycle Switch Mode: the mode cannot be changed.
Transferred outside calls are also forwarded to the destination assigned for outside calls.
When intercom calls are set to be handled differently from outside calls (forwarding type, forward destination), we recommend establishing buttons for both FWD/DND—Outside calls and FWD/DND—Intercom calls, and/or Group FWD—Outside calls and Group FWD—Intercom calls, because:
a) the light patterns of the FWD/DND—Both calls button (including FWD/DND button [fixed button]) and the Group FWD—Both calls button will indicate the setting for either outside calls or intercom calls, but not both.
The FWD icon on PS display reflects the setting for outside calls only.
b) pressing the FWD/DND—Both calls button (including FWD/DND button [fixed button]) or the Group FWD—Both calls button will not change the FWD or DND mode for intercom calls and outside calls separately.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit FWD/DND (Both calls, Outside calls, Intercom calls) buttons, or Group FWD (Both calls, Outside calls, Intercom calls) buttons.

title2.gif FWD/DND Settings Using Fixed FWD/DND Button

Using a proprietary telephone (PT), you can easily switch the FWD/DND status, and set the forward destination for outside/intercom calls with the FWD/DND button (fixed button). It is also possible to set outside telephone numbers (e.g., your cellular phone) as forward destinations for up to 4 Virtual PSs* in an Incoming Call Distribution (ICD) group, to ring together with other ICD group members for calls to the group.
The following settings are available:
Switching the FWD/DND status and setting FWD destination for outside/intercom calls
Timer for "No Answer" and "Busy/No Answer"
Forwarding status (on/off) and outside destinations to ring in parallel for outside calls for up to 4 virtual PSs in an ICD group
* Virtual PS
A virtual PS is a dedicated extension number assigned to a non-existent portable station (PS) to allow access to outside destinations such as a cellular phone.

To switch FWD/DND status for outside calls


To switch FWD/DND status for intercom calls

When you switch the FWD/DND status, any FWD destination that was set previously is not cleared.

To set and clear FWD/DND for outside/intercom calls

* This step can be omitted.

To set the timer for "No Answer" and "Busy/No Answer"

* You can enter the time as a 1–3 digit number. For example, 15 seconds can be entered as "15" or "015".

To set forwarding status and outside destinations to ring in parallel for outside calls to an ICD group

Only one extension assigned as member 1 in each ICD group can perform the settings for virtual PSs.
It is possible to switch the forwarding status (on/off) of a virtual PS by entering the number (4–7) of that extension, then pressing the fixed FWD/DND button, instead of pressing the AUTO DIAL/STORE button.

1.3.30 Hands-free Answerback

You can answer an incoming call without going off-hook as soon as the line is connected. When an intercom call arrives, you will hear the caller talking without the phone ringing. When an outside call arrives, you will hear the caller talking after a preprogrammed number of rings. Hands-free Answerback for outside calls requires System Programming.

To set/cancel

The AUTO ANS button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: Not set
Red on: Set
PS users: Refer to "Operating Instructions" for PS.

1.3.31 Hands-free Operation

You can have a conversation in hands-free mode using the SP-PHONE button.

To make/answer a call

When performing hands-free operation:
If it is difficult to hear the other party's voice,
Increase the volume using the Navigator Key, Jog Dial, or Volume Key.
If the other party has difficulty hearing you,
Decrease the volume.
If the other party reports that your voice echoes,
Use the telephone in a room that has curtains, carpeting or both.
If parts of the conversation cannot be heard,
If you and the other party speak at the same time, parts of your conversation may be lost. To avoid this, try to speak alternately.

1.3.32 Headset Operation

title2.gif Headset Operation
title2.gif Answer/Release Button

title2.gif Headset Operation

You can have a conversation using a headset.
In this case, you must select "Headset on" in programming mode or set the Headset button on (red) in advance.
This feature is also known as Handset/Headset Selection.

To talk using the headset


To use the handset during a conversation using the headset


To talk in hands-free mode during a conversation using the headset

The Headset button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: Headset mode off
Red on: Headset mode on
For KX-NT300 series users:
With the KX-NT300 series, you can use a Bluetooth wireless headset registered on your extension as a headset.
Operating Distance
Please keep KX-NT300 series IP-PTs with connected Bluetooth Modules, 3 m (9 ft 10 in) or more apart from each other. Also, if a Bluetooth headset is in use near a KX-NT300 series IP-PT with a connected Bluetooth Module, other than the one it is registered to, noise may be heard. Move away from the IP-PT and closer to the one it is registered to, to improve the signal.
Signals are transmitted between this module and the Bluetooth headset using radio waves. For maximum distance and noise free operation, it is recommended that the module is situated away from electrical appliances such as faxes, radios, personal computers, or microwaves.
Systems using the 2.4 GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band may interfere with this product. Examples of such systems are cordless telephones, wireless LAN, Home RF, microwave ovens and other ISM devices. These systems may cause minor noise.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.2 Personal ProgrammingHeadset Operation
Select the equipment to use.
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Headset button.

title2.gif Answer/Release Button

Customized Answer and Release buttons can make using a headset much easier. You can answer incoming calls or disconnect the line with these buttons.
Some DSS Consoles have fixed ANSWER and RELEASE buttons.

To answer


To transfer a call


To talk to a waiting caller


To transfer an outside call to an extension with a one-touch operation


To end a conversation

Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit an Answer button or a Release button.


In a hotel-type environment, an extension assigned as a hotel operator can be used to view and set the check-in/check-out status of each guest room extension. This allows the hotel operator to manage guests and rooms with just a telephone. In addition, the hotel operator can set timed reminders remotely for guest rooms.



Room Status Control
An extension assigned as a hotel operator can set the check-in/check-out status of rooms remotely.
(→ 1.3.59 Room Status Control)
Remote Wake-up Call
A hotel operator can set a timed reminder for a room remotely.
(→ 1.3.72 Wake-up Call)

1.3.34 Hot Line

You can make an outside call simply by going off-hook if you have preprogrammed your phone.
This feature is also known as Pickup Dialing.

To store a phone number


To set/cancel


To dial

To call another party, dial the desired party's phone number before the preprogrammed number is dialed.
You should assign the intercom line as the seized line when going off-hook. (Preferred Line Assignment—Outgoing)
It is possible to increase the delay before Hot Line is activated through system programming. This can be useful if you require more time after going off-hook to dial another telephone number or extension number.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.2 Personal ProgrammingPreferred Line Assignment—Outgoing
Select the seized line when going off-hook.


An incoming call distribution (ICD) group is a group of extensions assigned through system programming to receive calls (for example, as a call center). The PBX has several features that support using extensions in ICD groups, as follows:



You can log in to or out of an ICD group, to control whether you receive calls from the group.
(→ 1.3.38 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out)
Supervisory Features
An extension assigned as a supervisor (supervisor extension) can monitor and control the status of each member within the ICD group, using a 6-line display PT.
(→ 1.3.41 ICD Group Features—Supervisory)
Manual Queue Redirection (Hurry-up Transfer)
You can forward the longest waiting call in the queue of calls to the ICD group to a preprogrammed destination manually.
(→ 1.3.40 ICD Group Features—Manual Queue Redirection)
Call Forwarding (FWD) for your ICD Group
You can set a forward destination for your ICD group.
(→ Call Forwarding (FWD) for your Incoming Call Distribution Group)

1.3.36 ICD Group Features—Call Log History for ICD Group

An extension assigned as a supervisor (supervisor extension) can confirm the incoming call log for the incoming call distribution (ICD) group.
To perform this operation, the supervisor has to enter incoming call queue monitoring mode first.

To enter incoming call queue monitoring mode


To confirm the Call Log History


To clear Call Log History

If the accumulated data exceeds the maximum number that can be displayed (99999), "****" is shown on the display. To reinitialize the display, clear the Call Log History.
For information about other supervisory features, refer to "1.3.41 ICD Group Features—Supervisory".

1.3.37 ICD Group Features—Incoming Call Queue Monitor

An extension assigned as a supervisor (supervisor extension) can monitor the status of waiting calls to be answered in the queue for an incoming call distribution (ICD) group.

To monitor the waiting call status

If an ICD group has an overflowed call, the display shows the status automatically.
For information about other supervisory features, refer to "1.3.41 ICD Group Features—Supervisory".

1.3.38 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out

You can control your status in an incoming call distribution (ICD) group. When in the Log-out mode, incoming calls to the group will not ring at your extension. When you return, calls will again ring at your extension. (Default: Log-in)
Even if your extension is logged-in, you can have a specified time period (wrap-up time) when you will not receive calls after completing a previous call. This time can be used for you to write a report and so on.
You can also manually select "Not Ready" mode to temporarily leave an ICD group.

To set Log-in/Log-out


To enter/leave Not Ready mode


To set/cancel Not Ready mode or to leave Wrap-up mode (To enter Ready mode)

* The status will be as follows:
Ready rarrow.gif Not Ready
Not Ready rarrow.gif Ready
Wrap-up rarrow.gif Not Ready
The Log-in/Log-out of a specified group button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: Log-in mode
Red on: Log-out mode
The Wrap-up button alternates the setting of Wrap-up mode, Not Ready mode or Ready mode.
The Wrap-up button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: Ready mode
Red on: Not Ready mode
Flashing red: Wrap-up mode
In Wrap-up mode/Not Ready mode, your extension does not receive calls through any group, even if it belongs to multiple groups.
The last remaining logged-in extension may not be allowed to log out, depending on system programming.
The Supervisor extension can control the Log-in/Log-out status of other extensions.
For more information, refer to "1.3.39 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out Monitor and Remote Control".
For information about other ICD group features, refer to "1.3.35 ICD GROUP FEATURES".
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Log-in/Log-out button, a Log-in/Log-out of a specified group button or a Wrap-up button.

1.3.39 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out Monitor and Remote Control

An extension assigned as a supervisor (supervisor extension) can monitor the Log-in/Log-out status of incoming call distribution (ICD) group members with the lights of corresponding DSS buttons. The supervisor extension can change the Log-in/Log-out status of an extension by pressing the corresponding DSS button.
To perform this operation, the supervisor has to enter incoming call queue monitoring mode first.

To enter incoming call queue monitoring mode


To monitor the Log-in/Log-out status

While in Log-in/Log-out monitoring mode, the lights of DSS buttons for the ICD group members indicate their status as follows:
Off: Out of the ICD group.
Green on: Log-in mode (Ready). The extension user is ready to answer calls.
Flashing green: Log-in mode (Not Ready). The extension user is not ready to answer calls.
Red on: Log-out mode.

To change the Log-in/Log-out mode

Depending on the current status of the ICD group member, pressing the DSS button changes the status as follows:
Log-in mode (Not Ready)rarrow.gif Log-in mode (Ready)
Log-in mode (Ready)rarrow.gif Log-out mode
Log-out mode rarrow.gif Log-in mode (Ready)
For information about other supervisory features, refer to "1.3.41 ICD Group Features—Supervisory".

1.3.40 ICD Group Features—Manual Queue Redirection

When your incoming call distribution (ICD) group is busy and other outside calls arrive, the arriving calls are put in a waiting queue.
Extensions can check the status of the queue with the Hurry-up button light, and forward the longest waiting call in the queue to a preset destination manually.
This feature is also known as Hurry-up Transfer.

To forward the waiting call

The Hurry-up button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: No waiting call.
Red on: Some calls are waiting.
Flashing red: The number of calls exceeds the manual queue redirection level.
For information about other ICD group features, refer to "1.3.35 ICD GROUP FEATURES".
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Hurry-up button.

1.3.41 ICD Group Features—Supervisory

An extension assigned as a supervisor (supervisor extension) can monitor and control the status of other members in an Incoming Call Distribution (ICD) group using a 6-line display PT, as follows:



Incoming Call Queue Monitor
The supervisor extension can monitor the status of calls waiting in the queue to be answered.
(→ 1.3.37 ICD Group Features—Incoming Call Queue Monitor)
Log-in/Log-out Monitor and Remote Control
The supervisor extension can monitor the Log-in/Log-out status of the ICD group members with the lights of corresponding DSS buttons. The supervisor extension can change their Log-in/Log-out status by pressing the corresponding DSS button.
(→ 1.3.39 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out Monitor and Remote Control)
Call Log History
The supervisor extension can confirm the incoming call log for the ICD group.
(→ 1.3.36 ICD Group Features—Call Log History for ICD Group)
Using these features, for example, if extension 101 is logged out but the user is at his extension, and Incoming Call Queue Monitor shows that a call is waiting in the queue, the supervisor extension can change the status of extension 101 to Log-in. The waiting call will then be automatically directed to that extension.
The following chart shows the flow of supervisory displays and access operations:
For information about other ICD group features, refer to "1.3.35 ICD GROUP FEATURES".

1.3.42 Message Waiting

TITLE4.gif For a caller
When the called extension is busy or does not answer your call, you can leave a notification so that the called party may call you back.
TITLE4.gif For a called extension
As a message receiver, the Message button light or Message/Ringer Lamp lets you know that a call has been received. If you receive notification, you can call back the caller by a simple operation.

title3.gif For a caller

To leave a message waiting indication


To leave/cancel a message waiting indication

When making a call to SIP Extensions, you cannot leave a message waiting notification. If you perform the operation to leave a message waiting notification to a SIP Extension, you will hear a reorder tone.

title3.gif For a called extension

To check the left message and call back


To call back


To clear message waiting indications left on your extension

The Message button light or Message/Ringer Lamp shows the current status as follows:
Off: No message
Red on: You have a message.
The display shows the messages starting with the most recent call.
At a called extension, the MESSAGE button allows you to clear message waiting indications if you do not want to call the callers back. To clear, press the MESSAGE button and then press the soft button.
On your PT, you can establish one or more Message for Another Extension buttons.
These buttons can accept the message waiting notification of other extensions or various incoming call distribution groups.
In other words, you can monitor the message waiting notifications of other telephones.
A single line telephone extension user will receive a special dial tone as message waiting notification when going off-hook.
The message waiting lamp of a single line telephone can also let you know that you have a message in the same way as the Message button.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Message button or Message for Another Extension button.

1.3.43 Mute

You can disable the microphone or the handset to consult privately with others in the room while listening to the other party on the phone through the speaker or the handset.

To set/cancel

The AUTO ANS/MUTE or VOICE CALL/MUTE button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: Normal
Flashing red: Mute
If mute is used during OHCA, it will become Handset Mute.

1.3.44 Off-hook Monitor

You can let other people in the room listen to the conversation through the speaker while continuing the conversation using the handset.

To set/cancel

The SP-PHONE button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: The voice is heard through the handset.
On: The voice is heard through the speaker and the handset.
This feature is only available with certain proprietary telephones, and requires system programming.

1.3.45 OHCA (Off-hook Call Announcement)

During a conversation, you can be informed of a waiting call with a voice announcement. You can hear the caller’s voice through the built-in speaker, and talk to the caller while the current call is continued using the handset.

To set/cancel for intercom calls (Manual Call Waiting)

OHCA is only available with certain digital proprietary telephones.
OHCA is not available for outside calls; only call waiting tone can be set (refer to "1.3.13 Call Waiting Tone").
A PDN extension can only receive OHCA or Whisper OHCA from the corresponding SDN extension. When a call is made from another extension, a PDN extension will receive a call waiting tone. (→ 1.3.49 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension)
For information about answering a waiting call, refer to "1.3.12 CALL WAITING FEATURES".

1.3.46 One-touch Dialing

You can store a phone number into the flexible button for one-touch operation.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a One-touch Dialing button, store the desired phone number or feature number.

1.3.47 Paging

title2.gif Group Paging
title2.gif Paging and then Transferring a Call
title2.gif Paging Deny

title2.gif Group Paging

You can make a voice announcement to proprietary telephones or external speakers or both in the preset group simultaneously. A person who has been paged can answer the page at any extension.

To page

If the group which you paged is already being used for paging, you hear a busy tone.

To answer

The following are extensions that cannot receive a paging announcement:
Portable station
Single line telephone
Proprietary telephone that is ringing or busy
Proprietary telephone in Paging Deny mode
Proprietary telephone in DND mode
System programming may be required for some IP-PT users to receive paging announcements.
Even if the announcement is not paging your extension, you can answer it, if it is paging your group.

title2.gif Paging and then Transferring a Call

You can transfer a call after making paging announcements.
After you go on-hook, the caller can talk to the person who answers the page.

title2.gif Paging Deny

You can set your extension not to receive paging announcements.

1.3.48 Paralleled Telephone

A digital proprietary telephone extension user can choose whether the single line telephone connected in parallel will ring or not, when an incoming call is received.
(Default: Ring)
Even if "No ring" is selected, calls can be made and answered on the single line telephone by lifting the handset.
If you go off-hook while your paralleled telephone is in use, the call will switch over to you.

1.3.49 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension

Primary Directory Number (PDN) buttons and Secondary Directory Number (SDN) buttons are useful when extension users will handle calls for other extensions. For example, a secretary or multiple secretaries can handle calls and check the call status of a boss or multiple bosses. The functions of PDN and SDN buttons are as follows:
PDN button: This button can be used to make and receive all calls (including both outside and intercom calls). Having multiple PDN buttons allows multiple calls to be queued at the extension. Extensions that have a PDN button are called PDN extensions.
SDN button: The light of an SDN button displays the current call status of the registered extension, similar to a DSS button. In addition, this button can be used to perform the following operations:
call the PDN extension (title2.gif SDN Direct Dial)
answer calls ringing at the PDN extension
hold calls and retrieve calls held by the PDN extension (title2.gif Call Hold and Call Hold Retrieve)
transfer calls to the PDN extension (title2.gif Call Transfer Using SDN Button)
Extensions that have an SDN button are called SDN extensions.
The extension that is registered as the destination of an SDN button must have at least one PDN button.
One extension can have up to 8 PDN buttons.
An extension can have only one SDN button for each PDN extension.
A PDN extension can only receive OHCA or Whisper OHCA from the corresponding SDN extension. When a call is made from another extension, a PDN extension will receive a call waiting tone.
The button light of each PDN/SDN button shows the current status as follows:

Light Pattern

PDN Button Status

SDN Button Status

The PDN extension is idle.
Green on
The extension is on a call using the PDN button.
The extension is on a call using an SDN button.
Flashing green slowly
A call is on hold at the PDN extension (Regular Hold).
A call answered with the SDN button is on hold (Regular Hold).
Flashing green moderately
A call is on hold temporarily or on Exclusive Call Hold.
A call answered with the SDN button is on hold temporarily or on Exclusive Call Hold.
Flashing green rapidly
The PDN extension is receiving an incoming call.
An SDN extension is receiving a Hold Recall or callback ringing from a call answered with the SDN button.
Red on
A corresponding SDN extension is using the line.
The corresponding PDN extension or another corresponding SDN extension is using the line.
Flashing red slowly
A corresponding SDN extension is holding a call.
Another corresponding SDN extension, or the PDN extension itself, is holding a call.
Flashing red rapidly
The PDN extension is receiving an incoming call to an incoming call distribution (ICD) group.
The corresponding PDN extension is receiving an incoming call.

title2.gif SDN Direct Dial

Using an SDN button, you can easily call the corresponding PDN extension. SDN buttons are in one of two modes depending on system programming, and the operation procedure differs as follows:

Enhanced DSS Key Mode


Standard SDN Key Mode

When performing SDN Direct Dial to call the corresponding PDN extension, the SDN button light shows the current status of the destination extension as follows:
Green on: You are using the line.
Red on: The line is being used. (The PDN extension, or another SDN extension when multiple extensions have SDN buttons to a same PDN extension, is using the line.)
Even if a PDN extension has set Do Not Disturb (DND), you can call the extension as normal by pressing the SDN button.
When an SDN button is in Standard SDN Key Mode, you can dial a telephone number while hearing a dial tone, instead of pressing the SDN button again. Depending on system programming, your call will be made using either your normal calling privileges (Class of Service) or those of the corresponding PDN extension (SDN Walking COS).

title2.gif Call Hold and Call Hold Retrieve

You can put calls answered with a PDN or SDN button on hold normally (1.3.6 Call Hold).
You can also retrieve a call held at your extension/another extension with a simple operation, regardless of the call type.

Call Hold Retrieve

If a call is not retrieved within a specified time, you will hear an alarm as a reminder (Hold Recall).
If an outside call is not answered within a specified time, it is automatically disconnected.
If Automatic Call Hold has been preprogrammed, you can put the current call on hold automatically by pressing another PDN button to make or answer another call.

title2.gif Call Transfer Using SDN Button

You can transfer a call to a PDN extension with a simple operation using a corresponding SDN button.

To transfer a call to a PDN extension

System programming is required to use this feature during a conversation with an extension.
* When an SDN button is in Standard SDN Key Mode, you have to press the SDN button twice to transfer the call, unless you used that SDN button to answer an incoming call.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.2 Personal ProgrammingPreferred Line Assignment—Incoming
Select the seized line when going off hook.
3.1.2 Personal ProgrammingPreferred Line Assignment—Outgoing
Select the seized line when going off-hook.
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Primary Directory Number (PDN) or Secondary Directory Number (SDN) button.

1.3.50 Printing Message

You can record a variety of information from your extension using up to 8 preprogrammed messages. Message information from all extensions is recorded with the PBX. For example, it is possible to use this feature as a time card by selecting preprogrammed "sign in" and "sign out" messages.
In a hotel-type environment, this feature can be used to record room information from a room extension.
For a list of preprogrammed messages, consult your dealer.

To record

* Depending on the content of the selected message, you may be required to enter a numeric parameter, such as a price or time. Enter the correct number of characters as required for the message. For information about required parameters, consult your dealer.
If "Snack %%.%%" has been programmed as message number 1 (for recording charges for room snacks consumed), hotel employees would enter data as in the example below using the room extension:
When a preprogrammed message is selected, detailed information is recorded automatically, as shown below:

1.3.51 Privacy Release

You can let a third party join your current outside call and establish a three-party conversation. You can also leave the conversation and then let the two other parties talk.

To let a third party join your conversation and establish a three-party conversation

Only an S-CO button can be used for this operation.
You can leave a three-party conversation and let the two other parties talk by simply going on-hook.

1.3.52 Private Network Features—CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)

When making a call through a private network, you can present your preprogrammed telephone number to the called party.

You can select the telephone number sent, either the number of the line used or the number assigned to your extension.
If you select "Public", the calling/called party sees the number of the line used (subscriber's number).
If you select "Your extension", they see the telephone number assigned on your extension.

To show either the number assigned to the CO line or your extension

If you use the ICD Group button to make a call to the other party, the telephone number assigned to the ICD group will be used.

1.3.53 Private Network Features—CLIR (Calling Line Identification Restriction)

When making a call through a private network, you can select whether the called party can see your telephone number or not.

To show/prevent

You can change the mode by pressing a preset CLIR button while on-hook.
The CLIR button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: shows your telephone number.
Red on: prevents your telephone number being displayed.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) button.

1.3.54 Private Network Features—COLP (Connected Line Identification Presentation)

When receiving a call through a private network, you can present your preprogrammed telephone number to the calling party.

You can select the telephone number sent, either the number of the line used or the number assigned to your extension.
If you select "Public", the calling/called party sees the number of the line used (subscriber's number).
If you select "Your extension", they see the telephone number assigned on your extension.

To show either the number assigned to the CO line or your extension


1.3.55 Private Network Features—COLR (Connected Line Identification Restriction)

When receiving a call through a private network, you can select whether the caller can see your telephone number or not.

To show/prevent

You can change the mode by pressing a preset COLR button while on-hook.
The COLR button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: shows your telephone number.
Red on: prevents your telephone number being displayed.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR) button.

1.3.56 Private Network Features—TIE Line Access

You can access extensions connected to other PBXs in a private network.

To call

* Which type of telephone number must be entered depends on the settings of your PBX.

To call with one touch

To start monitoring another PBX extension after customizing an NDSS button, go off-hook, press the NDSS button, and go on-hook.
The NDSS button light will show the current status as follows:
Off: The extension is idle.
Red on: The extension is busy.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Network Direct Station Selection (NDSS) button.

1.3.57 Quick Dialing

You can make a call simply by pressing the preprogrammed number for quick dialing.
This is a useful feature for hotels.
For example, to dial Room Service, dial the digit "3", not the full extension number.

1.3.58 Redial, Last Number

This is convenient when calling the same outside party again.
Up to 32 digits can be stored and redialed.
After pressing REDIAL, if you hear a busy tone again, press REDIAL to retry.

1.3.59 Room Status Control

In a hotel-type environment, an extension assigned as a hotel operator can check guests into or out of rooms by changing the room status of the corresponding extension. The hotel operator's extension must have flexible buttons assigned as Check-in and Check-out buttons, and a DSS button for each extension that will be used in a guest room.
The hotel operator must be using a 6-line display PT to use the Room Status Control features.
While in Room Status Control mode:
a. The hotel operator's extension can only check extensions in or out. All other operations will be ignored.
b. The light of each DSS button shows the room status of the corresponding extension as follows:
Off: Check-out
Red on: Check-in

[Light Pattern Example: Check-in Mode]

c. The lights of other buttons may not show their normal display.
d. The hotel operator's extension is considered to be busy. Callers to that extension will hear a busy tone.

To check in a guest

After check-in, Remote Extension Dial Lock is deactivated, and the guest can make outside calls from the room extension. (Refer to "2.1.5 Remote Extension Dial Lock".)
When the room status of extensions is changed, detailed room status information is recorded with the PBX automatically. This requires system programming.

To check out a guest

After check-out, Remote Extension Dial Lock is activated, and outside calls from the room extension are restricted. (Refer to "2.1.5 Remote Extension Dial Lock".)
After check-out, wake-up call and Call Log information for the room extension are cleared automatically. In addition, features set on the room extension are reset to the default settings. For a list of features that are reset, refer to "1.3.25 Extension Feature Clear".
When the room status of extensions is changed, detailed room status information is recorded with the PBX automatically. This requires system programming.
For information about other Hospitality features, refer to "1.3.33 HOSPITALITY FEATURES".
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Check-in or a Check-out button.

1.3.60 Self Labeling (KX-NT366 only)

The KX-NT366 IP-PT has 12 flexible buttons, and a display for each button to show what feature, telephone number or extension number is assigned to it. The display can also be switched to show 3 other sets (Pages) of 12 flexible buttons assignment by pressing the NEXT PAGE key. Different features, telephone numbers or extension numbers can be assigned to each button in every set. This means that 48 flexible buttons are available to an extension user.

To switch display

When you answer an incoming call or when you seize a CO line, the display automatically changes to the page that contains the green lit button.
After customizing each button, you can set the displayed text for the button. For details about customizing buttons, refer to "3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons".

1.3.61 Speed Dialing, Personal

You can store up to 100 numbers at your extension for your personal use.
This feature is also known as Station Speed Dialing.

To store a phone number


To dial

A SIP Extension user cannot store personal speed dialing numbers at his/her extension. However, it is possible to use the personal speed dialing numbers that are stored in the PBX, through system programming.
To call using a directory, refer to "1.4.3 Directories".

1.3.62 Speed Dialing, System

You can make calls using speed dialing numbers stored in the PBX.
To call using a directory, refer to "1.4.3 Directories".

1.3.63 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

Your PBX can provide you with answering machine service.
Your extension is assigned a message box, into which callers can leave voice messages for you.
After callers reach your message box, they will hear your personal greeting message. You can record two kinds of personal greetings: a normal greeting message and a greeting message for each time mode. You can also play back and clear your greeting messages and the voice messages left by callers.
title2.gif Recording a Normal Greeting Message
title2.gif Recording a Greeting Message for Each Time Mode
title2.gif Redirecting Your Calls to Your Message Box
title2.gif Leaving Voice Messages
title2.gif Listening to Voice Messages Left by Callers
title2.gif Accessing Your Message Box from an Outside Telephone
title2.gif Accessing the Message Box of Another Extension from Your Extension
This feature is not available for SIP Extensions.
You may hear a busy tone when trying to access your message box if too many other users are already accessing their message boxes. In that case, wait a few minutes and try again.
If the used recording space (including greeting messages and voice messages left by callers) for the SVM feature reaches a certain limit, the display informs you that the recording space is almost full, and you will hear dial tone 3 when going off-hook.
Dial Tone 3
Operation Reference When Accessing Your Message Box
After entering the SVM feature number (asterisk.gif38), the operations below are available by entering the corresponding numbers.

Operation No.


To clear the normal greeting message
To record a normal greeting message
To play back the normal greeting message
To listen to voice messages left by callers
To set a greeting message for each time mode
To leave a voice message to another extension's message box

title2.gif Recording a Normal Greeting Message

To record


To play back

* This step can be omitted.

To clear


title2.gif Recording a Greeting Message for Each Time Mode

In addition to a normal greeting message, you can record a specific greeting message for each time mode (day/lunch/break/night).

To record


To play back

* This step can be omitted.

To clear

If both the greeting message for a certain time mode and the normal greeting message have been recorded, callers will hear the greeting message for that time mode. However, if no greeting message has been recorded for a certain time mode, the normal greeting message will be played instead.

title2.gif Redirecting Your Calls to Your Message Box

You can set incoming calls to be redirected to your own message box so that callers can leave voice messages when you cannot answer the phone.

To set/cancel

The default floating extension number for the SVM feature is 591.

title2.gif Leaving Voice Messages

If the extension user you called is not able to answer your call, and your call is redirected to the message box, you will hear the greeting message. Then, you can leave a voice message for that extension. It is also possible to leave a voice message directly in the message box of a desired extension by following the steps below:

To leave a voice message directly to another extension's message box

Voice message recording will stop, you will hear a notification tone, and the call will be disconnected, in the following cases:
a. the recording time for the voice message reaches the preprogrammed limit. (default: 120 seconds)
b. the recording space for the SVM feature reaches the limit.
When you are on the phone, you can transfer the call directly to the message box of a desired extension by placing the call on hold temporarily, then pressing asterisk.gif38 + #6 + the desired extension number. This allows the caller to leave a voice message in the message box of the desired extension.

title2.gif Listening to Voice Messages Left by Callers

When a caller leaves a voice message, information about that caller is also recorded as the SVM Log. The SVM Log can be viewed using the display of a PT or PS by pressing the Message button.

To listen to voice messages


To clear the voice message that you are listening to

Various operations are available by entering numbers while you are listening to a recorded voice message using any of the methods described above. The available options are as follows:
Operation No.
pro_1.gif / PRO_Sharp.gifpro_asterisk.gif
To play back the voice message from the beginning
To go to the next voice message
To clear the voice message
(Press the AUTO DIAL/STORE button or enter 1 to confirm.)
To call back the caller who left the voice message
To go back to the previous voice message
To leave a voice message directly in the message box of another extension (Enter desired extension number.)
To play back your greeting message and record a voice message in your own message box
To end the call
In addition to the caller information that is recorded in the Call Log, the following SVM Log information is recorded with voice messages left by callers:
Caller's Name
Caller's Telephone Number
Time recording started
Voice Message Status
"New" is displayed for voice messages that have not previously been listened to.
"Old" is displayed for voice messages that have previously been listened to.
Please note that the information shown on the display may vary depending on the information that was received and the type of telephone used. Only users of a 6-line display PT can view all of the above information.
You can lock the SVM Log display by using an extension PIN (Personal Identification Number) to prevent other users from viewing the information and from playing back your voice messages (Display Lock). Refer to "3.1.2 Personal Programming".
If your telephone has a Message for Another Extension button, you can access the message box of another extension and listen to voice messages for that extension.
If a new voice message has been left in your message box, you will hear dial tone 4 after going off-hook. In addition, if your telephone has a Message button or Message/Ringer Lamp, the corresponding button or lamp will light when a voice message has been left.
Dial Tone 4

To listen to voice messages while your display is locked

When you press the Message button while on-hook to play back voice messages, Display Lock is temporarily deactivated.

To clear voice messages from the SVM Log


title2.gif Accessing Your Message Box from an Outside Telephone

You can remotely access your message box and perform any operations of the SVM feature through a CO line as if you were at your own extension.
If you hear a reorder tone when you try to leave a voice message directly in the message box of another extension, that message box is unavailable. You can enter another extension number by pressing "asterisk.gif".
When accessing your message box from an outside telephone, you cannot call back callers who have left voice messages by pressing 4 while hearing the voice message.

To listen to voice messages left in the message box of another extension


title2.gif Accessing the Message Box of Another Extension from Your Extension

You can access the message box of another extension (for example, to record a greeting message for that extension) by following the steps below:

1.3.64 TAFAS (Trunk Answer From Any Station)

You can be notified of incoming outside calls through an external speaker. These calls can be answered from any extension.

Through an external speaker

You can also receive a paging announcement via a speaker with this operation.

1.3.65 Timed Reminder

You can set an alarm at your telephone as a reminder of a meeting or appointment.
The alarm can occur either once or daily (every day until canceled) at a preset time. When you go off–hook to answer, you will hear a special dial tone or prerecorded message.
This feature can also be set remotely by an extension assigned as a hotel operator (Remote Wake-up Call). The most recent setting will be valid no matter which extension made the setting. For information about setting a Remote Wake-up Call, refer to "1.3.72 Wake-up Call".

To set

* Enter the time in the format assigned to your PBX (12-hour or 24-hour).

To cancel


To stop or answer the ringback


To confirm

You can also confirm the timed reminder by using the soft button.
The alarm keeps ringing for preprogrammed seconds.
If you receive an incoming call during ringback, the ringing starts after the ringback stops.
If you are having a conversation exceeding alarm ringing period, the ringback will start after your conversation.

1.3.66 Time Service

You can check the current status of the Time Service on the display.
The Time Service (Day/Night/Lunch/Break) button light always shows the current status as follows:
Off: Day mode
Green on: Lunch mode
Flashing green: Break mode
Red on: Night mode
Flashing red: Holiday mode
Any extension user except the managers can check the current status by pressing the Time Service (Day/Night/Lunch/Break) button.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Time Service (Day/Night/Lunch/Break) button.

1.3.67 Verification Code Entry

You can use your calling privileges (Class of Service) at another extension. You can override restrictions which have been set at that extension. To use this feature, a verification code and verification code PIN (Personal Identification Number) are required.

To call



The following services are available using a Voice Processing System:



Voice Mail Integration
You or an outside party can access the Voice Processing System from a telephone.
(→ 1.3.71 Voice Mail Features—Voice Mail Integration)
Live Call Screening (LCS)
Using a Panasonic Voice Processing system that supports digital integration (e.g., KX-TVA series), you can monitor a call without answering while the caller is leaving a message in your mailbox.
(→ 1.3.69 Voice Mail Features—LCS (Live Call Screening))
Two-way Record
Using a Panasonic Voice Processing system that supports digital integration (e.g., KX-TVA series), you can record a conversation into a mailbox while talking on the phone.
(→ 1.3.70 Voice Mail Features—Two-way Record)
Voice Processing System features are not available for SIP Extension users.

1.3.69 Voice Mail Features—LCS (Live Call Screening)

Using a Panasonic Voice Processing system that supports digital integration (e.g., KX-TVA series), you can monitor a call without answering while the caller is leaving a message in your mailbox. If you so desire, you can answer the call while monitoring. There are two methods available as follows:
Hands-free mode (Default):
You can monitor the message automatically, live through the telephone speaker.
Private mode:
You will hear an alarm tone while the caller is leaving a message.

Before operating

Create a Live Call Screening (LCS) button (Personal Programming).
Select the mode, either Hands-free or Private (Personal Programming).
Set the extension PIN (Personal Identification Number).
Set the Live Call Screening feature.

To set Live Call Screening


To cancel Live Call Screening


Operation Flowchart

The operations in the shaded areas can be done hands-free.
The Live Call Screening (LCS) button light shows the feature status as follows:
Off: LCS is off.
Flashing green rapidly: Alerting in the Private mode.
Flashing green slowly: Monitoring.
Red on: LCS is on.
The manager extension can clear an extension PIN.
This feature is available for a single line telephone if it is connected to a proprietary telephone in parallel. (Private mode only)
To answer the call while monitoring, press Recall/hookswitch.
Only the handset monitoring in the Private mode is available for PS users.
For information about other Voice Mail features, refer to "1.3.68 VOICE MAIL FEATURES".
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.2 Personal ProgrammingLive Call Screening Mode Set
Select the mode, either monitoring the message through the speaker automatically or receiving, while the caller leaves a message.
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Live Call Screening (LCS) button.

1.3.70 Voice Mail Features—Two-way Record

Using a Panasonic Voice Processing system that supports digital integration (e.g., KX-TVA series), you can record a conversation into a mailbox while talking on the phone.
You can select the mailbox each time you record a conversation.

To record into your mailbox


To record into another mailbox (Two-way Transfer)


To record into another mailbox with one touch (One-touch Two-way Transfer)

The Two-way Record button light, Two-way Transfer button light or One-touch Two-way Transfer button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: Not recording.
On: Recording the conversation.
Many states have imposed regulations on the manner in which 2-way telephone conversations may be recorded, so you should inform the other party that the conversation is being recorded.
Consult your local telephone company for further information.
For information about other Voice Mail features, refer to "1.3.68 VOICE MAIL FEATURES".
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Two-way Record button, a Two-way Transfer button and a One-touch Two-way Transfer button.

1.3.71 Voice Mail Features—Voice Mail Integration

If you cannot answer calls, you can forward them to your mailbox. You can select the type of incoming calls (Intercom Calls/Outside Calls/Both Calls). If your telephone has a Message button, the Message light turns on and lets you know you have messages. Even if a Message button is not provided, you will hear an indication tone* when going off-hook.
You can also transfer received outside calls to a mailbox so that calling parties can leave messages. If you create a Voice Mail Transfer button on your phone, the transfer is done without knowing the mailbox number (Voice Mail Transfer).
The duration for recording depends on the voice processing system.

To forward your calls to your mailbox


To transfer a call to a mailbox (Voice Mail Transfer)


To listen to messages

*Indication tone after going off-hook
You can access a voice mail with one-touch.
The default voice mail floating extension number is 500.
For information about other Voice Mail features, refer to "1.3.68 VOICE MAIL FEATURES".
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Voice Mail Transfer button or a Message button.

1.3.72 Wake-up Call

In a hotel-type environment, an extension assigned as a hotel operator can remotely set or cancel a timed reminder to a room extension (Remote Wake-up Call). This allows guests to request wake-up calls without having to program the extension themselves. The hotel operator can also confirm the current timed reminder setting for a room extension.
This feature can also be set from a room extension (Timed Reminder). The most recent setting will be valid no matter which extension made the setting. For information about setting a Timed Reminder, refer to "1.3.65 Timed Reminder".

To set

* Enter the time in the format assigned to your PBX (12-hour or 24-hour).

To cancel


To confirm

When a timed reminder starts, and when it is answered or not answered, detailed timed reminder information is recorded automatically. This requires system programming.
Users of PTs without displays can confirm only whether a timed reminder has been set or not by following the steps shown above. If set, a confirmation tone will be heard.
For information about other Hospitality features, refer to "1.3.33 HOSPITALITY FEATURES".

1.3.73 Walking COS

You can use your calling privileges (Class of Service) at another extension. You can override restrictions which have been set at that extension. To use this feature, an original extension number and an extension PIN (Personal Identification Number) are required.
After performing the Walking COS feature, you can set the following features on your telephone from another extension or through DISA.
Call Forwarding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND)
Changing the Log-in/Log-out Status of Extensions
Absent Message
Extension Dial Lock
Time Service—Changing the Time Mode (Day/Night/Lunch/Break)

To make a call or set features from another extension


To make a call or set features through DISA


1.3.74 Walking Extension

You can exchange the settings set at another extension with your own settings. This allows you to use your own settings, including your extension number, on another person's extension. Settings such as extension number and One-touch Dialing memory are available at the new extension. It is also possible to exchange the DSS Console settings along with the extension settings. Walking Extension is useful, for example, when you move to a new location in the office.
This feature is also known as Walking Station.

To exchange your settings with another extension

An extension personal identification number (PIN) is required to use this feature. Refer to "1.3.26 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number)" in "3.1.1 Programming Information".
Your previous extension will receive the old settings of your new extension.
Extension settings can be exchanged between SLT and SLT, PT and PT, or SLT and PT.
If you are using a KX-NT300 series telephone with a Bluetooth wireless headset, and exchange the settings with another KX-NT300 series telephone user, you cannot use your Bluetooth wireless headset at the other extension.
Bluetooth wireless headsets are registered on extensions themselves. Therefore, you have to register a Bluetooth wireless headset on each desired extension. For details about registration, refer to "Bluetooth Registration" in "3.1.2 Personal Programming".

1.3.75 Walking Extension, Enhanced

In addition to exchanging the settings between extensions (Walking Extension), you can change the status of your extension to "Service-in" or "Service-out" (Enhanced Walking Extension).
Service-in: An extension is in use (normal status).
Service-out: Extension Dial Lock (→ 1.3.24 Extension Dial Lock) and Do Not Disturb (DND) (→ 1.3.19 DND (Do Not Disturb)) are activated on an extension, and the extension user cannot make unauthorized outside calls nor receive calls.
This feature is useful when:
a) one person uses the same extension settings at different locations, such as another branch office or at home
b) two or more people use the same telephone in turn

<Example (a)> When using extension settings at a different location

In this example, extension user A sets his/her own extension status to "Service-out" at the main office. Then, he/she can set another extension status to "Service-in" at the branch office to have his/her own extension settings available at the extension.

<Example (b)> When two users share one telephone

In this example, extension users A and B work in shifts and use the same extension in turn. User A sets the extension status to "Service-out" when he/she finishes work. Then, user B can set the extension status to "Service-in" and have his/her own settings available at the extension.

To set an extension to Service-out status


To set an extension to Service-in status and have your own settings available

An extension personal identification number (PIN) is required to use this feature. Refer to "1.3.26 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number)" in "3.1.1 Programming Information".
Extension settings can be exchanged between SLT and SLT, PT and PT, or SLT and PT.

1.3.76 Whisper OHCA

During a conversation, you can be informed of a waiting call with a voice announcement. You cannot talk to the caller, but you can hear the caller speaking through the handset.

To set/cancel for intercom calls (Manual Call Waiting)

Whisper OHCA is only available with certain digital proprietary telephones and IP proprietary telephones. In addition, both you and the other party must use supported telephones.
Whisper OHCA is not available for outside calls; only call waiting tone can be set (refer to "1.3.13 Call Waiting Tone").
A PDN extension can only receive OHCA or Whisper OHCA from the corresponding SDN extension. When a call is made from another extension, a PDN extension will receive a call waiting tone. (→ 1.3.49 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension)
For information about answering a waiting call, refer to "1.3.12 CALL WAITING FEATURES".

1.3.77 Wireless XDP Parallel Mode

Your PS can be used in parallel with a PT or SLT.
When in this mode, incoming calls to a wired telephone also ring the paired PS.

To set


To cancel

Some wired telephones are prohibited from using this feature.
If you go off-hook while your paralleled telephone is in use, the call will switch over to you.