1.4 Display Features

1.4.1 Call Log, Incoming

When you receive an outside call or an external sensor call, call information is recorded automatically in the incoming call log. A preprogrammed number of calls can be logged per extension. When the call log is full and other call arrives, the oldest call is deleted.
You can modify the logged telephone number using the display proprietary telephone or the portable station.
When the Call Log button light turns on, there is a call which you did not answer.
The following information is logged.
If the caller's name is not logged, the caller's phone number is displayed.
If the caller's name is logged, the caller's phone number is not displayed.
The incoming call log information is displayed as follows:

To view the log information with the Call Log button


To view the log information with the Navigator key


To clear the log information


To call

The Call Log button light shows the current status as follows:
Off: No incoming call, or you have already viewed the call log.
Red on: You have missed calls to view.
If your call is answered by another extension, the caller's information is recorded in the logs of both your extension and the answering extension.
You can lock your call log display by using an extension PIN (Personal Identification Number), so that you can prohibit access to your logged information. Refer to "3.1.2 Personal Programming".
You can also have a Call Log button for an ICD Group (Incoming Call Distribution Group).
If a call arrives while you are using the call log, the call log display will be replaced with the caller's information.
PS user: Refer to "Operating Instructions" for PS.
Caller information received with a call waiting tone from the telephone company will not be logged in the call log.
Customizing Your Phone
3.1.4 Customizing the Buttons
Create or edit a Call Log button or Call Log for ICD Group button.

1.4.2 Call Log, Outgoing

You can redial using the outgoing call log.

To call


To call with the REDIAL button

* System programming is required for this operation.
This operation is available only for digital proprietary telephones with a display.

To store the caller's information in personal speed dialing

<Operation Example: Storing the caller's information in personal speed dialing>
You can lock your call log display by using an extension PIN (Personal Identification Number), so that you can prohibit access to your logged information. Refer to "3.1.2 Personal Programming".
If a call arrives while you are using the call log, the call log display will be replaced with the caller's information.
PS user: Refer to "Operating Instructions" for PS.
To enter characters, refer to "1.3.14 Character Entry".

1.4.3 Directories

You can select and call using the directories (Personal Speed Dialing Directory, System Speed Dialing Directory and Extension Number Directory).
Only personal directories can be stored, edited or deleted on your extension.
If a call arrives while you are using a directory, the display will be replace with the caller's information.
title2.gif Calling with the Directory
title2.gif Storing New Names and Numbers

title2.gif Calling with the Directory

To select and call

* The display order is as follows:
One time: Personal Speed Dialing Directory
Two times: System Speed Dialing Directory
Three times: Extension Number Directory
To cancel or exit, press the CANCEL or FLASH/RECALL button.
You can lock your personal speed dialing directory by using an extension PIN (Personal Identification Number), so that you can prohibit access to it. Refer to "3.1.2 Personal Programming".
Directory entries generally should include name and number. If the name is not registered, an entry cannot be displayed.
The System Speed Dialing Directory can be displayed simply by pressing the AUTO DIAL button while on-hook.

title2.gif Storing New Names and Numbers

To store a Personal Speed Dialing Directory item

<Operation Example: Storing a name and an outside phone number in the Personal Speed Dialing Directory>
Telephone number and name on the display are stored using the first spare Personal Speed Dialing memory available.
PS user: Refer to "Operating Instructions" for PS.
To enter characters, refer to "1.3.14 Character Entry".
For more details, refer to "To store the names and numbers in personal speed dialing" in "3.1.2 Personal Programming".

1.4.4 System Feature Access

You can access commonly used features with the "Feature Access" menu.

To select a feature from the "Feature Access" menu




Call Back Cancel
You can cancel Automatic Callback Busy.
(→ 1.3.4 Automatic Callback Busy (Camp-on))
Call Pickup Directed
You can pick up a call ringing at a specified extension.
(→ 1.3.9 Call Pickup)
Call Pickup Group
You can pick up a call ringing at another extension within a call pickup group.
(→ 1.3.9 Call Pickup)
Doorphone Call
You can call a doorphone.
(→ 1.3.21 Doorphone Call)
Door Open
You can open a door.
(→ 1.3.20 Door Open)
External BGM
A manager extension can turn on/off background music through external speakers.
(→ 2.1.2 External BGM (Background Music))
You can make a voice announcement through the built-in speakers of proprietary telephones (PTs) and/or external speakers.
(→ 1.3.47 Paging)
External Relay ON
You can switch on a relay.
(→ 1.3.27 External Relay)
<Display Prompts>