2.13 [6] Feature

2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Dial

The System Speed Dialing Table is used to store frequently dialed numbers as well as callers who should be automatically routed to certain extensions when they call (Calling Line Identification [CLI] distribution). The System Speed Dialing Table is available for all extension users when making or receiving a call.
A maximum of 1000 System Speed Dialing numbers (e.g., telephone numbers, feature numbers) can be programmed with other related parameters. 100 numbers are displayed at a time. To display other sets of numbers, click the applicable tab.


Selects the System Speed Dialing Table to be programmed. Whether a tenant uses the basic System Speed Dialing Table or the additional table depends on the setting of lozenge.gifSystem Speed Dial in 2.13.6 [6-6] Tenant.


Basic Memory

Value Range

Basic Memory: the standard table
Expansion for Tenant 1–8: additional tables

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Dial

Programming Manual References

2.13.6 [6-6] Tenantlozenge.gifSystem Speed Dial

Feature Manual References

1.16.7 Speed Dialing, System
1.17.3 Tenant Service


Specifies a name for the System Speed Dialing number.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Dial

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.7 Speed Dialing, System

lozenge.gifCO Line Access Number + Telephone Number

Specifies the telephone number (including the CO Line Access number) or feature number assigned to the System Speed Dialing number.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Dial

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.7 Speed Dialing, System

lozenge.gifCLI Destination

Specifies the CLI destination (extension) to which incoming calls from the programmed telephone number are routed. If a Caller ID Modification Table is being used, the modified number must match the telephone number above (CO Line Access Number + Telephone Number) in order for the call to be routed correctly.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Dial

Programming Manual References

2.17.2 [10-2] DIL Table & Port SettingsCLI for DILlozenge.gifCLI Ring for DIL—Day, Lunch, Break, Night
2.17.3 [10-3] DID Table lozenge.gifCLI Ring for DID—Day, Lunch, Break, Night

Feature Manual References

1.3.2 Caller ID
1.3.13 CLI (Calling Line Identification) Distribution

2.13.2 [6-2] Hotel

Various settings related to the hospitality features of the PBX can be set.


lozenge.gifHotel Operator—Extension 1–4

Specifies the numbers of the extensions designated as hotel operators.


Extension 1: 101

Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.13.2 [6-2] Hotel

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.15.3 Room Status Control

lozenge.gifSMDR for External Hotel Application 1—Room Status Control

Selects whether check-in and check-out data is output on SMDR.


No Print

Value Range

No Print, Print

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.2 [6-2] Hotel

Programming Manual References

2.18.1 [11-1] Main

Feature Manual References

1.15.3 Room Status Control
1.16.3 SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording)

lozenge.gifSMDR for External Hotel Application 1—Timed Reminder (Wake-up Call)

Selects whether Timed Reminder data is output on SMDR.


No Print

Value Range

No Print, Print

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.2 [6-2] Hotel

Programming Manual References

2.18.1 [11-1] Main

Feature Manual References

1.16.3 SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording)
1.17.4 Timed Reminder

lozenge.gifSMDR for External Hotel Application 2—Printing Message 1–8

Specifies the text of the message output on SMDR when this Printing Message is selected from an extension.
The "%" character can be used in a message, and requires a number to be entered in its place when the message is selected from an extension. This character can be used a maximum of seven times in a Printing Message.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.2 [6-2] Hotel

Programming Manual References

2.18.1 [11-1] Main

Feature Manual References

1.13.13 Printing Message
1.16.3 SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording)

2.13.3 [6-3] Verification Code

A verification code is used to override the Toll Restriction (TRS) of the extension in use to make a certain CO line call, or to identify the call for accounting and billing purposes.
A maximum of 1000 verification codes can be programmed with other related parameters. 100 codes are displayed at a time. To display other sets of codes, click the applicable tab.

lozenge.gifVerification Code

Specifies the verification code.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.3 [6-3] Verification Code

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.1 Verification Code Entry

lozenge.gifUser Name

Specifies the user name assigned to the verification code.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.3 [6-3] Verification Code

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.1 Verification Code Entry

lozenge.gifVerification Code PIN

Specifies the PIN to be entered when making a CO line call with the verification code.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 10 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.3 [6-3] Verification Code

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.1 Verification Code Entry
There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made if a third party discovers a personal identification number (PIN) (verification code PIN or extension PIN) of the PBX.
The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX.
To protect the PBX from this kind of fraudulent use, we strongly recommend:
a) Keeping PINs secret.
b) Selecting complex, random PINs that cannot be easily guessed.
c) Changing PINs frequently.

lozenge.gifCOS Number

Specifies the COS that applies when making a CO line call with the verification code.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.13.3 [6-3] Verification Code

Programming Manual References

2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS Settings

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)
1.19.1 Verification Code Entry

lozenge.gifItemized Billing Code for ARS

Specifies the itemized billing code used by the ARS feature for identifying calls made with a verification code for accounting and billing purposes.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 10 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.3 [6-3] Verification Code

Programming Manual References

2.15.6 [8-5] Carrier

Feature Manual References

1.1.3 ARS (Automatic Route Selection)

2.13.4 [6-4] Second Dial Tone

A programmed Pause time can be inserted automatically between the Second Dial Tone Waiting code and the following digits. When a programmed Second Dial Tone Waiting code is dialed after seizing a CO line, a preprogrammed number of pauses are inserted after the code.
A maximum of 100 Second Dial Tone Waiting codes can be programmed. 20 codes are displayed at a time. To display other sets of codes, click the applicable tab.

lozenge.gifSecond Dial Tone Waiting Code

Specifies the Second Dial Tone Waiting code.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 4 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.4 [6-4] Second Dial Tone

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.13.4 Pause Insertion

lozenge.gifPause Repeating Counter

Specifies the number of pauses to be inserted when waiting for the second dial tone.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.13.4 [6-4] Second Dial Tone

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.13.4 Pause Insertion

2.13.5 [6-5] Absent Message

When a display PT user calls an extension, a message is shown on the caller's telephone display describing the reason for absence. A maximum of 8 Absent Messages can be programmed, and any extension user can select one of them.

lozenge.gifAbsent Message

Specifies the message for display.


1: Will Return Soon
2: Gone Home
3: At Ext %%%% (Extension Number)
4: Back at %%:%% (Hour:Minute)
5: Out until %%/%% (Month/Day)
6: In a Meeting
7 and 8: Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 16 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.5 [6-5] Absent Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.1.1 Absent Message

2.13.6 [6-6] Tenant

A maximum of 8 tenants can share the PBX. Each tenant is composed of specified extension user groups. The PBX offers each tenant its own Time Table and system resources.
To assign extensions as operators easily, click Extension Number Setting (see 2.1.6 Extension Number Setting).

lozenge.gifMusic On Hold

Specifies the audio source to be used for Music on Hold.


Same as System Setting

Value Range

Same as System Setting, BGM 1, BGM 2, Tone

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.6 [6-6] Tenant

Programming Manual References

2.9.4 [2-2] Operator & BGM

Feature Manual References

1.11.4 Music on Hold
1.17.3 Tenant Service

lozenge.gifOperator (Extension Number)

Specifies the extension number or the floating extension number of an incoming call distribution group to be designated as the tenant operator. When this parameter is left unspecified, the PBX operator serves as the tenant operator.


Not stored.

Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.13.6 [6-6] Tenant

Programming Manual References

2.9.4 [2-2] Operator & BGM

Feature Manual References

1.12.5 Operator Features
1.17.3 Tenant Service

lozenge.gifARS Mode

Specifies the ARS mode used when making a CO line call.


Same as System Setting

Value Range

Off: ARS is disabled.
On for Local Access Operation: ARS operates when an extension user makes a call using any Idle Line Access method.
On for Any CO Access Operation: ARS operates when an extension user makes a call using any CO Line Access method.
Same as System Setting: The setting specified in lozenge.gifARS Mode in 2.15.1 [8-1] System Setting is applied.

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.6 [6-6] Tenant

Programming Manual References

2.15.1 [8-1] System Setting

Feature Manual References

1.1.3 ARS (Automatic Route Selection)
1.17.3 Tenant Service

lozenge.gifSystem Speed Dial

Specifies which system speed dialing table is used by the tenant.


Same as System Setting

Value Range

Same as System Setting: PBX common system speed dialing numbers are used.
Tenant Exclusive: Individual tenant system speed dialing numbers are used.

Maintenance Console Location

2.13.6 [6-6] Tenant

Programming Manual References

2.13.1 [6-1] System Speed Dial

Feature Manual References

1.16.7 Speed Dialing, System
1.17.3 Tenant Service