1.20 W

1.20.1 Walking COS


A user can enter his extension number and extension personal identification number (PIN) (→ 1.5.6 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number)) at another extension, to make the following types of call using his Class of Service, including TRS level, overriding the other extension's Class of Service.
CO line call
TIE line call
Intercom call
External Relay Control (→ 1.5.8 External Relay)
After performing Walking COS, the following features are also available for the specified extension:
Call Forwarding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND) setting (→ 1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb), → 1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding))
Incoming Call Distribution Group Log-in/Log-out (→ 1.9.3 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out)
Absent Message setting (→ 1.1.1 Absent Message)
Extension Dial Lock (→ 1.5.4 Extension Dial Lock)
Time Service—Changing the Time Mode (day/lunch/break/night) (→ 1.17.5 Time Service)
CLIP number setting (CLIP ID) (→ 1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation))


When a CO line call is made using Walking COS:
the Class of Service of the specified extension is applied (→ 1.3.20 COS (Class of Service))
the Itemized Billing code of the specified extension is applied (→ 1.1.3 ARS (Automatic Route Selection))
the specified extension number is recorded on SMDR as the call originator, instead of the extension number of the actual extension used (→ 1.16.3 SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording)).
Walking COS is also available through DISA. (→ 1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access))
Extension PIN
An extension personal identification number (PIN) is required to use this feature. (→ 1.5.6 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number)) If the wrong PIN is entered three times, the line will be disconnected.
This feature can not be used for extensions which the extension being operated is prevented from calling by Internal Call Block. (→ 1.9.14 Internal Call Block)

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatureslozenge.gifUser Remote Operation / Walking COS / Verification Code
2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsOptional Device & Other Extensionslozenge.gifRemote Operation by Other Extension
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsMainlozenge.gifExtension PIN
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension SettingsMainlozenge.gifExtension PIN
PT Programming Manual
[005] Extension Personal Identification Number (PIN)

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)
1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)

Operating Manual References

1.3.73 Walking COS

1.20.2 Walking Extension


It is possible for an extension user to trade extension settings with another extension.
When Walking Extension is executed, all extension settings (extension number, Class of Service (COS), One-touch Dialing memory, etc.) of the "old" extension are exchanged with the "new" extension.
This feature is useful when an extension user moves desks, or when an extension user has no permanent desk.
This feature is also known as Walking Station.


This feature allows extension settings to be switched between PTs (including IP-PTs) and SLTs. Moving between tenants is also possible.
Incoming calls to your extension will reach you at your new location.
An extension personal identification number (PIN) is required to use this feature. (→ 1.5.6 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number))
If a DSS Console is connected to a PT and the DSS Console is continuously used with the PT after the Walking Extension has been performed, the new extension number of the PT must be assigned as the paired extension through system programming.
If the Walking Extension feature is performed at the same time that the target extension is being programmed by PC, the Walking Extension feature may not work properly. (→ 1.13.6 PC Programming)
If this feature is performed using a KX-NT300 series IP-PT with a Bluetooth wireless headset connected, the Bluetooth device cannot be used with the new extension. To use the Bluetooth wireless headset, register it to the new extension.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatureslozenge.gifWalking Extension
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsMainlozenge.gifExtension PIN
2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Consolelozenge.gifPair Extension
PT Programming Manual
[007] DSS Console Paired Telephone

Feature Manual References

1.9.15 IP-PT (IP Proprietary Telephone)

Operating Manual References

1.3.74 Walking Extension

1.20.3 Walking Extension, Enhanced


It is possible to use the Walking Extension feature with extensions in Service-in (functions normally) and Service-out (cannot make CO line calls or receive calls) modes, allowing extensions and locations (i.e., telephones) to be utilized more efficiently. Extensions can be set to Service-out mode when the extension user is not using the extension or to prevent calls from being made or received when no one is using the location. The extension can then be changed to Service-in mode when the extension user wishes to use the extension.
Enhanced Walking Extension can be utilized as follows:
When a single extension user uses multiple telephones
Extension users can switch locations with a Service-out extension. This allows extension users to use their settings at another location while the previous location is in service-out mode. This is ideal for when extension users need to work at multiple locations, such as another department, branch office, or at home.
When multiple extension users use the same telephone
Extension users can change the service status of their Service-out extension to Service-in mode and switch locations with another extension with a simple operation. This is ideal for when the same telephone is used by multiple extension users who work in shifts.

Service-out mode

When an extension is in Service-out mode, the DND and Extension Lock features are set on the extension, preventing the extension from making CO line calls and receiving calls.


Extension settings can be used at other locations as follows:

The extension user of extension 101 changes to Service-out mode at the main office. He then changes his extension to Service-in mode and switches extension settings at the branch office.

Virtual Locations

Instead of assigning all extensions to telephones, it is possible to store unused extensions (i.e., Service-out mode) on a preinstalled extension card (i.e., settings are made but no physical location is utilized). When the extension needs to be used, the extension can switch locations and service status with an extension on a physical location (i.e., a location with a telephone).

Extension settings can be switched allowing multiple extension users to use the same telephone as follows:

The extension user of extension 101 changes to service out mode. The extension user of extension 102 switches extension settings and changes his extension to Service-in mode.


This feature is not available for PSs, T1 OPX extensions, and SIP extensions.
An extension personal identification number (PIN) is required to use this feature. (→ 1.5.6 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number))

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatureslozenge.gifWalking Extension
PT Programming Manual

Feature Manual References

1.20.2 Walking Extension

Operating Manual References

1.3.75 Walking Extension, Enhanced

1.20.4 Whisper OHCA


An extension user can speak to a busy extension through the handset.


Class of Service (COS) programming determines which extensions can use this feature.
This feature is available when the calling and called extension use one of the following telephones:
KX-T7600 series
KX-T7400 series
KX-NT series
If the Whisper OHCA feature cannot be used due to COS or telephone type, a call waiting tone will be sent to the called extension. (→ 1.3.11 Call Waiting Tone)
If the called extension does not use one of the telephones listed above, but forces Whisper OHCA, the announcement may be heard by both parties.
It is possible to enable Whisper OHCA on any telephone, however, it may not function properly (the caller's voice may be heard by both callers, for example).
While an extension is receiving a Whisper OHCA, if the extension user places the current CO line call on hold or transfers the current intercom call or CO line call, the Whisper OHCA will become disabled and the calling extension will hear a ringback tone.
While an extension is receiving a Whisper OHCA, if the extension user places the current intercom call on hold, the called extension can talk to the calling extension through the handset.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.11 [2-6-3] Numbering Plan—B/NA DND Call Feature
    → lozenge.gifBSS / OHCA / Whisper OHCA / DND Override
    → lozenge.gifBSS / OHCA / Whisper OHCA / DND Override-2
2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsExtension Featurelozenge.gifOHCA / Whisper OHCA
PT Programming Manual

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)

Operating Manual References

1.3.13 Call Waiting Tone

1.20.5 Wireless XDP Parallel Mode


A portable station (PS) can be used in parallel with a wired telephone, i.e., a digital proprietary telephone (DPT), analog proprietary telephone (APT), or single line telephone (SLT), allowing an extension user to make or receive calls with either the wired telephone or the PS. The PS will use the same extension number as the wired telephone, and many of the wired telephone's extension settings (Call Forwarding [FWD], Class of Service [COS], etc.) are also used by the PS.
This mode is similar to XDP Parallel mode used to pair DPTs with SLTs. (→ 1.5.7 Extension Port Configuration)
In order to use a PS in Wireless XDP Parallel mode, the mode must be turned on using the PS.

[Example of Wireless XDP Parallel Mode, XDP Parallel Mode]



Whether or not a PS is allowed to pair itself with a wired telephone is determined by the COS assigned to the extension number of the wired telephone.
Wireless XDP Parallel mode can be turned on or off using the PS only.
To switch between the wired telephone and the PS during a conversation, simply go off-hook with the other telephone. Alternatively, to seize a separate line, use another method, such as pressing a CO or INTERCOM button.
In addition, going off-hook with the other telephone seizes a separate line when the extension is:
a) Engaged in a conference call. (→ 1.3.17 Conference, → 1.5.3 Executive Busy Override, → 1.13.14 Privacy Release)
b) Screening a call using Live Call Screening (LCS) or when recording a conversation using Two-way Record. (→ 1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration)
c) Receiving an Off-hook Call Announcement (OHCA). (→ 1.12.3 OHCA (Off-hook Call Announcement))
d) Being monitored by another extension. (→ 1.3.5 Call Monitor)
e) When the extension has a call on consultation hold. (→ 1.3.19 Consultation Hold)
When a PS in Wireless XDP Parallel mode is on a call, other extension users cannot perform the following features when they call this extension:
Executive Busy Override (→ 1.5.3 Executive Busy Override)
Whisper OHCA (→ 1.20.4 Whisper OHCA)
When a PS is paired with a wired telephone, most of the extension settings assigned to the wired telephone (extension number, extension name, etc.) will be used by the PS, and the PS will use its own extension settings once again when Wireless XDP Parallel mode is canceled. Note, however, that the following extension settings of the wired telephone are copied to the extension settings of the PS when Wireless XDP Parallel mode is activated, and will remain in effect for the PS after the mode is canceled.
Call Waiting Setting (→ 1.3.10 CALL WAITING FEATURES)
FWD/Do Not Disturb (DND) Setting (→ 1.4.10 DND (Do Not Disturb), → 1.6.6 FWD (Call Forwarding))
Call Pickup Deny Setting (→ 1.3.7 Call Pickup)
Executive Busy Override Deny Setting (→ 1.5.3 Executive Busy Override)
Itemized Billing Code for Automatic Route Selection (ARS) (→ 1.1.3 ARS (Automatic Route Selection))
Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) Number and CLIP Number Selection (→ 1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation))
Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) and Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR) Settings (→ 1.3.14 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation))
Extension Personal Identification Number (PIN) (→ 1.5.6 Extension PIN (Personal Identification Number))
COS Programming (→ 1.3.20 COS (Class of Service))
Extension User Group (→ 1.7.1 GROUP FEATURES)
Transfer Recall Destination for Call Transfer and Call Park (→ 1.3.6 Call Park, → 1.3.9 Call Transfer)
The PS will retain its original settings for the following items even when in Wireless XDP Parallel mode. These settings can be set on the wired telephone and PS independently, and the settings can be different.
Ring Tone Pattern Table Selection (→ 1.15.2 Ring Tone Pattern Selection)
Preferred Line Assignment—Incoming (→ 1.10.2 Line Preference—Incoming)
Preferred Line Assignment—Outgoing (→ 1.10.3 Line Preference—Outgoing)
Hot Line Setting (→ 1.8.6 Hot Line)
Display Language (→ 1.4.9 Display Information)
Flexible Button Assignment (→ 1.6.3 Flexible Buttons)
Transfer Recall Destination for Call Transfer and Call Park (The setting assigned to the wired telephone will first be copied to the PS's extension settings, then can be changed for the PS if necessary.) (→ 1.3.6 Call Park, → 1.3.9 Call Transfer)
If an extension number is required when changing any PS settings while in Wireless XDP Parallel mode, use the original extension number assigned to the PS, not the extension number of the paired (wired) telephone.
If the Extension Feature Clear is performed, the corresponding extension data for both the wired telephone and the PS will be cleared. (→ 1.5.5 Extension Feature Clear)
When a call arrives, both the wired telephone and the PS will ring. However, when one of the following settings is made, only the telephone which was used to make the setting will ring.
Automatic Callback Busy (→ 1.1.4 Automatic Callback Busy (Camp-on))
Transfer Recall (→ 1.3.9 Call Transfer)
Hold Recall (→ 1.3.3 Call Hold)
Call Park Recall (→ 1.3.6 Call Park)

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Portlozenge.gifDPT Type—Type
2.8.44 [1-2] Portable StationPS Registration and De-registration
2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—MainFeatureslozenge.gifWireless XDP Parallel Mode Set / Cancel
2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsOptional Device & Other Extensionslozenge.gifAccept Wireless XDP Parallel Mode Set by PS
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsOption 1lozenge.gifWireless XDP
PT Programming Manual
[515] Wireless XDP Parallel Mode for Paired Telephone

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)
1.13.2 Paralleled Telephone

Operating Manual References

1.3.77 Wireless XDP Parallel Mode