1.10 L

1.10.1 LED Indication


The LED of the Message/Ringer Lamp and the following buttons (Line Status Buttons and Corresponding Extension Status Button) can indicate line status with a variety of light patterns.
Line Status Buttons: S-CO, G-CO, L-CO, INTERCOM, ICD Group, PDN
Corresponding Extension Status Button: DSS, SDN
1. Light Pattern of the Message/Ringer Lamp
[Digital proprietary telephone (DPT)]
Incoming call from a CO line: Red flashing
Incoming call from another extension: Green flashing
Message(s) present (no incoming call): Red on
No message(s) present (no incoming call): Off
[Analog proprietary telephone (APT)]
Incoming call: Red flashing
Message(s) present (no incoming call): Red on
No message(s) present (no incoming call): Off
2. Light Pattern of the Line Status Buttons
For information on the light patterns of PDN and SDN buttons, refer to 1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension.
3. Light Pattern of the Corresponding Extension Status Button
*1: Only when Call Pickup by a DSS button is disabled.
*2: Only when Call Pickup by a DSS button is enabled.
4. Flashing Light Patterns


The incoming CO line call shows on the buttons in the following priority:
The light pattern of a DSS button for incoming calls can be set to "Off" through system programming. In this case, the DSS button light will not indicate the status of the corresponding extension.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.18 [2-9] System Options
    → Option 1lozenge.gifPT Fwd / DND—Fwd LED
    → Option 1lozenge.gifPT Fwd / DND—DND LED
    → Option 4lozenge.gifDSS Key—DSS key mode for Incoming Call
PT Programming Manual

Feature Manual References

1.3.3 Call Hold
1.3.17 Conference
1.6.7 FWD/DND Button, Group FWD Button
1.9.2 ICD Group Features—Group Call Distribution
1.9.3 ICD Group Features—Log-in/Log-out
1.13.14 Privacy Release

1.10.2 Line Preference—Incoming


A proprietary telephone (PT) user can select the method used to answer incoming calls from the following three line preferences.
Each of these line preferences can be assigned on each extension through personal programming (Preferred Line Assignment—Incoming).



No Line 
Selects a line by pressing the desired Line Access button to answer an incoming call after you go off-hook.
Answers a call arriving at a Primary Directory Number (PDN) button simply by going off-hook. This works even when multiple calls are received simultaneously.
(→ 1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension)
Prime Line 
Answers a call arriving at a CO button (on which the "Prime Line" is assigned) simply by going off-hook. This works even when multiple calls are received simultaneously.
Ringing Line (default) 
Answers the longest ringing call when multiple calls arrive at one's own telephone simply by going off-hook.


[Prime Line]

The priority of the incoming call is as follows:
1) The call arriving at a button on which the "Prime Line" is assigned.
2) The call arriving at the INTERCOM button.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsOption 4lozenge.gifIncoming Preferred Line
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension SettingsOption 4lozenge.gifIncoming Preferred Line
PT Programming Manual

Operating Manual References

3.1.2 Personal Programming

1.10.3 Line Preference—Outgoing


Through personal programming, a proprietary telephone (PT) user can select the preferred method of seizing a line (Preferred Line Assignment—Outgoing) that is used each time the user goes off-hook.



When an extension user goes off-hook, an extension line is selected automatically. If the extension is a PDN extension, the first available Primary Directory number (PDN) button is selected automatically.
(→ 1.13.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension)
Idle Line 
When an extension user goes off-hook, an idle CO line is selected automatically from the assigned trunk groups.
No Line 
When an extension user goes off-hook, no line is selected. In order to make a call, the user must select the desired line manually.
Prime Line 
When an extension user goes off-hook, the preset line is selected automatically. A prime line can be selected from the Line Access buttons: S-CO, G-CO, L-CO, ICD Group.


Line Preference Override
A user can override the preset Line Preference temporarily by pressing the desired Line Access button or a Memory Dialing button, such as One-touch Dialing, before going off-hook.
To select Idle Line Preference, the trunk groups available to the extension should be programmed on a COS basis. Also trunk groups available for Idle Line Access should be assigned.

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.9.13 [2-7-2] Class of Service—External Call Block
2.10.2 [3-1-2] Trunk Group—Local Access Priority
2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension SettingsOption 4lozenge.gifOutgoing Preferred Line
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension SettingsOption 4lozenge.gifOutgoing Preferred Line
PT Programming Manual
[103] Idle Line Access (Local Access)
[500] Trunk Group Number

Operating Manual References

3.1.2 Personal Programming

1.10.4 Local Alarm Information


When the PBX detects an error, the System Alarm button on the proprietary telephone (PT) of an extension which is allowed to use this feature through system programming (a maximum of two extensions per PBX), lights red. Pressing the button will show the error number on the display. If multiple errors occur, the error number will be displayed in order of highest priority to lowest. The System Alarm button light turns off automatically after all error numbers have been displayed.
For details about the errors and their solutions, refer to the Installation Manual.

[Error Example]


Number in the Example



Error Code
Shows three-digit error code.
Sub Code
Shows six-digit sub code (X1YYZZ).
X: Shelf type (Physical shelf: blank, Virtual shelf: *)
1: Shelf number
YY: Slot number (00–11)
ZZ: Physical port number (01–16)


System Alarm Button
Any flexible button can be customized as the System Alarm button.
If an extension allowed to utilize this feature uses PC Console or PC Phone, the alarm information will be displayed on the PC, and can be sent to the preprogrammed destination via PC Console or PC Phone. PC Console and PC Phone use e-mail to send the information.
The alarm information will be logged on the Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR), if enabled through system programming.
The PBX can be automatically diagnosed at a preprogrammed time everyday.

Installation Manual References

5.1.5 Troubleshooting by Error Log

Programming References

PC Programming Manual
2.6.7 Utility—Message File Transfer PBX to PC
2.11.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Buttonlozenge.gifType
2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Buttonlozenge.gifType
2.11.17 [4-3] DSS Consolelozenge.gifType
2.18.1 [11-1] Main
    → SMDRlozenge.gifPrint Information—Error Log
    → Maintenancelozenge.gifLocal Alarm Display—Extension 1, Extension 2
    → Maintenancelozenge.gifDaily Test Start Time—Set
    → Maintenancelozenge.gifDaily Test Start Time—Hour
    → Maintenancelozenge.gifDaily Test Start Time—Minute
PT Programming Manual

Feature Manual References

1.6.3 Flexible Buttons
1.16.3 SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording)