2.7 Help

2.7.1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This section provides answers to some common questions about using the Maintenance Console software to program the PBX. The information is divided into the following topics:



Connecting to the PBX using Maintenance Console.
Maintenance Console Software
Using the Maintenance Console software.
Card Status
Changing the status (INS/OUS) of cards.
Portable Stations
Setting up portable stations, including registration and deregistration.
Changing the numbering plan for the PBX, or numbers of individual extensions or features.
Saving Modified Data
Safely saving PBX data edited with Maintenance Console.
Setting Features
Setting up individual features.



The Maintenance Console cannot connect to the PBX via RS-232C cable.

Is the cable firmly connected to both the PC and the PBX?
Is the serial port that the PC uses correctly specified?
Is the baud rate correct?
The default setting, and a safe rate, is 19 200 bps.
Is the password correct?
Is the Maintenance Console not connected to the PBX by another connection method?

The Maintenance Console cannot connect to the PBX via USB.

Is the USB cable firmly connected to both the PC and the KX-T7600 series DPT with a USB Module?
Is the USB driver on the PC running?
To confirm, open the Windows Device Manager, and look for "Panasonic KX-TDA USB Main Unit driver" in the USB Controllers section. If it is not present, re-install the USB driver.
Is the password correct?
Is the Maintenance Console not connected to the PBX by another connection method?

The Maintenance Console cannot connect to the PBX via LAN.

Is the PC connected to the LAN?
Have the IP address and port number of the PBX been set correctly? For more details, see 2.8.4 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - IPCMPR.
Is the password correct?
Is the Maintenance Console not connected to the PBX by another connection method?

The Maintenance Console cannot connect to the PBX via modem.

Is the dial number of the modem correct? For more details, see 2.18.1 [11-1] Main.
Has a modem been installed to the PBX?
Are the modem settings of the PBX and Maintenance Console correct? For more details, see 2.18.1 [11-1] Main.
Is the password correct?
Is the Maintenance Console not connected to the PBX by another connection method?

Can I perform initial setup of the PBX without being connected to the PBX?

Yes. This is possible in Batch mode.
Create a new system data file using 2.2.1 Start Menu—New, edit settings as required, and then upload this file to the PBX later (see 2.6.2 Utility—File Transfer PC to PBX (SD Card)).

Maintenance Console Software


How do I confirm the software version of the PBX or installed cards?

From 2.8.1 [1-1] Slot, click Summary. Summary information, including software versions, is displayed for all cards installed in the PBX.

Not all of the characters of a setting can be displayed because the column is too narrow.

Move the mouse to the line between the names of 2 setting items, at the top of the table. The pointer will change to a double arrow. Click and drag the line to the right until all characters are displayed.

Card Status


The status of a new card will not change to "INS".

With the new card installed, does the total number of extensions or CO lines exceed the maximum supported by the PBX?
Is the type of card installed in the slot different from the card type set as "Pre-install" for that slot? Confirm that the correct card is installed in the slot.
Is the card firmly and fully installed in the slot? Confirm that the card is installed correctly in the slot.
Confirm that the card is not damaged.

I want to set the status of only 1 port of the IP-GW4 card to "OUS".

This cannot be done, since the IP-GW4 card requires both channels of a port to be set to "OUS"/"INS" together.

I cannot change an LCO port to INS status.

Is the card installed in the appropriate slot?
Is the card installed in the correct slot, but not functioning correctly?
Check the condition of the card.
Is the card itself in INS status?
Set it to INS status.
Is a CO line connected to the appropriate port?
Is the port in FAULT status, even though a CO line is connected?
Run diagnosis on the relevant slot.

How do I prevent newly installed cards automatically being changed to "INS"?

Change lozenge.gifNew Card Installation—Card Status for any Card in 2.8.45 [1-3] Option from "In Service (INS)" to "Out of Service (OUS)".

Portable Stations


I cannot register Portable Stations using the method described in Portable Station [1-2].

Is the status of the CSIF, DHLC or DLC card set to "INS"?
Is a CS connected to the CSIF, DHLC or DLC card? If not, connect one.
Do the PINs (Personal Identification Numbers) of the PBX and the Portable Station match? Confirm that they are the same.
Is the Portable Station within transmission range of the CS?
Has the Portable Station previously been registered at another location?
It is not possible to register a Portable Station at 2 locations, so use the lozenge.gifForced De-registration option to delete the previous registration.

I cannot delete the extension number of a Portable Station.

First, de-register the Portable Station itself, and then delete the extension number.

I cannot de-register a Portable Station.

Is the Portable Station turned on? If not, turn it on.
Is the Portable Station within transmission range of the CS? If not, move it closer to the CS and try the de-registration operation again.

The Portable Station I want to de-register is broken, and will not turn on, or is not available, or the registration information was deleted first from the Portable Station, so it cannot be de-registered.

The Portable Station can be forcibly de-registered by the following the procedure shown in lozenge.gifForced De-registration of 2.8.44 [1-2] Portable Station.

I changed the extension number of a Portable Station, but the display of the Portable Station still shows the old extension number.

Turn the Portable Station off and back on again, to force it to re-register its location.

I changed the FCO of a Portable Station, but the display of the Portable Station still shows the old FCO.

Turn the Portable Station off and back on again, to force it to re-register its location.

If I delete the extension number of a Portable Station, and then turn the Portable Station off and back on again, it does not function correctly.

Do not delete the extension number of the Portable Station, as this information is necessary for it to operate.



How do I change the extension number of a wired extension?

Change the extension number of the target port to the new number, and click Apply. Next, set the port to OUS status, and then back to INS status.

I changed the extension number of a wired extension while the extension was engaged in a call, but the display still shows the previous extension number.

The extension number will not change while the extension is in use. When the conversation is finished, set the port to OUS status, and then back to INS status.

How do I change the extension numbering plan from 3-digit numbers to 4-digit numbers?

Perform the following steps:
1. Open the 2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—Main screen.
2. Enter a 2-digit number in lozenge.gifLeading Number, or change lozenge.gifNo. of Additional Digits from "x" to "xx".
For more details, see What is the procedure to modify the Numbering Plan?.

How do I set a 3-digit numbering plan?

There are 2 methods of creating a 3-digit numbering plan, using 2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—Main:
1. Set the leading number to be 2 digits, with one additional digit. This method allows a maximum of 10 extensions.
Example: lozenge.gifLeading Number = 10; lozenge.gifNo. of Additional Digits = x
In this example, extension numbers 100 to 109 can be used.
2. Set the leading number to be one digit, with 2 additional digits. This method allows a maximum of 100 extensions.
Example: lozenge.gifLeading Number = 1; lozenge.gifNo. of Additional Digits = xx
In this example, extension numbers 100 to 199 can be used.
For more details, see What is the procedure to modify the Numbering Plan?.

What is the procedure to modify the Numbering Plan?

Perform the following steps:
1. Confirm that the Numbering Plan you will change is not currently being used by any extensions (see 2.5.6 Tool—Extension List View).
If it is being used by extensions, temporarily change the extension numbers of those extensions to that of another numbering plan, or delete the extension number (see 2.11.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings and 2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings).
2. Clear the lozenge.gifLeading Number cell.
3. Click Apply.
4. Modify the lozenge.gifNo. of Additional Digits cell as required.
5. Click Apply.
6. Enter the desired value in the lozenge.gifLeading Number cell.
7. Click Apply.
8. Set all extension ports to OUS status.
9. On the relevant screens, set the extension numbers of extensions to the desired values.
10. Set all extension ports back to INS status.

When modifying the Numbering Plan, I cannot change the Leading Number.

It is not possible to use the same Leading Number for 2 extension blocks, or to use a number that could possibly overlap with another Leading Number.
So, for example, if "2" is already set as a Leading Number it is not possible to set "21" as another Leading Number because of the possible overlap of extension numbers.
The number you are trying to store cannot be used if it is already being used by:
A feature number
Another extension block
A lozenge.gifDial setting (see 2.16.1 [9-1] TIE Table)
Quick Dialing (see 2.9.10 [2-6-2] Numbering Plan—Quick Dial)
In any of these cases, choose another number.

When modifying the Numbering Plan, how do I set a 1-digit extension number?

Perform the following steps:
1. Clear the lozenge.gifLeading Number cell.
2. Click Apply.
3. Set lozenge.gifNo. of Additional Digits to "None".
4. Click Apply.
5. Enter the desired value in the lozenge.gifLeading Number cell.
6. Click Apply.
7. Set all extension ports to OUS status.
8. On the relevant screens, set the extension numbers of extensions to the desired values.
9. Set all extension ports back to INS status.

How do I change a feature number?

Perform the following steps:
1. Open the 2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—Main screen.
2. Change the value in the Dial cell of the desired feature.
3. Click Apply.

I cannot change a feature number.

It is not possible to use the same number for 2 items.
The number you are trying to store cannot be used if it is already being used by:
A feature number
An extension
A lozenge.gifDial setting (see 2.16.1 [9-1] TIE Table)
Quick Dialing (see 2.9.10 [2-6-2] Numbering Plan—Quick Dial)
In any of these cases, choose another number.

How do I change the code used to access another PBX?

Perform the following steps:
1. Open the 2.9.9 [2-6-1] Numbering Plan—Main screen.
2. Select the Other PBX Extension tab.
3. Change the value in the lozenge.gifDial cell of the desired feature.
4. Click Apply.

I cannot change an Other PBX Extension code.

It is not possible to use the same number for 2 items.
The number you are trying to store cannot be used if it is already being used by:
A feature number
An extension
A lozenge.gifDial setting (see 2.16.1 [9-1] TIE Table)
Quick Dialing (see 2.9.10 [2-6-2] Numbering Plan—Quick Dial)
In any of these cases, choose another number.

I cannot change a feature number on the B/NA DND Call Feature screen.

The number you are trying to store is already being used by another call feature.
Please choose a different number.

How do I prevent extension numbers being automatically assigned to a newly installed card?

Change lozenge.gifNew Card Installation—Automatic Extension Number Set for Extension Card in the 2.8.45 [1-3] Option screen from "Automatic" to "Manual".

Saving Modified Data


Modified settings have not been updated in the PBX.

Click Apply or OK in the sub-menu screen.

Modified settings are not saved even when I press the Apply button.

To save the system data files, choose Save from the File menu.

If I reset the PBX directly after modifying settings, the modified settings are not updated in the PBX.

When you click Apply, the settings are updated in the PBX, but are not yet saved to the SD memory card. If system data is not saved to the SD memory card, the PBX will restore the data that was last saved to the card in the event that the PBX is reset, or power is turned off and back on again.
Therefore, before resetting the PBX, click the SD memory backup icon to save the system data to the SD memory card. Alternatively, exit the Maintenance Console. This automatically saves system data to the SD memory card.
Do not remove the SD memory card while power is supplied to the PBX. Doing so may cause the PBX to fail to start when you try to restart the system.

After reinitializing the PBX, I restored system data from a previous backup. However, some of the settings have not been restored to their previous values.

The following setting data is not saved to the SD memory card, so will be deleted when the PBX is initialized. This data is stored in the PBX's battery backup memory.
Incoming Call Log
Outgoing Call Log (including Last Number Redial)
Message Waiting
ICD Group monitor log for supervisor
PBX date and time
Timed Reminder
LPR Timed Update time
PT handset/headset volume
PT SP-PHONE volume
PT ring volume
PT display contrast
ICD Group login status
(All extensions are set to Login by default.)
ICD Group Ready/Not Ready status
(All extensions are set to Ready by default.)
Live Call Screening (LCS) On/Off
Hands-free Answerback status
Absent Message status of extensions
(Absent Message data itself is not cleared.)
FWD/DND status
(FWD destinations are not cleared.)
Extension Dial Lock/Remote Extension Dial Lock
Extension PIN Lock/Extension PIN Lock counter
Verification Code PIN Lock/Verification Code PIN Lock counter
Password Lock counter for Remote System Programming
PBX Error Log
Digital Trunk Error Report data
In addition, the following data cannot be restored:
SVM Log and messages (both greeting messages and voice messages left by callers) recorded by built-in SVM feature.

Setting Features


How do I change the dialing mode of an analog CO line?

From the 2.8.27 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - LCO Port screen, change the lozenge.gifDialing Mode setting of the target port to "DTMF" or "Pulse", as required.

How do I set disconnect detection (CPC Detection) for an analog CO line?

From the 2.8.27 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - LCO Port screen, modify the lozenge.gifCPC Signal Detection Time—Outgoing, Incoming setting of the target port.
The required value varies by carrier. Transmission and reception can be set separately.

How do I connect to another PBX using QSIG?

From the 2.8.30 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI Port screen, set the lozenge.gifPort Type of the port you want to use to either "QSIG-Slave" or "QSIG-Master".

How do I change the type of an extension port?

Set the port to OUS status. Then, change lozenge.gifDPT Type—Type in the 2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port window.

I have set the type of an extension port to "DSS Console", but I cannot apply this setting. (Error E000402)

The number entered in lozenge.gifDPT Type—Location No. on the 2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port screen is the same as that entered for another DSS Console. Change this so that the numbers do not overlap.

I have set the type of an extension port to "VM (DPT)", but I cannot apply this setting. (Error E000403)

The lozenge.gifDPT Type—VM Unit No. and lozenge.gifDPT Type—VM Port No. settings entered on the 2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port screen are the same as those entered for another VM (DPT). Change this so that the numbers do not overlap.

I have set the type of an extension port to "PC Console", but I cannot apply this setting. (Error E000402)

The number entered in lozenge.gifDPT Type—Location No. on the 2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port screen is the same as that entered for another PC Console. Change this so that the numbers do not overlap.

What programming do I have to perform to use a headset with an extension?

Set lozenge.gifHeadset OFF/ON on the 2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port screen to "Headset ON".

What programming do I have to perform to use XDP with an extension port?

Set lozenge.gifXDP Mode on the 2.8.21 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port screen to "On".

How do I edit a Class of Service, or create a new Class of Service?

Class of Service feature restrictions can be set from the 2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS Settings screen.

How do I restrict calls between 2 extensions?

Calls between extensions can be restricted from the 2.9.14 [2-7-3] Class of Service—Internal Call Block screen. Click in the relevant cells to select the COS levels whose extensions are blocked from calling each other.

How do I restrict CO line calls made by extensions?

CO line calls made by extensions can be restricted from the 2.9.13 [2-7-2] Class of Service—External Call Block screen. Click in the relevant cells to select the trunk groups that cannot be used by extensions associated with a particular COS in each time mode.
To prevent extensions associated with a COS from making CO line calls, set all trunk groups for that COS to "Block" (blue).

How do I modify the hold operation for SLTs?

It is possible to choose how to hold a line and transfer a call with an SLT using the lozenge.gifSLT—SLT Hold Mode option on the 2.9.18 [2-9] System Options screen.
For more details, see "1.3.3 Call Hold" of the Feature Manual.

How do I set up an Incoming Call Distribution (ICD) group to receive CO line calls directly?

Perform the following steps:
1. On the 2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings screen, enter the floating extension number you chose for the ICD group in the lozenge.gifFloating Extension Number cell.
2. Click Apply.
3. On the 2.10.13 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Member List screen, select the ICD group you created from the Incoming Call Distribution drop-down list.
4. Enter the extension numbers of member extensions in the lozenge.gifExtension Number column.
5. Click Apply.
6. On the DIL tab of the 2.17.2 [10-2] DIL Table & Port Settings screen, enter the floating extension number of the ICD group as the lozenge.gifDIL Destination—Day, Lunch, Break, Night of each time mode.
7. Modify other settings as required from the Group—Incoming Call Distribution Group submenu.

How do I set the queuing operation for an Incoming Call Distribution group?

Perform the following steps:
1. On the 2.10.14 [3-5-2] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Queuing Time Table screen, set the actions as required for each queuing table.
2. On the 2.10.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings screen, from the Queuing Time Table tab, select the number of the Queuing Time Table to use in each time mode.

How do I add an extension as a member of an Incoming Call Distribution (ICD) group?

Perform the following steps:
1. On the 2.10.13 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Member List screen, from the Incoming Call Distribution drop-down list, select the group you want to modify.
The ICD group must have an extension number set.
2. Enter the extension number of the extension you want to add in a blank cell of the lozenge.gifExtension Number column.
3. Set lozenge.gifDelayed Ring as necessary.
4. Click Apply.
Note that it is necessary to set the extension number of the ICD group in advance.

I cannot set system speed dialing numbers from PC Console.

Set the COS of the extension to which PC Console is connected to Manager class, by setting lozenge.gifManager on the Extension Feature tab of the 2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS Settings screen to "Enable".
System speed dialing numbers can only be edited by one PC Console at a time.

I have set FWD through system programming, but calls are still not being forwarded.

Perform the following steps:
1. Check that the lozenge.gifCall from CO—Present Button Status or lozenge.gifCall from Extension—Present Button Status of the target extension on the 2.11.3 [4-1-2] Wired Extension—FWD/DND or 2.11.12 [4-2-2] Portable Station—FWD / DND screen is set to "FWD".
2. Create a FWD button on the target extension if one does not already exist.
3. Press the FWD button so that it changes to FWD status.