2.12 [5] Optional Device

2.12.1 [5-1] Doorphone

The settings to establish doorphone calls can be programmed.
To assign destinations for doorphone calls easily, click Destination Setting (see 2.1.6 Extension Number Setting).

lozenge.gifPhysical Location—Slot

Indicates the slot to which the doorphone is connected (reference only).


Current slot number

Value Range

Slot and sub-slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.1 [5-1] Doorphone

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.12 Doorphone Call

lozenge.gifPhysical Location—Port

Indicates the port number to which the doorphone is connected (reference only).


Current port number

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.1 [5-1] Doorphone

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.12 Doorphone Call


Specifies the doorphone name.



Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.1 [5-1] Doorphone

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.12 Doorphone Call

lozenge.gifDestination—Day, Lunch, Break, Night

Specifies the destination number of doorphone calls for each port in each time mode.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.1 [5-1] Doorphone

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.4.12 Doorphone Call

lozenge.gifTenant Number

Specifies the tenant number for the doorphone port in order to apply the Time Table (day/lunch/break/night).



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.12.1 [5-1] Doorphone

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.4.12 Doorphone Call
1.17.3 Tenant Service


Specifies the Class of Service (COS) number. COS programming determines the doorphone ports that are able to make CO line calls, and sets restrictions on intercom calls from certain extensions (Internal Call Block).



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.12.1 [5-1] Doorphone

Programming Manual References

2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsTRSlozenge.gifTRS Level—Day, Lunch, Break, Night
2.9.14 [2-7-3] Class of Service—Internal Call Block

Feature Manual References

1.4.12 Doorphone Call
1.9.14 Internal Call Block

lozenge.gifVM Trunk Group Number

Specifies the number of the VM trunk group sent to the VPS when the doorphone call destination is the floating extension number of a VM (DPT) group.
The VM trunk group number is used to allow the VPS to send the applicable greeting message to the caller.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.12.1 [5-1] Doorphone

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.12 Doorphone Call
1.19.4 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration

2.12.2 [5-2] External Pager

Settings for external pagers (external speakers) can be specified.
Click Extension List View to view a list of all programmed extension numbers and types (see 2.5.6 Tool—Extension List View).

lozenge.gifPage Number 1, Page Number 2—Floating Extension Number

Specifies the floating extension number of the external pager.


Page Number 1: 600
Page Number 2: Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.2 [5-2] External Pager

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.2.1 BGM (Background Music)
1.13.1 Paging
1.17.2 TAFAS (Trunk Answer From Any Station)

lozenge.gifPage Number 1, Page Number 2—Name

Specifies the name of the external pager.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.2 [5-2] External Pager

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.2.1 BGM (Background Music)
1.13.1 Paging
1.17.2 TAFAS (Trunk Answer From Any Station)

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Direct Inward System Access (DISA) enables outside callers to access specific PBX features as if the caller were using an SLT extension of the PBX.
For more information on DISA, see "1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)" in the Feature Manual.

Option 1

lozenge.gifDISA Security—DISA Security Mode

Selects the DISA security mode to prevent unauthorized access to the PBX. In CO Line or All Security mode, the caller is required to override security by Walking COS or Verification Code Entry in order to enable the restricted feature temporarily.



Value Range

None: Intercom calls, TIE line calls, and CO line calls can be made.
Trunk: Intercom calls and TIE line calls without PBX code can be made. TIE line calls with PBX code and CO line calls are restricted.
All: All calls are restricted.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.19.1 Verification Code Entry
1.20.1 Walking COS

lozenge.gifDISA Security—Remote Walking COS through DISA without PIN (Optional SD Card Required)

Enables registered caller ID numbers to be automatically recognized as PBX extensions when calling through DISA, and to use the Walking COS features without entering a PIN.



Value Range

Disable, Enable (Get DISA)

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.20.1 Walking COS

lozenge.gifDISA Intercept—Intercept when destination through DISA sets DND

Selects how DISA calls are handled if the destination sets DND, and disables Idle Extension Hunting.


Busy Tone

Value Range

Busy Tone, Enable, Busy Message

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifDISA Intercept—Intercept when all DISA ports are busy

Selects how DISA calls are handled if all DISA ports are currently in use.


to Operator

Value Range

to Operator, to AA-0, to AA-9, Disable (Busy Tone)

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifDISA Intercept—Intercept when No Dial after DISA answers

Selects how DISA calls are handled if the caller does not select any option from the menu.


to Operator

Value Range

to Operator, to AA-0, to AA-9, Disable (Reorder Tone)

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—DISA to Public CO

Specifies whether the DISA port of the message card is released when a CO-to-CO line call using DISA is established. To enable this setting, "lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—Fwd/Transfer to Public CO" on this screen should be set to "Enable".
Setting this to "Disable" will free up DISA ports faster, but prevent DISA being used to detect the end of a call and disconnect the CO line quickly.



Value Range

Disable (Release DISA): The DISA port of the message card is released when a CO-to-CO line call using DISA is established.
Enable: DISA stays connected for the duration of the call, to allow detection of the end of the call.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA SystemOption 1lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—Fwd/Transfer to Public CO

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—DISA to Private Network

Specifies whether the DISA port of the message card is released when a CO-to-TIE line call using DISA is established.
To enable this setting, "lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—Fwd/Transfer to Private Network" on this screen should be set to "Enable".
Setting this to "Disable" will free up DISA ports faster, but prevent DISA being used to detect the end of a call and disconnect the CO line quickly.


Disable (Release DISA)

Value Range

Disable (Release DISA): The DISA port of the message card is released when a CO-to-TIE line call using DISA is established.
Enable: DISA stays connected for the duration of the call, to allow detection of the end of the call.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA SystemOption 1lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—Fwd/Transfer to Private Network

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—Fwd/Transfer to Public CO

Enables CO-to-CO line calls to be established using DISA.



Value Range

Disable: CO-to-CO line calls are established without using DISA.
Enable (Get DISA): CO-to-CO line calls are established using DISA, and DISA can be used to detect the end of the call.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA SystemOption 1lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—DISA to Public CO

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—Fwd/Transfer to Private Network

Enables CO-to-TIE line calls to be established using DISA.



Value Range

Disable: CO-to-TIE line calls are established without using DISA.
Enable (Get DISA): CO-to-TIE line calls are established using DISA, and DISA can be used to detect the end of the call.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA SystemOption 1lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—DISA to Private Network

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—Transfer by DTMF "#" (Optional SD Card Required)

Specifies whether an outside party such as a cellular phone can transfer a CO line call to an extension within the PBX by dialing "#" + extension number.



Value Range

Disable: "#" is ignored if dialed.
Enable (as "Flash"): The current CO line call will be placed on hold, then transferred to the extension whose number is entered.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifCO-CO with DISA—Return to DISA Top Menu by DTMF "*"

Enables a CO line caller to return to the DISA top menu by pressing "Asterisk.gif" while hearing a ringback, reorder, or busy tone. If disabled, retrying the call is possible by pressing "Asterisk.gif".



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


Option 2

lozenge.gifDISA Cyclic Tone Detection

Selects the cyclic tone detection mode. Cyclic tone detection is used to determine the end of a call for a DISA CO--to-CO line conversation established through an analog CO line.
To apply changes to this setting, follow the steps below:
1. Change this setting.
2. Set the status of the OPB3 card to "OUS", then "INS".



Value Range

Fixed: The number of times of a tone pattern (a set of tone-on and tone-off) that the PBX receives is fixed to 4 times in the ranges of:
CIRCLEA.GIF,CIRCLEB.GIF = 100–1300 ms, CIRCLEC.gif = CIRCLEA.gifplusminus.gif90 ms, CIRCLED.gif = CIRCLEB.gifplusminus.gif90 ms
Option: The tone pattern that the PBX receives is optional as specified in DISA Cyclic Tone Option on this screen.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References

2.8.1 [1-1] Slot
2.8.41 [1-1] Slot—OPB3 Card Property

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifDISA Cyclic Tone Option—Tone On Maximum Time

Specifies the maximum duration of the cyclic tone that will be recognized by the PBX. When the tone sent from the telephone company is shorter than the value set here, the PBX recognizes it as a tone-on.
Note that this option can only be set when lozenge.gifDISA Cyclic Tone Detection on this screen is set to "Option".
To apply changes to this setting, follow the steps below:
1. Change this setting.
2. Set the status of the OPB3 card to "OUS", then "INS".


600 ms

Value Range

10 × n (n=11–400) ms

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References

2.8.1 [1-1] Slot
2.8.41 [1-1] Slot—OPB3 Card Property

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifDISA Cyclic Tone Option—Tone Off Maximum Time

Specifies the maximum time that the PBX waits for a cyclic tone to be sent from the telephone company before recognizing it as a tone-off. When no tone is detected within the time set here, the PBX recognizes it as a tone-off.
Note that this option can only be set when lozenge.gifDISA Cyclic Tone Detection on this screen is set to "Option".
To apply changes to this setting, follow the steps below:
1. Change this setting.
2. Set the status of the OPB3 card to "OUS", then "INS".


600 ms

Value Range

10 × n (n=11–400) ms

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References

2.8.1 [1-1] Slot
2.8.41 [1-1] Slot—OPB3 Card Property

Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifDISA Cyclic Tone Option—Repeating Times of ON/OFF for Detection

Specifies the number of times the tone pattern (a set of tone-on and tone-off) must be received to establish reception of the cyclic tone. This determines the end of call.
Note that this option can only be set when lozenge.gifDISA Cyclic Tone Detection on this screen is set to "Option".



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References


lozenge.gifTimed Reminder Message - Day, Lunch, Break, Night

Specifies the prerecorded message to play when a Timed Reminder call is answered in each time mode.



Value Range

None, 1–64

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References

2.12.4 [5-3-2] Voice Message—DISA Message

Feature Manual References

1.17.4 Timed Reminder

lozenge.gifRecording Mode

Specifies the sound quality of messages recorded on the ESVM card when using it as an MSG card. Increasing the recording quality reduces the total length of recording time available on the card.
To apply changes to this setting, follow the steps below:
1. Change this setting.
2. Set the status of the OPB3 card to "OUS", then "INS".



Value Range

Low: About 120 minutes of messages can be recorded per card.
Middle: About 60 minutes of messages can be recorded per card.
High: About 20 minutes of messages can be recorded per card.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

2.12.4 [5-3-2] Voice Message—DISA Message

Outgoing messages (OGM) for DISA calls can be specified. A maximum of 64 OGMs can be programmed.
To view a list of all programmed extension numbers and types, click Extension List View (see 2.5.6 Tool—Extension List View). To assign AA destinations easily, click Extension Number Setting (see 2.1.6 Extension Number Setting).

lozenge.gifFloating Extension Number

Specifies the floating extension number of the OGM.


OGM 01–64: 501–564

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.4 [5-3-2] Voice Message—DISA Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)
1.12.2 OGM (Outgoing Message)


Specifies the name of the OGM.


OGM 01–xx: DISA 01–DISA xx

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.4 [5-3-2] Voice Message—DISA Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)
1.12.2 OGM (Outgoing Message)

lozenge.gif1 Digit AA Destination (Extension Number)—Dial 0–9

Specifies the destination for each DISA Automated Attendant (AA) number. After listening to an OGM, the caller can be directed to the destination by dialing a 1-digit DISA AA number.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, and #)

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.4 [5-3-2] Voice Message—DISA Message

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)
1.12.2 OGM (Outgoing Message)

lozenge.gifBusy / DND Message No.

Selects the OGM to be played for the caller when the destination party is busy or sets DND.



Value Range

None, 1–64

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.4 [5-3-2] Voice Message—DISA Message

Programming Manual References

2.12.3 [5-3-1] Voice Message—DISA System

Feature Manual References

1.4.8 DISA (Direct Inward System Access)

2.12.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM

Settings related to the Simplified Voice Message feature can be specified. This feature can be accessed via the IPCMPR card or ESVM card.

lozenge.gifSVM Card No. 1, 2—Slot Number

Indicates the slot position (reference only).


Slot number

Value Range

Not applicable.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

lozenge.gifSVM Card No. 1, 2—Floating Extension Number

Specifies the floating extension number used to access the SVM feature.


Card No. 1: 591
Card No. 2: 592

Value Range

Max. 5 digits (consisting of 0–9)

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

lozenge.gifSVM Card No. 1, 2—Card Name

Specifies the name of the card, for programming reference.


Card No. 1: Voice Msg 1
Card No. 2: Voice Msg 2

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

lozenge.gifRecording Mode

Specifies the sound quality of messages recorded by the SVM feature. Increasing the recording quality reduces the total length of recording time available with this feature.



Value Range

Low: About 120 minutes of messages can be recorded.
Middle: About 60 minutes of messages can be recorded.
High: About 40 minutes (IPCMPR)/20 minutes (ESVM) of messages can be recorded.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM

Programming Manual References

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message
2.11.16 [4-2-5] Portable Station—Simplified Voice Message

Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

lozenge.gifRemote Access

Selects whether the Walking COS feature can be used while listening to a greeting message from the SVM feature. Using Walking COS, a user can access his or her message box remotely.



Value Range

Disable, Enable

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM

Programming Manual References

2.11.9 [4-1-7] Wired Extension—Simplified Voice Message
2.11.16 [4-2-5] Portable Station—Simplified Voice Message

Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

lozenge.gifSVM Cyclic Tone Detection

Selects the cyclic tone detection mode. Cyclic tone detection is used to determine the end of a call when an extension user records a greeting message or callers leave voice messages in a message box.
To apply changes to this setting, follow the steps below:
1. Change this setting.
2. Set the status of the IPCMPR card or OPB3 card to "OUS", then "INS". See 2.8.5 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - OPB3 or 2.8.41 [1-1] Slot—OPB3 Card Property.



Value Range

Fixed: The number of times of a tone pattern (a set of tone-on and tone-off) that the PBX receives is fixed to 4 times in the ranges of:
CIRCLEA.GIF,CIRCLEB.GIF = 100–1300 ms, CIRCLEC.gif = CIRCLEA.gifplusminus.gif90 ms, CIRCLED.gif = CIRCLEB.gifplusminus.gif90 ms
Option: The tone pattern that the PBX receives is optional as specified in SVM Cyclic Tone Option on this screen.

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM

Programming Manual References

2.8.1 [1-1] Slot

Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

lozenge.gifSVM Cyclic Tone Option—Tone On Maximum Time

Specifies the maximum duration of the cyclic tone that will be recognized by the PBX. When the tone sent from the telephone company is shorter than the value set here, the PBX recognizes it as a tone-on.
Note that this option can only be set when lozenge.gifSVM Cyclic Tone Detection on this screen is set to "Option".
To apply changes to this setting, follow the steps below:
1. Change this setting.
2. Set the status of the IPCMPR card or OPB3 card to "OUS", then "INS". See 2.8.5 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - OPB3 or 2.8.41 [1-1] Slot—OPB3 Card Property.


600 ms

Value Range

20 × n (n=6–200) ms

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM

Programming Manual References

2.8.1 [1-1] Slot

Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

lozenge.gifSVM Cyclic Tone Option—Tone Off Maximum Time

Specifies the maximum time that the PBX waits for a cyclic tone to be sent from the telephone company before recognizing it as a tone-off. When no tone is detected within the time set here, the PBX recognizes it as a tone-off.
Note that this option can only be set when lozenge.gifSVM Cyclic Tone Detection on this screen is set to "Option".
To apply changes to this setting, follow the steps below:
1. Change this setting.
2. Set the status of the IPCMPR card or OPB3 card to "OUS", then "INS". See 2.8.5 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - OPB3 or 2.8.41 [1-1] Slot—OPB3 Card Property.


600 ms

Value Range

20 × n (n=6–200) ms

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM

Programming Manual References

2.8.1 [1-1] Slot

Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

lozenge.gifSVM Cyclic Tone Option—Repeating Times of ON/OFF for Detection

Specifies the number of times the tone pattern (a set of tone-on and tone-off) must be received to establish reception of the cyclic tone. This determines the end of call.
Note that this option can only be set when lozenge.gifSVM Cyclic Tone Detection on this screen is set to "Option".



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.12.5 [5-3-3] Voice Message—SVM

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.16.8 SVM (Simplified Voice Message)

2.12.6 [5-4] External Relay

Settings related to external relays can be programmed.

lozenge.gifExternal Relay No.

Indicates the number of the external relay (reference only).


Current external relay number.

Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.12.6 [5-4] External Relay

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.8 External Relay

lozenge.gifPhysical Location—Slot

Indicates the slot position (reference only).


Current slot and sub-slot number.

Value Range

Slot and sub-slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.6 [5-4] External Relay

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.8 External Relay

lozenge.gifPhysical Location—Port

Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number.

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.6 [5-4] External Relay

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.8 External Relay


Specifies the relay name.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.6 [5-4] External Relay

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.8 External Relay

lozenge.gifRelay Activate Time

Specifies the length of time that the relay stays on when activated.


5 s

Value Range

1–7 s

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.6 [5-4] External Relay

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.8 External Relay

lozenge.gifCOS Number

Specifies the Class of Service (COS) number. COS programming determines the extensions that are able to activate relays.



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.12.6 [5-4] External Relay

Programming Manual References

2.9.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS SettingsOptional Device & Other Extensionslozenge.gifExternal Relay Access

Feature Manual References

1.3.20 COS (Class of Service)
1.5.8 External Relay
1.9.14 Internal Call Block

2.12.7 [5-5] External Sensor

Settings related to external sensors can be programmed.
To assign destinations for sensor calls easily, click Destination Setting (see 2.1.6 Extension Number Setting).

lozenge.gifExternal Sensor No.

Indicates the number of the external sensor (reference only).


Current external sensor number.

Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.12.7 [5-5] External Sensor

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.9 External Sensor

lozenge.gifPhysical Location—Slot

Indicates the slot position (reference only).


Current slot and sub-slot number.

Value Range

Slot and sub-slot number

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.7 [5-5] External Sensor

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.9 External Sensor

lozenge.gifPhysical Location—Port

Indicates the port number (reference only).


Current port number.

Value Range

Port number

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.7 [5-5] External Sensor

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.9 External Sensor


Specifies the sensor name.



Value Range

Max. 20 characters

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.7 [5-5] External Sensor

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.9 External Sensor

lozenge.gifDestination—Day, Lunch, Break, Night

Specifies the destination number of sensor calls for each port in each time mode.


Not stored.

Value Range

Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [ ] [Secret], and P [Pause])

Maintenance Console Location

2.12.7 [5-5] External Sensor

Programming Manual References


Feature Manual References

1.5.9 External Sensor

lozenge.gifTenant No.

Specifies the tenant to which the sensor belongs, to determine the Time Table for the sensor. (The tenant number corresponds to the Time Table number.)



Value Range


Maintenance Console Location

2.12.7 [5-5] External Sensor

Programming Manual References

2.9.6 [2-4] Week Table

Feature Manual References

1.5.9 External Sensor
1.17.3 Tenant Service